Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I did a bang up job this morning at ticking off some of my house guests this morning!!

Helping out around here is not going to be optional anymore. Since they sat in bed yesterday until 1 pm playing VIDEO games and they didn't do anything until it was time to take SIL to her counseling appt. They were gone from 3pm-7:30 pm and SIL's appt was at 5pm...plus we saw which direction they came home from, and they didn't come from the direction that they would have if they were coming from the Counseling session. Then last night they "snuck" outside to use their cell phone in the driveway, was out for an hour on the phone, came back in, tapped SIL on the shoulder to get her to their bedroom so they could "talk privately" I was fuming! Nephew asked his mom what the "big secret" was and she just smiled and refused to answer him.

I don't like sneaky people! Sneaking around my house makes me think you are untrustworthy! If you have to sneak to do whatever you are doing, then you must be doing something wrong!

I just lost it on them all this morning!

I woke up my SIL and told her it was time to take her meds and I told my niece and her BF "It's morning get out of bed!" My nephew had already got himself and his daughter up, so they were already in the living room.

30 minutes later, breakfast was halfway cooked, and they still weren't up and I said Georgette, Anton, get up and she screams at me, "I'm awake!" and I said, "Good get out of the effin bed because you aren't laying in bed all day today!" They are PO'ed at me and I don't care!! Niece refuses to talk to me now. LOLOLOLOL

I told Anton that this morning he's going to be given a box of matches and a shovel and he's going to go burn the trash, and I did say please, even though it was an order, not a request.

I had to do the dishes yesterday! Or actually, DH did them! If I'm cooking the meals, and helping DH and our nephew with the outside stuff, NO WAY am I going to do ALL the household stuff with the extra people here NOT HAPPENING!

DH says from now on our alarm will be set, we'll be up at the crack of dawn, and they are all getting up with us. No more sitting on their derriere's doing nothing. If they don't like it, they know where the door is and they can hope it won't hit them on the way out!!!

On a happier note, replacement ducklings arrived this morning to replace the two that were lost last week in my duck order. They sent me the most darling Welsh Harelquin! She adorable!

I know I've not shared pictures in awhile, but as soon as I can get some pics and get them uploaded, I will!


Power Conserver
Apr 27, 2009
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ALY... you wear me out LOL...i have been reading your journal since 5am this morning.. stopping numerous time to drink coffee, feed my critters, gather eggs and feed my three yr old,,but i got to hand it too you.. you should be mother of the year.. an then to take on InLaws...Yikes:rolleyes: please keeps your journal going... And you handle things better than i would have this morning with niece and bf..


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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jfarms said:
ALY... you wear me out LOL...i have been reading your journal since 5am this morning.. stopping numerous time to drink coffee, feed my critters, gather eggs and feed my three yr old,,but i got to hand it too you.. you should be mother of the year.. an then to take on InLaws...Yikes:rolleyes: please keeps your journal going... And you handle things better than i would have this morning with niece and bf..
LOL wow since 5 am huh?? I didn't think my journal was that interesting LOLOL

Today has gone well. Niece's BF burned the garbage as directed, DH and nephew got one entire run covered with aviary netting, SIL and Niece helped me clean out one coop, collect eggs, and feed the critters, I managed to post Speckled Sussex eggs on BYC, and now I am baking chocolate chip cookies while reading and posting on here. Been a good day IMO LOL

This evening if the rain holds off, we're moving the woodbox off the porch finally and converting it into a chicken coop for my trio of Welsummers!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Hey Quail, got a chicken question for you. I found what I think is a roundworm in a pile of poo this morning. I don't know who did it but what can I give them, I started them on ACV a week ago (and me too!) and I cannot find DE anywhere. What can I do?


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Add some garlic to the acv. You can cut up some cloves and hang it in their water, in a small net bag or let it free float, if you can make sure it won't block the water feed hole. Or feed crushed garlic to the hens mixed with yogurt.

Also nasturtium seeds, tansy seeds and flowers, and ground raw hulled pumpkin seeds are reported to be natural wormers.

As with most things with chickens, prevention is best. VermX is now available in the US and is an herbal worm preventative.

edited for typo


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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keljonma said:
Add some garlic to the acv. You can cut up some cloves and hang it in their water, in a small net bag or let it free float, if you can make sure it won't block the water feed hole. Or feed crushed garlic to the hens mixed with yogurt.

Also nasturtium seeds, tansy seeds and flowers, and ground raw hulled pumpkin seeds are reported to be natural wormers.

As with most things with chickens, prevention is best. VermX is now available in the US and is an herbal worm preventative.

edited for typo
eh, what'cha do is take keljonma's advice, because I haven't had to deal with worms in my chickens LOL

I put sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds in their feeders occassionally, and that's it.

I put my replacement duckling in the brooder with my week olds today. I didn't realize how much they grow in a week! They are double the size of the replacement!!

We have one duckling, whom I need to get a picture of, that has a bit of a deformity with her beak. I hadn't noticed it the first couple days, but by day 4 or 5, I noticed her beak didn't look right. I picked her up to examine her, and the top part of her bill looks crushed! And it's off to the left of her face a bit, so the inside of her botton bill and her tongue are visible. The poor thing looks like she has a hairlip! If ducks can have hairlips, that is! The bigger she gets, the worse it looks, but she's able to eat and drink Ok.

So I called Metzer Farms today and told them about my hairlip duck, whom we've decided to call Harrieta LOLOLOL I asked them if they thought I should cull her, or would did they think she would be Ok. They said as long as she was eating and drinking fine, then she should be OK, just she'll look awful. I replied half jokingly, "She looks like she kissed a truck!" The lady I was speaking with chuckled. I offered to take a picture of her and email it to them so they could see her beak. They said no, but since I have a "hairlip/deformed duck, would I accept a replace duck as well as a hatchery choice duck as a replacement?" :th

So I'm getting two more ducks next week!!!!!! :woot


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Aly, you wear me out too! I would be bouncing heads off the wall and dousing anyone in bed past 8am with ice water! :lol: :lol:

I don't know where you get your energy and patience but mine has worn thin over the years with these three boys, so my solutions are a bit more drastic. I don't actually bounce the heads but I have, on numerous occasions, used the cold water thingy to get lazy slug-a-beds up and going! :p

Congrats on the ducklings! You really need to post pics of your flocks soon so we can get an idea of just how many you have now....I'm sure it would boggle our minds! I'll check out your webpage....haven't done that for awhile.

Hey....went to look at that cow today and will probably go ahead and buy her, as they will take $100 off the asking price. I will post pics of the poor boney, spavined thing when I get her.

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