Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Not much here either. I'm staying inside as much as possible!!! Stay warm Pinky! The nighttime low tonight is 24, I don't think we have as much to worry about as they were saying, unless it just stays lower and rains more, but it's supposed to slack off later.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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still not icing yet, but lots of rain. infact I think its coming down too fast to freeze LOL but the temps are there so thigns are gonna get slick...hoping the rains done by this afternoon so it can get to drying up lol.
dogs are not happy, Keira is incredibly antsy...(no walk yesterday with the rain and certainly no walk today (or possibly even tmorrow)) we WILL have to go to the park sunday morning or were BOTH going to need a Xanax LOL!
shes not being bad or anything...just antsy, cant get comfy, constantly wiggling moving nudging an just generally obviously pent up. lol.
I think once things get all sorted and finalized with the move to my parents place im going to look for a cheap little used treadmill to set up in their garage, good for me on yucky no walk days and train her to use it that should help with this little high energy needs something to do issue weve got going on.
she doesn't play with toys so I cant even distract her that way...though ill probably fill her kong with peanut butter in a little while just to give her something to focus on lol.

Im starting the planning of moving to my parents place.
got word form the health dept that ive got 60 days to fix the septic or the house will be condemned...
I called usda to find out if that could be postponed to give me another month (I cant get an apt for the tank pumped this month and the inspector cant come and finnish that stuff till the 2nd week of January anyway...
and they informed me that they are currently out of funding and don't know when they wil get more...could be tomorrow, could be 2020...they never know...keep checking in...
and oh if I need to discus a postponement on the condemnation ill have to go to the office because its "too much to discus via email" but "we don't have any power of negotiation with the country health officials"

I owe more on the house than its worth, im frutstrated and not getting anywhere fast, I keep hitting road blocks at every turn, and just as thigns start to look up something else comes along...
i already owe more on the house than tax appraisal and now ive got to put $6000 in just to keep them form condemming it?!
so yeah.

im pretty certain im going to just tell the bank to take it back...dads contacted his corporate laywers to see if theres any standing ground since the septic WAS supposedly inspected by a licensed usda approved inspector...but they don't seem to think theres much that can be done
*shrugs* least i got the car before i let my credit go to pot!!! lol

so the plan right now...Sell up stuff over the winter. im looking into costs for blood testing and vet certificates for the livestock but its going to be a lot more than i can afford form the looks of it.
so hoping to sell everyone, got adds for my male goat, pigs, and geese and some of the rabbits up right now...
ill wait on the females until closer to the time because i think some girls are pregnant and if i can make a little extra there...that's awesome.
starting at the end of January ill start listing none eesentail stuff (stuff i don't want to move with me but would rather not toss either, and hopefully between it all ill make enough cash to pay for moving expenses of the stuff i will be taking and hopefully enough tp pay off the land loan in full.

the goal will be spend the next few years paying off debts, saing some cash and then in about 5 years id like to buy a piece of land and BUILD my perfect little home preferably with cash and preferably at least 50% off grid...

in the mean time...
ill be definatly taking my e-lops, angoras and some of the rex, and my banty cochins to NJ with me.
hopgin to sell everyone else, and we'll being a new on 5 acres in NJ with my families assistance.
mum wants mini cows and sheep, dad wants goats and pigs, so we'll probably have a specialty "mini" farm raising mini livestock for pets and small homesteads.
thinking a trio of dexters or mini jersey, a trio of southdown babydoll sheep, a little herd of Nigerian dwarf of mini Nubian goats, and a trio of mini Juliana pigs.
well likely bring in a meat pig each spring to butcher out in the fall,
a flock of khaki ducks, and a laying flock of chickens to keep us in eggs year round, and some geese for dads pond.
ordard, berry patch and small vineyard (the sheep will live in the orchard and keep it mowed, cows ducks and geese will live in the pasture that will go in connected to the pond, and then the goats and pigs in the back, theres aheavily brushed pasture back there that will work for the goats, and the pigs will be rotated spending winter in a portable pen over the vegetable beds, spring in with the goats, summer with the cows, fall in the orchard with the sheep (cleaning up any felled fruit) and back to the potrtable pen where the veggies will live in the winter.

its not the best plan and i feel like im failing in a way but i also NEED to start putting my priorities back in ordr, the goal for this property was to become less reliant on the outside world and more self sufficient, to get OUT of debt, build a life and eventually live comfortably...
in 2 yeas ive started building the efficney with livestock but the debts are climbing the house is falling apart (my bedroom walls are once again SOAKED from the mishmash insulation the walls get completely soaked form the warm wiar hitting them in some spots where the insulation must be lacking or none existant) ive got mold issues in all the corners and on the ceilings, my clothes even get moldy in the drawers, and the more i put into the house, the more it seems to fall apart...all those things the inspector SHOULD have found...are just starting to show up. obviously not heading in the right direction and add to that i realy miss my family, i miss having places to walk that's not a 30 in dirve one way, i miss renfaire and things that i just cant do here due to distance.
and this time of year with my birthday in about a week and Christmas coming up reminds me of those thigns.
for all the wonderful frineds i have here, and as much as i like being alone 90% of the pretty dang lonesome.

