Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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lorihadams, thank you!

Funny story today regarding Elizabeth and Monroe and Jett....Monroe was feeling down that he wasn't out running around, so I checked his comb, and it was looking a bit better. So I let him out of the brooder and he beat a path for the yard. I know he was looking for Elizabeth, because he didn't go into an uproar until she had left the coop.

So I'm cleaning out the other coop and the nesting boxes and I hear this chicken screaming and ranting and being what sounded like a total tattle tale! I stepped out of the coop and look around. There's Monroe, on the backside of the duck shed looking towards the duck pen screaming as loudly as he could! If chickens cuss, that is what he was doing!

So I figured Elizabeth must be in the duck shed! I open the gate to the duck pen, walk into the shed...and sure enough there's HRH with Jett! By this point, Monroe is just down right irrate! So I shoo the two conspirators out of the pen and shut the gate behind me. No sooner does Monroe see that Elizabeth is in the yard with Jett hot on her heels, he shoots after Jett like a rocket! Next thing I know he's got one of Jett's tail feathers in his beak and Jett's in a tree screaming indignantly! :gig

Monroe met up with Elizabeth and gave her what for! I had never seen him stand up to her before, but my goodness he was ticked!! Elizabeth tossed her head in a "whatever" attitude and went on about her business!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
I am glad to hear the lanolin is helping Monroe.

HRH Elizabeth certainly is the drama queen, isn't she?! :gig


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Today was another lovely day, but we've been under a tornado watch for most of it. Tonight promises high winds, rains, and possibly a power outtage, and this is where I'm holding my breath, hoping the latter doesn't happen, because I have eggs due to hatch in 4 days!!!!!!!!!

Dh wanted to spend as much time outside as he could today. I feel bad that he isn't able to go out and do the things he likes to do. I caught him trying to move a few things outside he shouldn't be touching...so I ran over and saved him from himself.

I have a couple big stumps buy the poultry pens. I helped him hobble over to one of those and he sat there tossing treats to the chickens and turkeys. He got a real kick out of one of the Lt Brahma hens who came right over and put her face as far up to him as she could, like she was asking, "Where's MINE." She was one of the yet unnamed hens, but is by far the friendliest of the LB's, and DH dubbed her Daisy.

The two new turkeys are settling in OK I guess. They tried roosting in a tree tonight, and I foiled that plan by chasing them down and into the coop. Lance didn't want to go in as long as Lady Clara and Lady Aslynn weren't in the coop. Gwen had already made her way into the coop and found her favorite spot on the roost.

We did our best at securing everything outside in prep for the winds and rains coming tonight. Goats were pretty calm, and they usually are pretty antsy before a bad storm. So is our Blue Heeler, and he was calm and happy go lucky!

I collected 4 eggs today!! 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Buff Orpington, one Mille Fleur, and one Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. These ones are going in my 'bator. Starting tomorrow the brown eggs my girls lay will be collected to start selling fresh eggs to the feedstore. He takes it off my feed costs, so it will be good to get to take eggs to him again!

We got six eggs yesterday, five the day before, and I think six the day before that. So, yea, I think they are starting to come on finally!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Lady Clara and Lady Aslynn....what great names!!!

I'm so glad you are having good luck with your eggs. It's frustrating when you are feeding and watering and working your butt off and getting nothing in return!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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lorihadams said:
Lady Clara and Lady Aslynn....what great names!!!

I'm so glad you are having good luck with your eggs. It's frustrating when you are feeding and watering and working your butt off and getting nothing in return!
Of course, I'm a big fan of Dragonheart, can you tell? LOL

Hmmm...should have named Lancelot Bowen....will save that for the next Tom Turkey (assuming we get one!)

Yes, Dace, I do have a bit of a menagerie going on. They each have a purpose, though, and I've managed to generate income from my "hobby". So it's all good.

Now if I could just get those ducks to lay........ :barnie

p.s. Dace, had a power outtage last night so I didn't get those pics loaded yet, but I am working on it!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Today started of pretty well.

We got a load of firewood today.

My chicks from Ideal came today. :)

What else?

OH my BIL stopped in...he purchased a blower unit off our furnace that we don't use...he offered us a good price, too! So DH accepted :p

I got a record of 8 eggs today!!

Moved the mutt eggs in the 'bator to the hatcher, as today was day 18! :fl for a good hatch! I only had one egg that showed no signs of life, so 27 eggs survived TWO power outtages and made it to the hatcher!!

Oh and my BLRW hen, Edna, decided she likes to snuggle! She was behaving like a cat in heat!! I had leaned against the old rabbit cage, and she hopped on top, came over talking to me, moved her body in front of my arm, and laid her head on my shoulder! All the while I'm petting her back and she's carrying on a whole conversation with me. It was really sweet, and I was thrilled!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Today was kind of eventful, kind of not LOL

A neighbor up the road gave me about 30 adult silkies and a breeding pair of Light Brahma's. I was a bit upset that he sprung them on us, but he lost his job and said he couldn't afford to feed them anymore. I am doing my best to maintain a closed flock, so we quickly figured out the best way to quarantine the new birds. I don't think they'll be staying long. Monday is the auction.

We went on into town today. Picked up some more seeds and made plans for some raised beds. Thinking we'll just buy 2x6's for the sides of the beds. We'll see.

DH has been trying to get his tree farm going for several years now. Last year was the first year that we saw real progress. We sold several Cherry Trees that we had transplanted as seedlings from our own cherry tree. We've over 300 Oak and Red Maple planted on the place that we've been tending the last 2 years. Hoping they will be big enough for transplant and sale next year. DH wanted more pines for his project, so today we ordered 50 Ponderosa Pines and 50 Norway Spruce. They should arrive sometime late March. I don't think they will be ready for a couple years for sale, though. BUT these are the first trees we have actually purchased for our tree farm. All of the others we have walked into our own woods and transplanted the seedlings by hand. Hundreds of seedlings!!

DH is really picky about them, too. He trims and grooms them to grow straight and perfect. He said if he won't have it in his yard, he won't sell it to someone else for their yard. He babies each of the trees like they are his children. He's got a serious green thumb, too! My thumb is the polar opposite of green...I give a plant the thumbs up and it instantly shrivels..... :gig

So the pines and spruces are potential Christmas trees in a couple years....but we'll see...if food becomes more important that Christmas and presents, then we'll have privacy barriers out of these trees if nothing else!!

I collected 4 eggs today. Whoohoo! LOL Better than no eggs!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Woohoo on the silkies! I hope you get a good price for them at the auction!!
That is a lot of trees! I hope your DH can sell a bunch of them too!!

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