Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah, though I found out theres an additional fee I forgot about so itll likely be closer to $150, but there is a discount because eim low income of $7 LOL! so yay discounts for poor people.

got my deppo shot today and started an attempt to refil my fridge with low carb goodies...we'll see, witout a good food budget right now its a little more difficult but I NEED to get this bac under control, I feel fat and blaoty and could be hormonal, but it could also simply be me jumping off the diet wago again...I have NO willpower lol, especially when im due for my progesterone!

otherwise nothing going on right now. got some cable ties, gonna spend tomorrow redoing the colony cage the rex girls ar ein...we had a lot of kits die on the last kindling that shouldn't have, 2 does kindled in the same box and we lost a good 1/4 of them, then my tri-doe abandoned her litter, likely because she was helping take care of the older im going to divide up, tri doe is rebred to kindle in about 2 1/2 weeks, bred castor doe today and will try to breed balck otter doe over the next few days (she refused to lift this morning)
well see what happens and then go form there, by dividing the cages up I open myself up a 4th hole, in that thinking id like to bringin in a nz or cali (or meat mix) doe specifically for meat litters, as out of my current rex I only have 2 boys not yet spoke for that might end up in freezer camp...a doe specifically for butcher kits (mixed) would be a good addition.
I also want to get a couple of larger cages for my angora does who seem a little squished, not yet sure yet however exactly how I want to accomplish it...
im putting serious thought into selling at least 2 of the adult angora (got 2 does bred due soon so il see how they do this time) ot make room in the rabbitry.
but we'll see...
grooming them is a task for this weekend too.

baby goats are doing good, broody hen is still broody, and eggs in the incy seem to be doing ok (candle them this weekend...*fingers crossed*
rooms still a disaster zone, but otherwise.

Farmers market starts this weekend so im kinda looking forward to taking a look, apparently theres live music all ay an stuff so that could be cool.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That does sound cool. We don't have live music at the ones around here.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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hoping itll be good, especially on the prices, low carbing is expensive lol.
hoping next year we will have a big garden and not have to worry about it but we are very behind this year...
raspberries and blackberries are going to become VERY important additions as are some perennial strawberry beds, we should have enough blueberries between the 8 different ones we have...and berries are pretty much going to be my summer staples I think...
had greek yogurt with 2 small strawbereeis some raspberry and some blackberry sliced up and mixed in, was yummy but berries are always expensive.

did ge toutside and do some work on the rabbitry today...
I had issues with babies last litters as we know, what should have been 24 babies ended up being 8 after the losses...and my tri-doe hazel is apparently a hormonal bitch rhgt now, shes bred, due in 2 weeks but ive never seen her hump the other girls and chase them like shes been doing so im thinking mabe the colony cage (4x8) was just not big enough for them to be truly content...they did have a 20x20 pen to share before :/
I cant put in a pen here dad wont allow it, so I put the dividers back in the colony cage so now it is 4 4x2 cages instead.
ive got some welded wire left and some cage wire, so im going to work on putting together some more movable rabbit tractors for the babies, nothing huge but I would like to build at least one more.
ive got 1 30x30 that im going to build a "house" addition onto and put it on a wooden frame with some wheels to make it easier to move...and im hoping to at least get a 2nd built out of whats left of the welded and cage wire I have, again an external nest box and frame and wheels will be nice to be able to raise them on grass and use them as mowers too lol.
gonna probably play with some ideas on that this afternoon....mabe work on the nest box idea today and get stuff to finnish it off this weekend and to build the 2nd...
my goal after these next batches is to get everyone bred around the same time so I can separate by sex and have 3-4 grow out tractors rather than 10 lol.

dad was also talking about meat chickens...once the ducks and geese that are coming arrive and are all settled in im going to see about making a chicken tractor or 2 and get a couple batches of meaties in...the price of chicken is astronomical, and itll give dad an idea as to whether or not he wants to raise a few batches specifically for meat each year or if we JUST want to keep back any extra hatched roos for butcher instead (essentially the occaisonall few here or there or 50 in the spring and 50 in the fall...we eat a lot of chicken and would probably eventually want to raise more than that but I know my limits, im thinking batches of 25 2 weeks apart would be good, I can do 10 in a day (tiring but I can) so it would spread it out some.

and that's about all I got right now...sooo...
gonna finnich my drink and get back to work :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Having just finished processing our meaties I don't wanna even look at one for awhile, lol. But, I did get much faster and the last batch of 5 that we did were all in the ice chest within an hour. The last 5 that we did were HUGE! One was over 8 lbs and that's a lot o' meat for just DH and me Glad to hear more things are coming together for you.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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checked out the market this morning...
its small but nice, prices are a little higher than grocery store but some nice looking stuff...
they had a free basic yoga class going on and live music...
I think it could be SOOO much more with a little help and im going to contact them to see what they've done to increase the number of vendors ect...ive also told my sister to talk to her boss at TSC about starting up a chicken swap/farms days event even if its just once a month...
keira did very well ater the intial 10 mins of "OMG PEOPLE!" settled right down and put her working hat on and did very some people very interested and "OMG shes beautiful" and some people who pretty much whent out of their way to avoid coming within a 10ft radius of her lol, but she did well and im going to be taking her every weekend.
dad took the GSD pup gypsy too and even she did very well.

not much in terms of plans for today, im probably going to take my wire up and work on planning out some grow out pens for the buns,
and I realy need to work on my room which for some reason smells like stinky feet (and I don't get stinky feet (no realy I don't sweat well I go bright red and overheat instead lol))

beautiful day out though so id rather work on the bunny stuff...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well didn't have the kind of "production" today that I wanted but I still id pretty good, got new pictures of the baby buns and got 2 of the angora clipped.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm ever up that way, I'm going to have to check out that market w/you.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that would be awesome deb!

in other news...
why is it that when I have an idea its sily and dismissable, but when someone else (ie dad or sister or mother) repeat MY idea as their own its suddenly wonderful?!
I mean yay for realy thinking its a good idea...but boo for not acnowliging ME when I gave it to you!

in other news, sat outside listening to the pond water trickle and the crickets...they are sooo quiet compared to TN crickets...

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