Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yeah, it has. It seems like it was just a couple of days ago that you posted they were born and then you posted pics of them w/their eyes opened and I had trouble believing they were that old already!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, your not the only one, when i saw the eyes open i had to DOUBLE check the calender!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well my fingers and toes no longer tingle, but im still not feeling my normal energy levels. however i knwo the shot i got was just playing catch up and im still probbaly very low. (with the B12 shots generally you know when your "full" because your urine takes a slight pinkish tinge as the body starts to pass the stuff it couldnt use..yeah my body sucked down a whole 10ccs od B12 and could probably to it again.

but the not tingling in the toes and fingers is definatly an improvment.
just wish i had my get up and go back lol.

today is cleaning day, so got to get off my tush and get this place looking less like a bunch of teenage boys live here...its not that its dirty, its just that ive let things pile up a little, theres dishes to be done and torn paper (thanks dozer) to pick up ect.

the temperatures are in a comfy zone for me (ac is off, windows are open YAY!) so i think thats goign to start helping too...

but yeah, nothing exciting going on today other than cleaning house which i need to get a move on doing.

puppies are doing well too, still spend most of thier time sleeping, but they are learning to play ect. they are 3 weeks old today! starting monday ill start introducing mush (wet food mixed to soup with milk replacer) and then next wednesday theyll also start having acess to soaked kibble (the dry kibble will be in the pen with them too to play with) by 5 weeks try to have them on 2 meals a day of straight wet food and free feeding on the dry and by 7 weeks i liek to have them only on dry food. its up to thier new families to decide if they want to feed wet or put them onto a schedual ect. times going so fast with the little peanuts.

otherwise...lets see.

I need to figure out a way to give the ducs and geese acess to the back field but NOT give the goats acess to the back yard lol. so that means i need to build some kind of gate. my backyard is looking rather "bare" and im worried the ducks and geese are going to graze it to oblivion...but that back feild still has PLENTY of grass and the goats just arnt working very fast, especially in the area that will become the orchard come october.

ive got a few options, #1 would be to fence off the area that will be the orchard, im going to eventually have to do this anyway to keep the goats out i know geese and ducks are relitivly well insulated from electric so its not going to do much damage (dont want them zapped to death if they try the fence) so im currently thinking i could probbaly just run electric around the area at my current goat height, itll keep the goats out and might keep the geese confined to what will be the orchard area...
I actually dont mind them exploring the entire feild, i just dont want the goats getting into the back yard (and eventually come october the orchard for obvious reasons)

so i think thats a project for september, i just need a couple of T posts and step ins, ive still got wire left so it hopefully wouldnt be an expensive project. the geese and ducks would have acess to alot more space and fresh grass to nibble on, hopefully get the orchard space mowed ready for october, and i could then keep them out of the backyard while i tidy and seed it ect., it was all weedy clumps of crab grass ect, the ducks and geese have done a great job of mowing it ut obviously with the way clumping grasses spread ive got lots of big ugly bare spots so im hopign to reseed with a clover and grass mix that should give me a nice "lawn" in the area i want it lol, then i can rotate the quack pack in when it needs mowing lol.

anywho...realy need to stop procrastinating lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im tired today.
we had a big thunder storm come through in the wee hours of last night and dozer decided that the thunder (which i will admit gave a couple of close cracks heavy enough to give the house a lil shake) was a mass of evil beings hell bent on invading our home and killing us while we otherwords..noone should slepe because theyll get us the moment we open our eyes...
so he spent a good few hours, barking then grumbling on to himself, thenanother boom and the barking would start again. the storms dont usually bother him but this one must have been right ontop of us and he wasnt happy.

this morning i fed ruby and the babies decided "hey lets wean ourselves. dry fod has now been relocated (they dont even have teeth yet and im worried theyll choke right now lol) and ruby will be fed her morning eggs BEFORE i bring the babies out of the bedroom.
so taking the cue puppies got their first mushy meal involved plenty of food everywhere, on them on the floor (i have a sheet of lino down thank goodness lol) and quite a bit IN them...they all seemed to enjoy it but the girs weredefinatly more enthusiastic than the boys. will repeat this afternoon...starting monday theyll also get a bowl of soaked kibble to chew on during the day...ruby is spending less and less time with them, so its definatly time to start the process (i let her and the puppies tell me when they are ready, but this is the first time theyve been trying to steal from mommas bowl at only a few days past 3 weeks, lol. advanced!

