Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
The broccoli seeds I planted started poking thier little head up Monday. Almost all are up now.

I still haven't received my cabbage seed from Shumways. I'm very disappointed in them and will not order again.:rant

The homeschool thing is going OK. Except for Josh, who isn't even trying. I told him yesterday that if he didn't get caught up, it wasn't my fault, I'm doing everything I can to get him on track. I also told him that if he wasn't going to put forth the effort, then quit wasting my time. I'm just doing this as a favor to his mom & dad, who apparently, don't care either.:(

I've been sewing up a storm. I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and stocked up on fabric. They are about 25 miles away, but the closest to us. Right now, I'm working on the lining for a tote bag.
I got the fabric to make an apron for my sister for her birthday. She said she had some scraps that she would give me, and go by the Baptist center to see what they had. :cool:

I'm trying to stay away from Goodwill; I've become addicted. I know if I go, I will buy something I don't need.

The wind is really howling outside. Must be the cold front that is coming through. The house is really popping and creaking. I think I hate wind most of all, scares the daylights out of me. :hide

Gotta go let the girls out and give them thier morning treat . . .


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
punkin said:
I still haven't received my cabbage seed from Shumways. I'm very disappointed in them and will not order again.:rant
I'm sorry to hear about this. I just finished writing out my first order to them. I hope you get this resolved soon.

Sounds like you are giving that sewing machine a work out. I've been sewing myself. It feels good to be sewing again - I really missed it. Just have to make the time I suppose.

I was thinking of crocheting my sisters slippers, but after reading and seeing all the aprons being created, I just might sew up some aprons.

I admire you for your patience in teaching teens. I know from experience it's not easy. I tutored my nephews and we homeschooled our youngest thru high school. I think you spelled out your expectations and it's up to him. If only he could realize the consequences.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
The cabbage seed from Shumway's finally came in on Thurs. A full 2 weeks after I ordered. The pkg wasn't mailed for 4 days after I placed my order. They included a "Customer Satisfation" survey, and boy, did I ever fill that out! :rant

I finished my sister's apron with chicken material that she wants for her birthday. I'm going to make some matching potholders, too.

I got a denim curtain panel at Goodwill yesterday for $5. I'm making plans for it already.

Last night, DH and I went to Cracker Barrel to eat. The boys went with their mom & dad to eat (for a change) and my DS tagged along. They have come out with a new addition to the menu: soups served in bread bowls. They look good, but I was thinking about all the food waste. While we were there, we saw at least 1/2 dozen of those served. None ate the bread bowl. I'm thinking, "My chickens sure would love all that leftover bread."

It really started me thinking about all the wasted food from restaurants. We bring home anything the chickens would eat: bread, corn, etc. We watched them empty plates that would feed my girls for a year.

Today, it is going to be nice enough to hang out some laundry. :ya
Very little dryer use.

I think they have pretty much called off our "significant" snow. :( Maybe just snow showers now.

Thursday, I got 12 eggs from my 19 girls! They really cranked it up. So, breakfast this morning was ham, cheese, and onion omlets. :drool

Now, I gotta go lay out something for supper, hmmmmm . . .


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I feel that way about wasted food as well. At home ALL leftovers go either to the dogs, the chickens or the compost heap (banana and potato peels). I can not understand why anyone would ever need a garbage disposal.

Sometimes I get a little weird - I ask other folks for their trash food!

Most people look at me like I am insane. Some of the people I work with finally get it. When they cleaned out the fridge before Christmas break they packed me a BIG sack of stuff. Several POUNDS of grated cheese (a little green around the edges) leftover rolls and Christmas snacks including veggies and part of a "left out too long" meat and cracker tray. My hennies snacked for a week! :D

I work at a school and the amount of food those kids waste each day would be enough to raise several hogs and a whole flock of chickens! The kids could benefit from the experience. We could raise the animals and sell them for cash for the school. Our school is located far enough away from houses etc AND has plenty of land for such an enterprise, but I am SURE no one would EVER go for it. Animals are too germy and PIGS especially!

Still it is hard for me to see leftover food go to waste.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Ya know, FF,

I've been thinking about taking a lidded bucket to our Church's eatin' meetin's for people to rake their scraps in. Like "Please donate to hungry chicken fund, no chocolate allowed" or something. Would that be too weird?

It is snowing now!!! After the on and off forecast, it is now obviously on again. Big, beautiful flakes are blanketing the ground in white. If a stray one blows into the chicken run, my girls will probably think it's a big white bug of some kind. :lol:

I'm sure ya'll in the Northern regions are sick of it, but this is a special treat for us. :celebrate I probably won't get alot done, I'll be looking out the window all day.

This is me doing my snow dance :bun :bun :bun :bun


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I dunno .... may be a little weird but .... when I used to COOK those Wednesday night suppers for our church, I took home LOTS of leftovers.:p

Snow can be beautiful.

As long as you have no where to go, a cuddly companion, and a roaring fire in the wood stove, it is great. I especially love those un-expected snow days on a Monday or a Tuesday! (I work at a school - teachers like snow days as much as the kids!) I just get tired of the zero degree days with negative wind chills. I am sick and tired of trying to drive on icy roads. I have busted more ice out of animal buckets than I can stand.

I am ready for Spring!

I love to go out to "work" in the garden ... I work a while but usually find myself sprawled out in the warm sun on some nice tilled patch of soil, just dreaming at the sky! Hubby always asks me "what do you do out there, roll in the dirt?" Sometimes I am honest and just say "yes!"

According to my favorite weatherman (a groundhog) we have six more weeks of winter for sure this year. Good thing we just got another wood delivery! All and all Groundhog's Day is still my favorite non-holiday - to me it marks winter is almost over and to plant those tomato seeds to start my plants.

Have a nice snowy Groundhog's Day Punkin!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.

It's still coming down. :bun :bun :bun

This is all I wanted; one nice snow this winter. After this, I will be ready for spring, too


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Farmfresh said:
I feel that way about wasted food as well. At home ALL leftovers go either to the dogs, the chickens or the compost heap (banana and potato peels). I can not understand why anyone would ever need a garbage disposal.

I work at a school and the amount of food those kids waste each day would be enough to raise several hogs and a whole flock of chickens! The kids could benefit from the experience. We could raise the animals and sell them for cash for the school. Our school is located far enough away from houses etc AND has plenty of land for such an enterprise, but I am SURE no one would EVER go for it. Animals are too germy and PIGS especially!

Still it is hard for me to see leftover food go to waste.
I totally agree, FarmFresh! When I was the kitchen manager for a private school, I approached the school board with a similar idea. Unfortunately, at about the same time, the state was cancelling the egg incubation to chick program used by the 5 year old classes. (Salmonella fears, chicken flu propaganda in the news) So, needless to say, my proposal was not passed. Because I was on a strict budget, I never made many left overs, so the little we did have, usually went home with the staff or came home with me for the chickens.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
punkin said:
I've been thinking about taking a lidded bucket to our Church's eatin' meetin's for people to rake their scraps in. Like "Please donate to hungry chicken fund, no chocolate allowed" or something. Would that be too weird?
One of the women at our church asks the kitchen volunteers to put all egg shells, veggie and fruit scraps in a box that she lined with a garbage bag. She says it is for her compost pile..... just an idea.

If we have left over food from any of the meals we serve to the public, we handle them two ways.
First, if they have never been out of the kitchen, we may freeze the entrees to serve at another meal.

Second, if they have been out of the kitchen, we ask if anyone would like to take some food home.

Third, depending on the amount of left overs, we may donate to the local (county) ministries food program or to the Salvation Army kitchen in our area.

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