Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Look, I really want to tell you guys, I do, but I am waiting to hear from someone before I go into a lot of details.

I will say this. Someone offered us a package deal today, that included animal cages, pens, brand new fencing, a pair of mandarin ducks, muscovy ducks, call drake duck, a gas grill, and wire off two of their pens minus the posts, plus a 12x12 pen posts and all....They gave us a flat rate on it all...plus it included one more animal...and DH and I agreed because I really wanted those poultry pens and wire!

Lets just say I could be in for a whole lot of headaches.

Yes, it eats and poops, no I didn't already have one...NO it's not an Alpaca or a pig :rolleyes:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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More than likely, I won't be telling ya'll until tomorrow. I am waiting for a reply to an email, and after that, I'll tell ya'll. I want honest input from my friend before I go boasting.

I will promise this....when I do tell, pics will be included ;)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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jfarms said:
Were you waiting for something????? :lol:

Here's the muscovies we brought home yesterday. Two of the reddish ones went home with my mom last night. The 3rd reddish one will go to Auction next Monday and the blue duck and black drake are my pair.


But, ya'll knew I was getting those.

Here's the deal, the guy I bought the muscovies from is doing some serious down sizing. He made us an offer that was a packaged deal. There was something in this "package" that made us balk at first, because we were not sure we wanted to deal with it.

He quoted us a flat price of $200, and for that we would get the following:
Like new wire from around 2 poultry pens in his yard
12x12 pen with posts and wire
Gas Grill (brand new!)
3 Dog Crates
2 Bird Cages (will work great for hauling poultry to the auction! or other small animals!)
50 ft roll of new chicken wire
Saxony Call duck
Mandarin ducks
5 muscovy ducks
AND..............this is why we almost didn't take the offer..........


Her name is Emmy. She is not broke to ride, or to use a cart, but does walk on a lead when attached to her halter.
She is more than likely bred to his mini donkey.

He had offered to sell her to us a week ago for $150. We said no, we don't need a pony. I honestly think he would have sold us his kitchen sink if it meant we'd take Emmy. I dunno that I technically made a good deal, as I highly doubt Emmy will work out for our farm.

She's papered, yes, but she's missing one eye, is not very trusting of people, and since we've let her out in the pasture, we can't get close to her. I even tried to bribe her with a carrot this morning. Once I walked away from where I set the carrot, she came and ate it.

There is a local horse ranch that has horses and ponies and does trail rides, etc. One of the employees lives down the road from us about 500 feet. They take in problem horses/ponies, so I'm going to see if they are home and talk to them today. If they are willing to take her, I might not have any problems.

I'm not sure if she can be worked with or not. I don't know much about horses/ponies that aren't already broke, or green broke. Been 15 years really since I've even been around horses, and when I was around the horses, it was just a one summer volunteer position.

I realize this may be the dumbest decision we've made this year, but I really wanted the supplies for more poultry pens. The guy didn't say we had to keep Emmy.

Anyhoo...this morning I found a free storage shed, it looks like a little blue barn...so DH and I are waiting to hear back from the people with directions to their home so we can go tear down and move the shed. It's probably going to be my animal supply barn, keep all my feed and stuff in it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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Awwww. If nothing else, she makes a pretty lawn ornament!

Congratulations on the new acquisitions.


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