1. paper bag - for either hyperventilating or barfing...which ever it's needed for - CHECK
2. coffee i.v. to calm my nerves - CHECK
3. trying not to panic because g-ma is late getting here to watch the kids.... forget it, I'm beginning to panic!
mom is an hour late! almost an hour and a half late - we've had no phone call....we leave for our uh "appointment" in 30 minutes - no mom!
I don't know what is going on and don't need to. That is your business. Just remember to stay strong and have faith in the Lord and you will come out with flying colors. Prayers for you and your family going up also.
Hope everything turns out the way it should and you guys can finally move on to better times!!! You got a new house to move......AND a well.....AND your own three ring circus there at home, what could be better?!?
We're getting ready to head off to Church in a little bit. We've missed a few Sundays, but made it last week.
Yesterday I was needing a little bit of an "escape" so I tagged a long with BeccaOh to Camp Meeting and helped set up the little book store. That was fun, and I was able to add to my "Book List" for future reads.
BeccaOh gave me the "grand tour" of the camp ground and explained how families associated with our church - not just our local church but all Church of Gods in the area I guess? - will come up there and camp for the week. It's going to be a week long of special worship services with lots of fun to be had for entire families. So, it's like the whole family will go to camp and not just the kids.
Next Sunday is the last Camp Meeting for the region our church is with, and E and I were talking last night with Becca's mom and making plans to go down next Sunday. A day of "camping" and worship for us as a whole family. I think it should be A LOT of fun.
Even better, a couple years ago - even a year ago - my husband would have NEVER entertained the idea of attending a Christian Camp. The fact that he was open to going, and actually sounded excited about it, is very encouraging.
So on our way home we stopped by McD's and got Caramel Frappes. Lots of sugar - it tasted wonderful poisoning ourselves that way
We cooked some steaks on the grill for dinner. I had a salad for my side, so just meat and veggies for me, but we had potato salad and macaroni salad for everyone else.
Then we waltzed through our garden, and with Becca's help, picked a LOT of zucchini, cucumbers, summer squash, and sugar snap peas. We let her choose some to take home (her mom makes a delicious zucchini bread, so yea, there was some ulterior motive there...) and we're taking some to Pastor and his wife today.
Our green beans are just about done I think. E said they are all drying out from lack of rain, so we may very well be saving the ones remaining on the plants for next years planting.