the 2 buyers backed out so now instead of having 3 puppies sold and 1 left to find a home for, i now have 1 puppy sold and 3 left to find homes for lol. aint that always the way.

todays plan...well there honestly realy isnt one.
ive got some dishes to do and id like to pickle some onions and eggs (picked eggs is a new thing for me, i didnt think id like em...but i do.)
and depending on what the weather decides i may go do a little weed wacking and trimming in the back pasture. TSC has t-posts on sale this weekend, so i could get a couple and get the "orchard" fenced off this weekend so i can give the ducks and geese acess to more fresh grass (and let my back yard recover a little) i need a good "lawn" seed mix but part of me still wants to just seed the entire thing in clover so im thinking a good grass mix mixed with clover... right now my backyard is looking a little too much like a dirt lot and not enough like a garden...and i want a pretty garden so...

but yeah thats pretty much all the "plan" i have for right now. there saying storms on and of all day, but im not seeing much activity right now on the radar heading towards i dont think were going to get much...if anything.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today did NOT go as planned.

i had to return a cooler to someone in the poultry group and the swap was at tsc today, tsc were also having a sale on T-posts which i need to start woring on this fence for the orchard area and so i can left the ducks and geese have acess to that area and weed it down for me...
get up there, give the cooler back...tsc is sold out of t-posts *DOH* they had the heavy duty 7ft thanks LOL. (who the heck needs 7 ft t-posts?!)

im also looking for some 1/8" inch painters tape, i want to do faux tile for my kitchne backsplash and 1/8" painters tape is the right size for the "grout lines" so id been tod to try automotive stores and craft stores since walmart only carries 1 and 1.5"
whent to joannes...nope nothing...
come out of front tire is FLAT...
limp across the road (since i couldnt put my spare on because the neighbor still has my jack...) to firestone who do flat repairs...they take a look...umm, we cant repair it...
it hadnt just spring a leak, the entire inner wall had given was down to steal and had split along 1/2 the inner wall, no repairing it...but they could replace it for me for a nice price of $129 (not including state fees and tax...) i had precicely 109 in my bank account....umm, not happening.
they were nice enough to put my spare on for me though so i could limp about...its a 1/2 size spare which means not over 45mph on it...
gues who was 1 hour from home down a 75mph highway?! yeah...
so they tell me ive got a few options i can limp home and hang out on the spare but that will mean no more than 45 on the highway and even that was risking it...
i could go someplace and get a used tire, which for my model with instalation woudl probbaly set me back about $50 (im SERIOUSLY warey about used tires, ill be honest, they scare me!)
or i could get a new tire put on and walmart has the best off to walmart i go...
new tire ended up being $90 including alignment, state fees, tax ect..
i had to go to walmart for a few small groceries anyway and still had $10 left in my food got groceies while i waited
picked up car...was informed other 3 tires are going to need to be replaced ASAP *yay* tread should be a 10...tread on remainding tires are 5 on the passenger front, 6 on the drivers back and 7 on the passenger back...yup, there not going to last much longer and could also blow out on me for the heck of it.

I cant even figure out what would have caused the split in the tire wall, he said they were low tread but not THAT bad, and i havent bumped into anything run over anything and didnt even hear pop....and im ensured thes nothing "rubbing"...

then i realized i have 1/4 a tank of gas to get home i had to stop and put $10 in the gas tank...
$100 later...ive got $9 to last me to the end of the month (had it not been for the deposit on the male i wouldnt have been able to even consider getting the tire on...)
and ive pretty much got NOTHING to show for it beyond a gallon of milk, rice and a pack of ground turkey. (and the rice and tureky arnt even for me lol there for ruby dog!)

SOOOOO yeah.
Stick a fork in done.

plans for the rest of this month...
hide in my house untill september arrives. the orchard fence will have to wait...

i did check out the arrow buildings before heading home (lowes was on the way) and i think an 8x10 will make a perfectly good storage building and the 10x12 should wor nicely as a goat barn, i just need to get creative with the milking stand design and make one that can be folded up or pushed up flat against the wall when not in use ect...that way it can be in the goat barn, itl be in a perminent "pen" (with a second pen next to it that would be movable) when does are kidding the stand would be "put away" and the milking stall would be usable as a kidding stall, but once the does have kidded i can keep that stall "clean" for milking, thinking of putting in a rubber mat in that stall only, the rest would be dirt floor.

