Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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:fl for Sunny getting a forever home, and you getting rabbit colony money! We want to use the colony method if we get rabbits. Need to wait a bit for that though. Would be great to hear how yours goes, before we jump in :)

:ya on your parents liking the house! Sounds like it has something for everybody and would be a good fit. I think mini's or Dexter's would be a great choice! For me, personally, they are MUCH easier to handle than a full size, although they do come with their own special issues. Selling one calf/year will pay for feed for a year for 3-4 cows, at least! I hear prices down there by you are lower than here: One heifer calf here would pay the feed costs for my two for 5 or 6 years!! I have no trouble handling Ice Cream - although I must confess that I trained her to 'help me out' as much as possible ;)

The Amish here frequently have large greenhouses, were they sell transplants in the Spring, and veggies out of their usually huge gardens in Summer/Fall. I often see loaves of bread and such at their stands as well. What about specialty cheeses/baked goods? I had heard of a lady who had a good sized herb garden - she sold fresh herbs to restaurants in a nearby town (she delivered 1-2 X a week). I would love to try something like that. I'd bet WBF could come up with a bunch of great ideas!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well yesterday suny whent home, leaving me with chatterbox tink to try and find a home for :)
that meant today me and my lowes copon whent and spent money...
i got the fencing for the rabbit pen, the t-posts to put it up with and when ahead and spent some extra for the kitchen.
stopped at the Habitat re-store and as luck would have it they had 1 white base cabinate in...they wante $25 for it...i got it for 20 (its in great conditon no nicks or scratches) but its a utilitiy cabinate (about 3 inches shorter than standard kitchen counter height) and its only 12" as opposed to the 18 i origionally wanted...but it worked out better...
however given my goal for it the lower height is better as my toaster oven is going on it...and my toaster oven is rather large, and standard counter height would have put my toaster oven VERY close to covering the kitchen light switch. the extra 3" clearance lower makes it the perfect height!
so i stopped in lowes to find somehting to make a counter top for it.
FOUND the cabinate in lowes...$108 new...*BARGAIN!!!*
they no longer carry counter top remnants and i wasnt spending $50 on a 4ft peice, if im going to spend money on 1 peice of new counter top, ill do ALL the counter tops and thats not in the budget right now lol.
so instead over to wood, picked up a 20" picked of thick MDF out of the remnants in for but a couple bucks, then headed over to tile...the white tile i plan to do my backsplash with is .16 a peice for 4x4, about the same price as thier cheapest 12" tile and i figure this way itll all tie in together once the backsplash goes in. (hopefully next months project)
picked up some black edging peices, mastic and grout (forgot the trowl float and sponge *DOH*) and then thought...cabinate is 12", new counter is 20" i need something to support the corners that wont be on the cabinate. 1 large shelf bracket and 1 banister peice later...and THIS is the result...

i just laid some of the tile ontop for reference...
Im realy happy with how this came out...

Got to go back that way on sunday anyway for a mystery shop job, so ill stop in and pick up the things im missing to finnish the tile aspect.

*hoping this will work since photobucket isnt working for me right now*



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Love it Pink! Nice deal on the cabinet, and instant stash place for the trash can - awesome!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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got it finnished tiled grouted ect and am ealy happy with how it came out, moving the toaster oven there gives me SOOO much more workspace on the actual counter too, and having a little place next to the stove to place things i need (ie seasonings) is also mucho helpfull!
its slowly comming together mabe next month ill have the money to tile the backsplash... i need about $30 in tile, plus grout (i should have enough mastic left to do the spaces i need to do so that helps.)
ive got the paint to do another coat on the walls but i might need another gallon of semi gloss to repaint the trim and do the last cabinate.

ive also got the paint to do the bedrooms...and enough have enough paint to do the bathroom, but thebathroom is on cash hold LOL and im not painting in there untill ive got the tile work done and new cabinates in ect ect ect.

having a lazy morning, but im going to call ATT and sort out some cellphone stuff...
and im going to call the psych office and make a new patient apointment you ive been putting off for the past year...
and then im hoping to get the rabbit pens posed "floored" and the "walls" up.
need some 18gal tupper totes to make hidey houses/next boxes, there will be 4 in each...
and then once thats set up i can move everyone in and dismantle the hutches to make covered feeding stations in each area ect.

