Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Gooberment has to complicate everything :/

Thanks Pinky, I had to go buy cheeses and make pizzas tonight :p And jalapeno poppers, and cheesey bread....and we all ate like that pig ur talking about hauling up to Jersey :lol:

Hope they follow through on the bunnies! Speaking of follow a call from the pool dude yesterday, was supposed to send pics, haven't seen em. Texted my email addy again, still nothing. :hu


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh yeah, gooberment are wackadoo!

today I hit up the local food bank (this months a little tight obviously)
and im actually a little disappointed...
NOT to speak bad of free food, or the wonderful work the volunteers are ding, but ore of the companies donating food...
this is supposed to be suplimental nutrition, youd expect the likes of beans, rice, hopefully some fresh produce or eggs, you know BASIC staples to help stretch an already tight grocery budget and strets meals that are probably already fairly low in nutritional value...
so what did we get...
1 box with: 10lbs of banannas (all green) a couple of apples (mine were badly bruised and 1 was moldy) 4 packs of celery a bag of sweet potatoes and 3 grapefruit.
1 box with 3 boxes of cookies, 1 box of sugar free cookies, a box of doughnuts, a bundt cake a box of stale blueberry muffins, and a box of cherry Danish pastries...

that's rice, no beans, no pasta, no canned goods, no meat, NOTHING that could actually make a real healthy meal or even
"bulk out" any other meals.
kinda makes you wonder...
again I realy do appreciate every bit, but I don't think the average joe public has ANY clue
a friend of a friend was going on about how people MUST be getting too much money on food stamps because there all fat....
I cant help but wonder if that person has any clue how little we get on food stamps, how expensive fresh produce and healthy meals can be if you don't have the resources to grow your own, or that needy people are being suplimented with 50lbs of baked goods and sweets every month.

ontop of all that I realized that theres way to many UNAPRECIATIVE mean people at these things...
YES it was cold, the place had no ehat and its a long wait, BUT those people handing out numbers, filling boxes sorting your paperwork ect are ALSO cold, and tired, and doing this as VOLUNTEERS...even if your cold and miserable and tired, put a damned smile on your face and say THANK YOU to these people who sit here for no reward other than knowing they did a good thing!

but enough of that.

confirmed for yellow parrotlet to go home Friday...
white parrotlet to go home Saturday.
and a breeding trio of rex to go home Saturday along with cages. (they are taking my adult opal bluebell, silver the chin and laurel the young opal as a breeding trio) that with the cages pays for what I spent on the lops so ive officially broken even at that point and still have a bunch of other cages and a few other buns to sell too! *fingers crossed*

haven't heard back yet form the lady interested in the 2 male young rex...hopeing she still wants them, ive got them, the Holland, and 2 baby baby angora boys to find homes for.

right now im going to be setting aside every penny I can prepping for the move, but I do need to get the tags transferred to my new car before Christmas which is money I don't have otherwise.
once that's done though im hoarding as much cash as I can over the next few months.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Hey Pinky, I have a ton of rice and beans (almost literally), and we can go pick fresh greens at the neighbors house, and I have frozen okra and some canned goods to spare as well. You're more than welcome to come dig through my pantry :) I like to share with you anyway :D I have some shelf stable dairy as well if you need any. We're back on the food stamp express next week too :/ Soooooo, not like it's taking anything from us :hu If it makes you feel better you can bring me some of those nanners :lol: I love me some bananas when I'm craving sweets!!! Besides that, I'd love to see you and maybe Keira(if you bring her) and you can meet my new super mutt pee pot adorable little ball of needle teeth and fluffs :D Watch the business end though...actually BOTH business ends :p

Maybe we can make some pasta too..if you're interested? I need to make some anyway for us :hu I have PLENTY of flour!!

