I was constantly asking my son "Don't you want to take piano lessons instead". 
I know that feeling oh so well. Funny thing - he finally added piano lessons to things he did but unfortunately none of the rough stuff stopped. It does make you proud though to watch them do the rough stuff well. Well, proud is a secondary feeling after your heart stops racing and settles down.
The pics are great and your DS looks like he is very good.
Those bee capture pics are so cool. I want bees so bad but DH is highly allergic so has been a little apprenhensive on the subject. Apprensensive as in - NO, No way, forget it.

I know that feeling oh so well. Funny thing - he finally added piano lessons to things he did but unfortunately none of the rough stuff stopped. It does make you proud though to watch them do the rough stuff well. Well, proud is a secondary feeling after your heart stops racing and settles down.
The pics are great and your DS looks like he is very good.
Those bee capture pics are so cool. I want bees so bad but DH is highly allergic so has been a little apprenhensive on the subject. Apprensensive as in - NO, No way, forget it.