Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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didnt sleep well at all last night...
had alot of odd dreams, some realy upsetting, one of which i had the house...or A house...and for some reason had taken my car to some kind of feed lot and had them fill up the trunk with dried peas...i dont mean bags of dried peas, i mean gravity fed dried peas directly into the trunk of my car and i was feeding what looked to be alpaca crossed with goats these dried peas by the shovel full out of the back of my car....

i cant imagine ever needing a trunk (large enough to fit a human being comfortably) filled with dried peas...

im in a funk today, im not gonna beat myself up about it, im allowed to be upset about not being able to move forward with the house...itll take some time to get over and move on and im going to try and keep busy till then but still allow myself to greive.

the good news is, got a call from the elctric company, and should have the refund of my deposit by the end of next week...*fingers crossed*

still need to talk to the plumber and see if i can get a letter of his findings to send off with the notice to cancel contract/refund money before flling that form out (i want to send as much proof as humanly possible so they have no eason to fight with me...
dad reminded me however that worse comes to worse his company supplies us with legal representaion and ill take advantage of that if need be...

today is 9 months since my surgery and ive lost 130lbs so far...hoping to keep this pace so i can meet drs goal by my 1yr check up...
hard to belive 9 months has gone by already...
gonna get some updated progress photos, they help me see the loss as i dont see it in the mirror.

ive also got to take mum to a drs apointment today and i need groceries even if mum those are planned for today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Congratulations on the weight loss! That's like losing a whole person!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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it realy is, i have frineds in the 130-140lbs range...
the odd thing though is since loosing the weight ive found my back aches more.
im fairly certain its from the shift in weight and posture...
that and the boobies...

see i whent from a 50 D to a 38-40DD-DDD depending on the cut/brand. so while my band size has gone down the cup size hasnt moved and actually increased slightly...
the problem with it though is that me and gravity have never been good frineds, and now its even worse, so the boobies have gotten bigger and the sagging skin means my center of gravity has shifted...

im going to talk to a dr about it so its on record for the future...

i have my 1 yr apointment in september, at which point im going to see if its worth persuing a plastic surgeon at that point or if i should wait longer...
i need some excess skin removing, no amount of excersize of moisturizing will fix it and its causing issues beyond the back too so itll probbaly be removal of the belly skin, a mid lift and a breast lift...hopefully that combination will remove alot of the excess from around the mid section and help correct my posture.
arms thigs and a butt lift (i have NOOOOO butt) will probably come evnetually too, but my belly and mid section are realy causing me some issues.
i may have ot wait till the 2 year mark though...we'll see.

for anyone that would like to see pictures
(i am in my underware, nothing inapropriate can be seen, but for those who do not like to see flesh you have been officially warned) weightloss progress/
password is foxy1214

ive found the pictures to be incredibly helpfull because when i look in the mirror i still see the girl from september of last seeing myself side by side is a huge help.

ive gone from a size 28 to a size 14-16
xxl-xxxl tops to a large
ive still got a LONG way to go, another 45lbs or so would put me right at a healthy BMI...but yeah...

in other news...
talked to my agent today, shes NOT happy, i knwo its wrong but i had to giggle....aparently theres something i find highly adorable about a tennessee accent cussing LOL.
shes had as much to loose as me, i mean shes done all this work to get to this point only to be told...oh btw your not getting paid for it...
so shes on the lookout again for me, and ive seena few properties online i like the looks of...
one is one i wanted to go see while we were down there but we ran out of time and it was the only one in that i crossed it off...well its still on the market, and has had alot of reno work done, and is on 4 1/2 acres, so that one along with a few others have been added to "the list"
shes going to try and go out to each one that mght be a possibility and take a metric buttload of poctures for me, inside and out, even video so we can narrow down ect as needed.
i told her im not interested in working with hud anymore or fha, either conventional (i can aparently get a 5% down wiht my credit score) or homepath only...

she also knows what im willing to do and what im not in terms of fixing up and we'll see if we can get a solid list together for 2-3 days of showing...
ill probably fly in and hopefully camp while there to save some money...

but if the vids show things im worried about im not going to bother flying out for 2-3 properties...
especially since ill need that money for down payment ect.

im down, but im not out.
my agent is adamant that if they give me any problems about the earnest mmoney im to tell her and shell talk to shes just as upset as i am about this for more than the reason of her payment.

nothing to get excited about yet...but just wanted to make it clear that its not over yet lol.

i bought myself more skinny cow icecream today and hid it under my healthy frozen veggies...mabe that will help keep it safe...:)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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Wow i wish I coud lose weight like that. I know what you mean about the boobs. I think mine are still growing or something. I wear a size H. Yes that is a real size. Equal to a DDDDD. I have a lot of lower back problems, but I think my butt kinda cancels them out some, most of my weight I think is in those 2 places. :rolleyes: Thats too bad about the place. We have a lot of trouble trying to find anything good anytime we have looked. With this market though you would think it would be easy to find something.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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PinkFox, sorry about the house - I've been quietly following this saga, and yep, from what I understand, your experience is fairly normal. :(

Good luck moving onward to the next opportunity!


Apr 4, 2009
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That stinks about the house- I'd love a spring! (I'm envisioning a spring-fed cold house :D ) House hunting and moving is a horrible process- I hate it. I think that is the only thing keeping us here at the moment. Well, that and we both have jobs. It's not a good time to go job hunting.

Good luck with the hunt- look at it as more time to save up money. Maybe by the time you find something you love as much you can afford more ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Pink - you've done a FANTASTIC job with the weight stuff! You're right, the pictures are a great indicator at how far you've come.

As for the top heavy part....well...sometimes we're "blessed" as some men (like my husband) like to say. I'd like to get a reduction, but the before and after pictures scare me. You could wear some type of back support or...I can't remember what it's called...sort of like a girtle (sp?) or spanks but for the stomach/boob part.... :hu

Just join me and OFG at Hooters and we'll show them gals how it's really done! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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LOL, ive only been to hooters once...dont think i could pull off the fake SUCH a redhead lol.

im thinking about picking up a back support and using that for a while to see if it helps, its more the side than the back realy, seems to be right in the obliques
gotta put together some good yoga stretches for the obliques :D

stopped at goodwill today, picked up 2 new dresses and a new pair of jeans...
size 14!!!

om my goodness, i didnt think id EVER fit in a 14, the 16s were actually too big on me!

one of the dresses needs to be taken up on the length, but otherwise, both of those are size large! squee!

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