weather is supposed to be nice for the rest of the week so should be a good week :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well talked to ATT and got my cancelation sorted...what a moronic company.
the guy heping me was very nice...
SERIOUS on the "nooo dont go we Love you, we can give you better deals" type begging but im done with them, a lack of signal in the house, and the issues in the begining.
an one of the things i did was to make sure they had my right adress so they can send me a final bill for the cancelation stuff...(little do they know there getting what i can afford each mnth unitll its paid lol)
and we go over everything, they have my current aress and it is listed as the only adress on file...
so i asked him...
then why is my old adress in CT still getting my monthly bill?

ive called these people EVERY month for the past year and told them...
My paper bill is still going to the adress in CT why?! and every month they tel me they have fixe the issue, or they cant understand it or theinformation is correct in the computers...
well if thats the case why does billing still have my bills going to Connecticut?!

and now obviously because of the end of service, i had them make sure the auto pay was turned off, and that idget a bill at the end of the month for the cancelation stuff...
"but its showing your aready getting paper bills form us" so once again ...yeah im SUPPOSED to be but there magically getting re-routed to Connecticut instead...

i mean seriously there going to send me a bill and penaize me for not paing it on time BUT, there sending the bill to the wrong damned adress somwhow despite all the addies in the computer being correct...its like your obviously missing SOMETHING because my parents are still getting the bill everymonth.
(it was set up for autopay so they never had to pay it or whatever...) but STILL how can they expect me to pay a bill, they dont send to ME...*grumbles*

just finnshing up lunch and then its bottles for the babies and then working on the rabbit pen.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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sounds like us cellular! our bill was to be $62.00 but with all the taxes it is @ $82.00 geeze. for 1 phone. i wish they would tell people to add @20.00 that was a shock.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yup, with my dads company discount my bill SHOULD have been right around $30...however by the time you add on the fees, and taxes it was almost $50...
thats for basic plan with 450 mins and nothing else, i average about 75 mins per month usage so its just a whole lot of Wasted money, especialy when you can dial 911 from a cellphone even wihtout service and get through and thats pretty much all i use a phone for, emergencies only.
so ive gota pay as you go phone comming, dad had the phone and sim from forever ago all i need to do is buy mins as needed so ill be looking at ALOT less per month...yeah it tends to cost more per min than a standard contract phone, but for the amount i use rather pay a little moreper minute and only buy exactly what i need than fuss with the bull.
they realy are a bunch of sillies...
i get that they can only tell me what their computer says BUT if your telling me your computer ha the right adress and im telling you...well SOMEONE doesnt...then get me to the department that can fix that issue...
his responce to the "what if i dont get a bill" was "well you could go to your local att store and they can print it for LOCAL att store is about an hour away mr customer service man...if i cant afford my cellphone bill every month, what makes you think i can afford to drive an hour (at highway speed) one way to have them print out somehting that SHOULD be comming to my house already?!


whent out and got the "floor" of the new colony pen done. the pen is 20x20 and im going to be dividing it up into 2 20x10 spaces for now.

next step is to go out with some wire and just tie the floor together in the over lap spots (the fencing is 4ft tall so laying it down so the edgs overlap theres a few spots where buns could push under so its all going to get wired together to make it a little more secure.
i want to move a few rocks and such into some of the uneaven spots to help hold them down to the floor (dont want any stuck legs) and then the perimeter goes up...the base of the perimeter will get wired to the floor wire too so they wont be able to push out from inside either...(hopefully lol)
i need 8 tuper totes, somehting in the 10-18 gallon size, ive seen them at walmart for not too much so thats the current plan there...
theyll get holes cut in them and once ive got them for size reference ill cut a hole in the floor wire, dig down a few inches (just for a little extra insulation and to make it a more natural "den") and "sink" them the wire wil be cut so that i have enough to push into the walls of the hole before putting the boxes in so they cant dig around those edges too.

and then a little structure of some kind to put a hay rack under and food pans under to protect from weather.

I stll need to figure out the water situation. right now im thinking a bucket with water nipples and then just toss a little stock tank de-icer in it for winter. id need to run an extension cord from the house to the pen for winter but least i woudnt have to worry about them having no water or me having to thaw water bottles all winter.

its all running round in my head right now.

its 3:30 so im going to run out and get this floor wired togethe...may even try to get one of the 2 50ft rolls of perimeter fence up...

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