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- #5,491
Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Today has been a blessed day for us - were told we're getting a car tomorrow, and got the kids signed up with United Way for school shoes! AWESOME!
My ankle is killing me now from walking UP the stairs and back down at the United Way. sigh. It swelled up a little bit, and I've got some burning going UP my leg from my ankle now. Yes, it's proppped, and iced.
and I think I'm going to take 2 tylenol for the pain.
on the downside, when I got home, E met me at the door and said that the boys had put a hole in their bedroom wall right below the window...through 2 sheets of drywall!! and they blamed it on the youngest, who's 3, claiming HE did it last night - well, not true, because last night that hole wasn't there (and I wet vac'ed the carpet!) and the oldest 4 kids were at VBS while E and I were home with the youngest. Youngest stayed out with us all evening - helped his Daddy get potatoes out of the garden, colored in his coloring book, and then sat on daddy's lap just before falling asleep. Oldest kids got home at 9:30 pm, told us about their time at VBS, and everyone went to bed.
I fried their lily white butts.
Oldest DS said it was done because we wouldn't let them watch T.V. Excuse me??? Well that was a sure fire way to make sure YOU NEVER GET T.V. AGAIN.
Let them stuff that in their pipes and smoke it!
So now, we've got a wall to patch. UGH. Kids. Boys.
And E was upset enough that he wants to ban them from VBS tonight, but I'm like - I get the most cleaning/work done while they are VBS!
It just feels like a no win. I know they need to learn from their mistakes, but how do you take something away that they really do benefit from?
My ankle is killing me now from walking UP the stairs and back down at the United Way. sigh. It swelled up a little bit, and I've got some burning going UP my leg from my ankle now. Yes, it's proppped, and iced.
and I think I'm going to take 2 tylenol for the pain.
on the downside, when I got home, E met me at the door and said that the boys had put a hole in their bedroom wall right below the window...through 2 sheets of drywall!! and they blamed it on the youngest, who's 3, claiming HE did it last night - well, not true, because last night that hole wasn't there (and I wet vac'ed the carpet!) and the oldest 4 kids were at VBS while E and I were home with the youngest. Youngest stayed out with us all evening - helped his Daddy get potatoes out of the garden, colored in his coloring book, and then sat on daddy's lap just before falling asleep. Oldest kids got home at 9:30 pm, told us about their time at VBS, and everyone went to bed.
I fried their lily white butts.
Oldest DS said it was done because we wouldn't let them watch T.V. Excuse me??? Well that was a sure fire way to make sure YOU NEVER GET T.V. AGAIN.
Let them stuff that in their pipes and smoke it!
So now, we've got a wall to patch. UGH. Kids. Boys.

And E was upset enough that he wants to ban them from VBS tonight, but I'm like - I get the most cleaning/work done while they are VBS!

It just feels like a no win. I know they need to learn from their mistakes, but how do you take something away that they really do benefit from?