Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Baby is still breech. Mom suggested you belly crawl, letting the belly muscles relax and encouraging baby to move. I have no idea if that would work. :idunno But it would be funny to see you crawl at this stage of pregnancy. :lol:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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BeccaOH said:
Baby is still breech. Mom suggested you belly crawl, letting the belly muscles relax and encouraging baby to move. I have no idea if that would work. :idunno But it would be funny to see you crawl at this stage of pregnancy. :lol:
you have GOT to be kidding me?!

I just got done wet-vac'ing the kids' bathroom carpet because a certain little boy smashed his poop into it :sick I scrubbed the carpet by hand first, and really scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed! and it didn't get the smell out. I used the wet vac - see if that helps...if not, I told E I want to rip the carpet out have have just the linoleum under it for the kids bathroom.

This is at least the 100th time I have cleaned poop out of that carpet :barnie :rant

Before I did the wet vac - I inspected the bathroom. Someone tossed dirty (as in poo'ed in) underwear under the sink, another one behind the toilet :somad No wonder the stench was so bad!! And of course I'm the only one who inspects that bathroom (heaven forbid my husband should help clean the kids' bathroom! :rant )

I think I need a nap. :tongue

no wonder some species eat their young.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Girl, you need to rip up that carpet and put in a cheap piece of vinyl in their room until they move out!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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So we spent the whole day discussing what we're going to do with "my" money. :lol:

E is going to get his blade for his saw, and I'm just going to let the rest sit in the bank for a little while. E, because he wants to "keep his word" to let me keep the money since I went as the collector, said he'll haul in some of the old trailer frame that is still out there and replace the money he "borrowed" for the blade. :rolleyes: Yes, I know, give the guy credit for being nice, but I can't convince him that I don't want to just take the money for myself. I see it as "our" money as it was "our" trees jointly.

But, he's insisting.

I need some chicken feed, so I'll go get that tomorrow morning.

Still need to get an infant carseat, but my step dad is still insisting he's going to buy it and I had a friend stop in today and she offered to loan me her used one after she "washes off the sharpie marker from her 3 year old drawing on it". :lol: She's also bringing me a crib bedding set with a matching lamp, another pack of diapers and wipes, and possibly a pack in play. She mentioned something else, too, but I can't remember now.

I thought this day was going to be a crappy one, with how it started out, but it's turned into a really great day. :)

E didn't get the suitcase down for me, though. I think he forgot. He and his dad hauled in a load of firewood this morning, and then in the evening he and our oldest 2 kids hauled in another truckload. They are going back out tomorrow morning for more. They have put up almost a cord of wood in 1 week. We need 4 more at least to get through winter. We are starting late getting our wood put in this year. The blessing is, the lady we got our car from has told us we can get all the wood we want from her tree tops that were left after she and her husband had their property logged. We should have no problem getting 4 or more cords of wood, and the best part, it's free! Not counting gas and oil chains and blades for the saws :D And the oldest two kids have been helping their dad every free moment to get the wood loaded in the truck and then unloaded at home.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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We went down to our little town today to take a couple checks from Auction to the bank and a quick stop at the Dollar Store. I need a b-day gift for my DS who just turned 8. We're planning a small get together for him this Sunday, so I wanted to get him an outfit for his birthday.

The dollar store had some clothes marked 50% off! YAY! so we saved $ there. Then, they had a clearance table and E found some paint by numbers for 30 cents each!! WOW!! There were five left, so I bought all five of them! We're tucking them back for xmas gifts. :D My kids will LOVE them!

I was also needing to get my oldest DS some more pants for school - but he doesn't fit clothes that the average 10 yr old does because he's a walking bean pole! Today, I was given 2 bags of boys clothes - ALL IN THE SIZE NEEDED FOR OLDEST DS!! We were both super excited! He got several pairs of pants and shirts - and get this, Old Navy! WOW! Name brand FREE clothes!! My friend who brought me the boys clothes also brought me 3 bags of things for baby girl - clothes and blankets and crib bedding (which we didn't have much for crib bedding yet) and an adorable lamp for her room. The clothes for baby girl range in size from premie to 12 months in age. We're organizing the bigger sizes into a tote tub - to make space in her closet and her dresser. This little girl has a TON of clothes now!

So now, between the "new" clothes for oldest DS and baby girl, I have 3 baskets of laundry to do. :lol: No complaints, I feel so blessed!

I also know two other people having girls in January, and since I was given a lot of sleepers today that Baby Girl will have outgrown by then, I told E I think I can make up a box of clothes for both of the ones I know having a girl in January and share the bounty! :D I can't rationalize hoarding it to myself when I can share the blesssing!! :D

So I'm going to be off doing laundry today. I did forget to pick up hangers while we were at the dollar store. Seems like I never have enough hangers.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Awesome scores! :woot I never have enough hangers either. It's so sweet that you are already planning to share the blessing you recieved just today :thumbsup


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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>.> I own so few hangers, my dresses and skirts are folded in drawers. LOL!! All my clothing fits in my dresser, though. 6 big drawers and 4 little ones.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Whoa! I can't believe what just happened!!!

I'm going to need a bigger kitchen! and two or three more ovens!!!!!!!!

On our way home from sale today, saw a yard sale. So we stopped - lady has a whoooooole table of girl stuff from newborn to 2T including blankets and towels, etc. I was picking a few cute things out, including a 4th of July outfit that will fit baby Girl next summer - when the lady asks, "How many pies do you have in your car?" (E had just finished telling her how I've been baking pies because they had a conversation about the Amish baked goods and the woman doesn't like the ones from the Amish). I replied that there were no pies in my car, we had just left them all at sale.

She asks: what kind do you make?
I reply: Apple, Blackberry, Blueberry, Peach, and Pumpkin at this time, but am looking into learning how to make others.
She says: If you bake me a blueberry and a peach, you can have all the girl stuff on the table.


Of course I said DEAL! So she bagged/boxed it all up to hold for me, and I ran home to bake her pies.

I have two people in my family expecting other than me, one is confirmed a girl, and a friend in Geagua Co. having a girl. I figure I have PLENTY to spread around to them! Two are due in January, one who doesn't know gender yet is due in March, I think.

Anyway, so I baked her pies, wrapped them, and delivered them still warm from the oven. She was thrilled!

She then orders TWO MORE for next Monday! THEN asks if I'll bake pies for her daughter's wedding reception in October!!!!!!!!!!! THEN she asked if I'll be baking for the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) and could she get pies from me then, too?

THEN she said, "Wait till I tell my son! He loves peach pies!"


I need a bigger kitchen! :p and some employees :p


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
Congrats on the scores. You must made an incredible pie. I had one here in texas that the crust was made with pecan bits and a layer of cream cheese on top of the crust then the filling and merengue. It was heaven in your mouth.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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As your business expands, you will need to maintain quality. I hereby volunteer to be your quality control inspector. When do I start? :D

congrats on the good news!!!! :thumbsup

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