so yeah, not saying anything on facebook yet, with all the naysayers over everything else and suffering with a downshift in mood already i don't need thatbull.

i know its time to make a yucky but nessicary decision, and that's what ive done.

i still feel TN is great for me...but im not sure west tn is where im meant to be...mabe east tn...where theres a ltitle more scenery and a lot less highway lol. but thatll be a few years...and hopefully by then ill find a special someone to share my hpes dreams and workload with lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and just like that...the roofs leaking!
the roof that was apparently only 1 year old when I bought the house...yup the "new" roof
I noticed a little drip before I took the dogs out to feed the critters....
put down a puppy pad thinking its condensation, this house does that...ALOT...
come in and theres a small stream pouring from a 1/2 inch hole...looks like its probably been collecting a puddle for the past couple hours and that must have been the weak spot...I waited for the pouring part of the leak to finnish then put a pad and a bucket down to catch future drippies...the drips have slowed dramaticallynow the "dam" has burst and the pressure relived...a good 2 cups of water came out of my kitchen ceiling! FUN FUN!

just more proof I guess, even if I could havegot the septic fixed...I wouldn't have any money left after that to replace the roof. they'll only give me $6000 current quote on septic is right around that give or take $100...

like I said...just when things start to look up...something else comes along...I realy didn't need the kitchen ceiling to remind me of that though lol.
thankfully its 1 very small spot and shoudnt be too much of an issue through the winter, but still...*shakes head*

its not supposed to rain IN my house!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!! by a loooong shot! That is all.... ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Pinky, it's not your fault that all this is happening. It's your own personal SHTF. :hugs


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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What they said! X a gazillion...

Girl, you had the courage to get out there and try this! You gave it the best try that you could. Somethimes things just go wrong and sometimes there just isn't anything you can do to stop the waterfall of 'crap'. You have worked so hard, been resilient, been courageous, and have gone through more 'stuff' than any one person should ever have to face - much less face it alone - and you have survived it all.

Giving up on THIS dream does not mean giving up on all your dreams - you just got dealt a crap hand on this one... Not your fault by a long shot.

I really think you are making the right decision for where you are right now. Later, your options can and will likely change and you can take a new path. I believe that you will do good things wherever you are and I wish you nothing but the best of luck!

Damn roof.... UGH I think that was the final signal that you need to get the heck outta there!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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you guys are absolutely right of course...i figure im not so much giving up on it...just modifying it a little lol. ill continue to do what im doing here...just on my parents land for now...

the ceiling has stopped dripping for now, and i don't think theres much in terms of rain now until sunday, hoping the weather stays clear enough for the get together sunday afternoon but theres another risk of we'll see. im not ready to risk my little go-cart on icy roads lol!

pizza, rugrats go wild movie on Netflix and luvins from the critters, definatly a help this evening...gotta love that they made a movie about 2 of my favorite cartoons mashing together (rug-rats and wild thornberries)
sometimes watching the things you watched as a kid just helps...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Never saw that movie. Guess my kids grew up too quick. :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that's NO excuse deb! lol!
I make it a point to watch Disney/Pixar/nik movies as often as I can...there silly and kidlike and innocent and it just takes me back to a time when my biggest concerns were if I was going to eb able to stay up late or not lol.

no more rain on the overnight, kitchn is dry, and I at least, didn't get the icea crazy that was expected.
goose pool is fine this morning and that's one of the first thigns to freeze up due to depth and surface area, haven't checked the buckets yet, but I do expect the rabbit bottles to be frozen...
giving that a little while though, work up feeling a little yucky, not in a blood sugar kind of way just in a headache/tired, ran 6 miles while I slept kind of way.

not much planned for today, probably going to try and work on getting the hosue clean, start taking some pictures of none essential things and get them listed on craigslist...
theres not much sell worthy but ive got my little 5 gallon mini bow tank and ill probably post the gourds I do have finished, mabe they'll get good homes in time for Christmas.
got to spend some time handling the parrotlets, kinda been neglecting them the last few days and they go home in a week so they've gotta get back into the habit of being handled...
waiting on 1 last amazon gift card to get awarded so I can place my Christmas order for mum, sister and brother, and I also need to place an order at cabellas for dads, mums and the siblings will get addressed to dad so he can wrap them, and dads will get addressed to mum so She can wrap that. wanted to do a whole lot more for them this year...but yeah.

and depending on what the roads look like a little later I might take Keira down to the park for a walk
we both need it.

*edit to add*
ok mabe not, I swear it got COLDER since I whent out the first time,
brought the bunny bottles in to thaw.
they'll get filled with warm water so at least it shoud take a little while to freeze back up.
got a high likelihood of freezing rain coming back thorugh later this afternoon and pretty much through the night into tomorrow morning on and off...but we'll see...figure if I start them off with almost hot water it should give a few hours at least.

good news is 2 baby angoras did yesterday/overnight, bedded down good and proper in their box with a ton of hay. and everyone else seems just fine too.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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hey sis, maybe our personal crapstorms will blow out with this crappy weather and we can get together and watch some cartoons ;) If only...

I hope ur day got better!!! :hugs