thats assuming te puppies sell lol.
right now puppy #1 is going to pay for 3 more tires...
puppy 2 and 3 will pay for the storage shed and a goat barn, and puppy number 4 is the trees for the orchard and money for rubies spay...least, thats the plan.
id wait on the storage shed but i need some place dry i can keep hay, straw and shavings, and feed for the winter and stock up a little.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So sorry you're having the tire trouble. That stinks. And, I hope you get the rest of the pups sold quickly!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, realy is my own fault, i knew in spring theyd need changing but one thing got head of another...
i knew with the amount of milage i do on a regular basis i could probably get another year out of them, but ive been running dumb and dumber around 4-5 days a week for the past month and it obviously put more wear and tear than i was expecting.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeh, tire problems suck. I have tire problems at the moment too. Thankfully mine went flat at the house though :lol: Anytime you get in a situation like that and need help, DON'T HESITATE to call me if you need me! :hugs Sorry you had a rough time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Thanks lady! tire problems do suck, its ridiculous how given the technology this world has how inefficient cars actually are...
if its not one thing its another with them...
i want a hover car...though knowing my luck even that would die and fall out of the sky or something LOL!.
i know no sooner than i get my tires sorted ill probbaly need break pads or somethign...

thats life right lol.

i have a lil bit of a good vibe/prayer request.
my parents 10yr old cocker spaniel is not feeling like himself today, there worried and form the description it sounds like a possible blockage, there going to give him till monday (making sure he stays hydrated) and try some general "tricks of the trade" and hope hes fine, but if not hell be going to see the vet (and probably get an xray) on monday.
mum and dad were reacently hit with a new battery for thier prius (were fairly certain this was a SCAM as the car was fine when mum took it in and 2 hours later suddenly the batery wont hold a charge...) so dads persuing it further and i told them to contact the better buisness beuro...but stll, they cant realy afford xrays and an expensive surgery if it is a blockage, so if we can get some good "hope its nothing feel better soon" vibes going in the direction of charlie boy...
hes been such a healthy dog but since turning 10 its like he broke, his backs started playing up, his arthritis is getting bad and now this...
i just want his last few years to be painless and simple and happy like the rest of his life has been. hes the sweetest dog and was a puppy mill rescue.

seems noones having a good week with this one...
roll on end of the month and bring lots of good stuff with it please :/
for everyone.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today i was going to go to the park with dozer for our little hike again, but with the way the morning is going im not sure i should...
after yesterdays fiasco i figured today should be much easier right?!

puthaystack in with bigwig and bluebell in with silver for september buns...yeah right...the girls lay there and the boys looked around bewildered...1/2 an hour later put everyone back into their ownhomes and fed, will try again later...
fustrating but not "bad"
then i came in to get everyone inside fed and fettled...broke the tab of the cat food can...tried to open it with the can opener...BROKE the can opener...wont be replacing it any time soon, so no canned goods for me for a while unless they are tab top and DONT break off on me
Spilt the water for the 2 guineas inside (gimpies leg is doing no better, the taping it helped untill he managed totwist it in such a way that the tape wasnt doing anything so ive just left him be for now, hes half the sizeof the keet hes in with so i think im just going to have to let him go, the bigger keet is almsot ready to go outside and i cant just keep gimpy as a house once the lav is outside ill dispatch him quickly. his leg loks like it was glued on backwads its that badly splay/twisted)
then i dropped a can on my foot, and then after finaly sitting down for my morning oatmeal i burnt my mouth and now they hurt (Not as much as when i did it. but yeah)

idgo back to bed and try again in an hour but knowing my luc id bang my head or fall out of bed or something.

the GOOD news is the weather right now is very nice mid 70's right now with a proposedhigh of 88, so im thinking i might try and get some outside stuff done.
ive got a pile of brush from when i was cutting to feed the goats that needs to be cut to managable size and hauled up to the side yard so its firepit acessable (and to get it out of the goat feild, plus a patch that theve eaten down to just sticks that id like to cut back down to ground level now and move that up. part of me kind of wants to build a wattle fence with some of it around the front flower patch to keep mr mow/weedwackr happy out of my flowers after he destroyed some daylilly and lavender... so i might play wiht that idea a bit with the stuff ive got to trim back today.
and ive still got all those gourds to get working on too, which given the financials and all my fall plans is probably somehting i should do, im hoping theyd sell well at the fleamarket this fall and spring...

so i think at least for the next week or so while the temps co-operate i should have some stuff to keep me busy at least that dont involve going out.

and ive got plenty of tidying up to do in the back yard area to keep me busy yeah...
lets see how many ways i can injur myself or break things over the next week LOL

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