Epicurean Goddess
Personally, I would TELL him that you going to show him. Maybe if you explain that you understand he has an idea of what you do. However these are your livestock and pets, not his. So he needs to do what you need done so that you don't have to worry about the animals while you are away from home.Quail_Antwerp said:I had asked nephew if he'd feed/water everyone while we're gone and he says, "Sure, it's not hard." But when I've asked him to come out so I can show him where things are, how I do things, he comes back with, "I know, I've watched you."Just because you've seen me OUT THERE doesn't mean you KNOW what I am doing or where everything is!!!
Ok sorry just had to get that out.....
Also I would suggest leaving written instructions for each animal or group of animals so he has the time, feed amounts, water amounts, etc for each. That's what we did, and our animal care person came to see what we did and asked questions. I know how you feel - good animal help is hard to find.
I will check my schedule and see if I can meet you at the hospital to keep you company...