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- #701
Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
The replacement chicks for the near 100 chicks I lost (out of 200 RIR that arrived last week, I lost 72!) and they were supposed to send me 72 chicks. I told my DH they will probably send an even 100, 25 chicks per section in the large box.
They sent 128!! They sent me one LARGE box of chicks, and one SMALL box of chicks. Ok well, I haven't actually counted chicks, that's just what the invoice said, but I've found that Mt. Healthy includes 1-2 over what the invoice says.
I lost I think 7 chicks last night, and so I think I'm going to have roughly 40-50 extras now that are not sold. I am thinking we'll keep those, raise up to a certain age until we know genders, and sell of any roos (or butcher) and keep the girls.
So the funny part of the chicks coming is...I get a phone call last night from the post office. Not MY post office, mind you, but the bigger city post office 45 minutes away! Last week the chicks had sat over night in the city post office and were extremely stressed and dying on arrival. And the big post office NEVER calls when I have chicks in! I always pick up from my local PO. So, given the situation last week, and I didn't want to lose more chicks, I called my mom and said, "Would you please take me?" (long story, but we are temporarily w/o a running veicle.) Mom knew what happened last week, understood my concerns, and came to get me.
Now mind you, they called me at 8 pm. It's dark by then. They told me my chicks had arrived at 5 pm. I am NOT a city person. Especially considering this city is on the news almost every night with shootings, drug deals gone bad, murders, etc. So literally, I'm praying the whole drive while shaking in my boots! "Please, God, don't let anyone shoot us. Please keep us safe. Let us get there and home." I was so nervous, my skin was jumping.
I mean, who needs to go to an amusement park for an adrenalin rush, right? Just drive through a big city!
Honestly, though, big cities I am completely scared of them. Ok, not the city, but the bad people in them. (Not all City people are bad! There are some great people in the City!)
So we get to the PO. Mom and I book it into the lobby area and I'm banging on the door to the packages recievables door (I didn't know where else to knock!) No one answers the door. My mom (I was embarrassed) opens the mail drop off box and calls, "Hello! Is anyone there? We're here to pick up some chicks!"
This goes on for a few minutes. By the time the lady answers the door I'm so petrified I'm ready to grab the chicks and run...but she answers the door empty handed! Mom said I was white as a sheet as I rambled off "'m here to pick up chicks name is ____________"
So you know how when you're nervous or scared you tend to ramble?? I'm sure when she came back with the chicks (I nearly fainted when she asked us to hold on a minute while she went to get them) I blubbered, "I'm sorry, I've never come here after dark and I'm petrified of the city. I gotta go now!"
Mom was hanging onto my coat tails while I booked it for the car. LOL We get in the car and my mom wants to take time to check her fluids.
I nearly had a heart attack right then. Well, she didn't stop, just drove straight home. Whew.
Got home in one piece and opened up the chicks, only had 3 DOA's, which was far better than last time, and only lost 2 more since getting them set up in the brooders.
They sent 128!! They sent me one LARGE box of chicks, and one SMALL box of chicks. Ok well, I haven't actually counted chicks, that's just what the invoice said, but I've found that Mt. Healthy includes 1-2 over what the invoice says.
I lost I think 7 chicks last night, and so I think I'm going to have roughly 40-50 extras now that are not sold. I am thinking we'll keep those, raise up to a certain age until we know genders, and sell of any roos (or butcher) and keep the girls.
So the funny part of the chicks coming is...I get a phone call last night from the post office. Not MY post office, mind you, but the bigger city post office 45 minutes away! Last week the chicks had sat over night in the city post office and were extremely stressed and dying on arrival. And the big post office NEVER calls when I have chicks in! I always pick up from my local PO. So, given the situation last week, and I didn't want to lose more chicks, I called my mom and said, "Would you please take me?" (long story, but we are temporarily w/o a running veicle.) Mom knew what happened last week, understood my concerns, and came to get me.
Now mind you, they called me at 8 pm. It's dark by then. They told me my chicks had arrived at 5 pm. I am NOT a city person. Especially considering this city is on the news almost every night with shootings, drug deals gone bad, murders, etc. So literally, I'm praying the whole drive while shaking in my boots! "Please, God, don't let anyone shoot us. Please keep us safe. Let us get there and home." I was so nervous, my skin was jumping.
I mean, who needs to go to an amusement park for an adrenalin rush, right? Just drive through a big city!
Honestly, though, big cities I am completely scared of them. Ok, not the city, but the bad people in them. (Not all City people are bad! There are some great people in the City!)
So we get to the PO. Mom and I book it into the lobby area and I'm banging on the door to the packages recievables door (I didn't know where else to knock!) No one answers the door. My mom (I was embarrassed) opens the mail drop off box and calls, "Hello! Is anyone there? We're here to pick up some chicks!"
This goes on for a few minutes. By the time the lady answers the door I'm so petrified I'm ready to grab the chicks and run...but she answers the door empty handed! Mom said I was white as a sheet as I rambled off "'m here to pick up chicks name is ____________"
So you know how when you're nervous or scared you tend to ramble?? I'm sure when she came back with the chicks (I nearly fainted when she asked us to hold on a minute while she went to get them) I blubbered, "I'm sorry, I've never come here after dark and I'm petrified of the city. I gotta go now!"
Mom was hanging onto my coat tails while I booked it for the car. LOL We get in the car and my mom wants to take time to check her fluids.

Got home in one piece and opened up the chicks, only had 3 DOA's, which was far better than last time, and only lost 2 more since getting them set up in the brooders.