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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Sorry the food bank is lacking Pink. The one in our town is fantastic and although times are still hard the choices are wonderful. I haven't had the need to use it but I have friends that only get by with the help of the food bank. I have seen the boxes that come from the one here and they do have the staples plus they are very generous, dry beans. peanut butter, catfish, chicken, beef, citrus, apples, all kinds of greens and dairy. Who is in charge of your food bank? city, county or state?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, im ok right now (though WBF im always up for fresh pasta LOL)
I do have lots of rice and beans.
ours comes out of Memphis I belive, most of the stuff at least packaged stuff is Kroger and Walmart as far as I can tell from the packaging and discount lables lol.
its more just an eye opener for those that rely on these boxes EVERY month.
im actually going to be defrosting some sausage and soaking some beans to do a rice and bean "soup" this weekend, I just finished my last tub of the last batch I made
and ive got some butternut squash that are gonna get turned into soup too! I crave soups and stews this time of year lol.
want to make some small breadbowls at some point too...

im at least lucky to be able to be creative with what I have/get ect...and anything I get that I cant eat can go to the pig...
but most people don't have that luxury and rather than throw out all those sweets they eat them.

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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Pasta making party sounded fun. :D The Kroger here donates tons to the state for the county food banks and the local business always have a food drive as well as the Boy Scouts and many church groups. Every wednesday Loaves and Fishes soup kitchen serves free lunch to anyone in the community that wants it. Lots of families and starving college students eat but you don't have to be in need to have lunch. DH and I are gearing up for the Elks Lodge Christmas food boxes. He is a member and I donate my time to help. Try the Elks Lodge in your area I know they have food help available this time of year.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Lots of places have food help here, but someone has to put your name in to get a box delivered usually. Loaves and Fishes is great, I work with the local group some :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well thank goodness!
lady for the bunies is commign Saturday and going to leave a none refundable deposit on the trio.
would have preferred to send them home and have cash now, but knowing they are going home after Christmas is a help.

yellow parrotlet is going home today too around 11ish im expecting her.
and white tomorrow, yay! shes hoping go get ehre "s early as poaaible" so I told her 9:30-10 would be great, bunny lady is supposed to be commng around 11ish tomorrow to place deposit.

and then the rest of today will be getting the cleaning finnihsed (bedroom and some dishes/kitchen cleaning) and at some point. a "long" (as long as the water tank will give me being only 30 gals) HOT shower.
I ache today for some reason.

still got to tend the bunnies, gonna do that in a few mins since il likely need to bring bottles in to thaw...and my electric fence is going POP POP over in a spot its shorting so gonna go clean out whatever bug has decided to ground me out there too.
oh and I realy should clip some of the bunnies nails, at least the ones that this lady is depositing on tomorrow lol.
Might even move some around, put acorn in witht he colony and put both girls that are being sold into some of the cages.

got my free astrological sun return chart in the email this morning...this year is going to bring: a time of financial planning and preparedness, a re-evaluation fo my "worth" as a worker, a need for developing and re-establishing relationships and a little bit more self control when it comes to my over endulgences...
hmm, I could do with ALL that stuffs so yeah.

and that's about all I got.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and then little white parrotlet was whisked off to his new home.
got the woman interested in the rex pair/trio supposed to be coming at 11 to take a look, ask some questions and place a deposit *fingers crossed*

ive also got someone else interested in a pair/trio ive offered them one of the young castor bucks and 2 of my proven big broken black and my small tri. that would leave me a young black otter and a proven castor doe to go with my red boy. I need the money more than I need the buns at this point so if that's a way of selling at least 1 of those ltitle castor boys im good with that.
shes got to discus with hubby tonight and will let me know asap. shed be taking some cages and stuff too so that also helps the bank account.

that would leave me Holland lop boy, 2 baby angoras and 1 castor boy to sell at that point.

waitig on 11ish and then once that's done, shower then going out for birthday lunch, supposed to be meeting up with a few friends at ryans (I has coupon YAY!) then from there going to another frineds after early dinner to hang out for a little while so thatll be cool...least I wont be alone on the birthday.
Birthday Skype dinner with the family tomorrow which will also be nice, got to make a single serving cake or something for that...mabe an single serve apple crumble, lord knows right now ive got plenty of apples lol.

and then a new week starts.
got to get some things sorted out just after Christmas to get prep rolling for moving in march...
and got to go get the tags transferred for the new car before the 23rd lol
and yeah...stuff.

REALY want to go to see the 2nd instalment of The Hobbit tomorrow, just cant realy afford it. got to fill up my gas tank today (hey ive done 250 miles on 1/2 a tank NOT bad lol) I don't like to let my car get low if I can help it...

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