Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im actually keeping my eyes on craigslist for a bumper pull, I figure dads jeep would probably be able to handle it...and at least we could re-use it later. hed have to bring his jeep down here but at least I could also use the jeep for cargo space, put the larger/longer stuff in the trailer with the pig and goats (and the buns and chickens in smaller carriers in and on the tack areas) then boxes in the jeep.
then my car would have the dogs cats, and any additional "wont fit" smaller livestock and boxes.Im also thinking of cheaper ways to send the smaller stuff (ie vacume bag box and ship usps lol)
but that's also why im starting to price things up now...lots to get arranged and figured out before then so I know what I will need when it comes down to it.
im probably going to vacume bag and ship all my spring/summer clothing at minimum, along with any extra bedding I wont need...

just spent the afternoon with keira at the park, nice walk, only about 1/2 mile but she does it well, then we go on the handicap acessable playscape, its got steps and ramps and wider platforms and various colors and textures so im using it to practice paying attention to me, left and rights and going easy up and down steps and ramps. its also realy good for "unfamiliar surfaces" as its textured metal and in some areas you can see down to the ground easily through the grating, other areas its solid other areas have the rubber traction stuff...
she does amazingly not a hesitation when I ask her to do something, just wish the walk was finnsihed, there installing a 1 mile path around the park, we were going to do it today but the patches that arnt graveled yet are just too muddy to try.

checked on the goats, poppoes ligs feel a ltitle soft, im guessing shell kid in the next few days, daizy I think has a week or so.
tomorrow plan now involves fixing the pallet shelter so ive got a kidding area away from pig-wig.

anywho, gonna go give he a quick check just to be certain. im not so worried about complicatiosn but, Blood/yuck and a 300lbs a little worried instinct MIGHT be too much.
tomorrow im hoping to fix the OLD shelter (the one made out of pallets that the pigs kinda re-made by taking out the front wall) and turning that into a kidding pen, just need to put the pallet back in place and fix it up tight and bed it down, so im hoping daizy sint planning for tonight lol.
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Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well looks like ive got a castor buck and my broken black doe sold. thatll leave me with 1 rex, 1 angora and 1 Holland lop to sell

and leaves 3 e-lop, 3 angora and 4 rex in the rabbitry which is exactly where I want to be.

got the largest of the cages pre-sold to go with the angora that's sold.
and got the 4 smallest cages sold.
that leaves me a 2 24", a 30" a wooden hutch and a small "house" cage and some carriers left to sell,
hoping some of them go as packages with the 3 remaining buns.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Glad you were able to get that all sold.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow - you are moving right along! Really sounds like your folks place is going to be great. I forget - how much land is it?

Good luck on finding a bumper pull... sometimes they're pretty cheap and you can get a good deal.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, the castor boy and black girl whent home this just got the 3 left to sell.

managed to kinda fix the pallet shelter, need to take some bungees down there tomorrow moring and strap the whole thing together securely, also going to take the welded wire and t-posts down and put up a temporary fence with a strand of electric around he outside.
ligs are currently still present but both poppy and daizy are looking large, will be checking ligs twice daily until they pop.

but on the opposite side of the good spectrum...
found out the dealership did not charge all the tax like they were supposed to...they got the asic 7% for TN BUT apparently theres an additional 2.75% that needs to go to county...even t lady at the couty clerks office said its insane and most dealers IN the state don't even know about it...
so now instead o f $15 to transfer the plates, its $100 for the transfer and the additional county taxes. *GAH!*
so much for the money I had all of 15 mins ago huh?!
oh and then another $25 for renewal in January LOL!

thatll probably got done Friday...*sigh*

and keira killed her bed while I was out...shes been sooo good about not tryin to tear it apart...apparently I was gone a little too long. *sigh*
shes such a dumb smart dog!.


enough of that!
resisted buying the cutest set of feety pajamas today...hoping they still have then after Christmas when the sales start! lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well its not MY good news but I do like I when good thigns happen to good people, had some frineds that got screwed wen the contractor they hred decided other wrk was more mportant than the jobs theyd aleady agreed I hooked them up with someone in particular who I knew would appreciate the work and it all worked out awesome for everyone formthe sounds ofthings *happy dance*

whent to town was going to stop at te bi-weekly perishables food bank, (veggies, milk, bread)
they are church run, let 10people in, sermon for15 mins then get your box and folks were wating 45-60mins in the shade in the wind, to get their boxes (no seats offered despite this group bein a lot of elderly people who obviously were having issues standing)
and folk were VERY disappointed to get their "box" that contained a single bell pepper, 4 stalks of celery (yup not even head but 4 stalks!, 1/2 lb of chopped cabbage a sandwhich sized baggy of diced onion and 1lbs of cucumbers...
I didn't stay, there were so many people in line for 4 stalks of celery that I couldn't bare to take it from someone who needed it much more than me...

came home, set up a fence in the barn so ive got a couple of kidding stalls in there now. ligs still present at bdtime feed, so I think im good for another day at least lol.
poppy actscloser, but daizy is definatly building a little udder...gonna be a surprise to see who gos first.
neither are huge, so im thinking twins tops.

Keira found out the fence BITES today decided to try and vist the goats while I tended the bunnies...dobt shell be doing that again any time soon lol, sh ran straight back to the house, and into her crate LOL!. poor girl!

MIGHT have a home for sage, guys supposed to be coming either Monday or Tuesday, loking for a pasture friendly pig to breed and raise his own pork from. *fingers crossed* ill be one less head to worry about with the upcoming crazy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Do they get food from any place other than from the church members themselves? If so, those attending the church may be hard up as well right now.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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its supposd to be coming from a main food bank in Memphis, which gathers its donation from Kroger, sams club/Walmart, and a few other places under usual circumstances
the church is just a "distributor" for the Memphis trucks.

I hate making a stink because I relay am greatfull for every ounce we get, BUT I cant help but wonder if folks are aware that so little is getting to the people who need it...
makes me wonder why boxes that are typically well filled and varied (even if most of the produce is quationable in terms of remaining shelf life) are not currently getting the same fill, are the major facilities that usually donate running low on donaables?
Kinda odd realy...and such a shame.

and this group is very obviously overwhelmed too, there talking about turning people away, cant take any more aplications and are likey going to be turning folks form out out o county to other food banks...(for folks like me that could mean driving 30 mins as opposed to 5 because of how the country line runs...and a lot of people today were sayin if thts the case they wont be able to pick up food anymore due to the increased gas cost/milage, lack of transport ect.

ceraintly makes you appreciate what you do have and re-evaluate

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Do any of the churches in the area have a food pantry? I know my church does, and they always let us know if they're low. I'm not sure how many turkeys we gave away this year, and my church is small-less than 45 people typically! But, we had offers of more turkeys than they needed right then, so some were held onto for a bit. I got a free turkey which I didn't need, so I donated that.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I dunno, I don't attend church...
theres something abou asking a church for free food when I don't belive in the same god or their teachings that would make me feel like a hypocrite...but at the same time theres also so many people who REALY do need it that id also feel terrible personally taking food from a churches food lot when they probably have more than enough loyal members in need to.

state run facilities ill attend (even though they are all religiously run (all te volunteer groups around here seem to be church based) but direct from a church that's community raised and in need of supporting its own people...I don't think I could do that without feeling hypocritical.
especially when I am not nearly as desperate as so many that go.
plus if THATS al that's available from such a large food bank hate to imagine how bare the smaller privately/church run pantries must be getting right now.

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