Rebecca's journal-may be time to restart this


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
Here I am typing on here for what may be the last time in a while. Dh decided that we are going to leave early and possibly this weekend. We are going to stay with his parents(that alone will never work!) while he starts work. We have a truck being worked on and it won't be ready for a couple of weeks so we will have to come back for it and the camper. Once we get the camper down we will live in it until we find a place. I am SOOOO nervous!! I have lived in the house I am in right now since I was 8 years old,minus about 10 years when dh and I got married and bought our 10 acres, but now I have no family left and no reason to stay.... We are going to bring our chickens, 1 pair ducks and 1 pair geese and our 1 old goat in a little trailer we can pull with the car. Did I mention I was nervous? Or scared to death? We really don't have much of a plan and he keeps changing his mind about selling this place. I think it is going to be just about impossible for us to get a loan and once we do it will just add to our bills, while if we sell this place we can pay off some of our bills and then have a really good down payment and then maybe qualify for a morgage. I do understand him wanting to keep this place to go back to, but he is just about guaranteeing that we will have to come back by not selling it. So far our timeline keeps changing and I will be leaving behind the fruit trees with fruit not yet ripe and the fruit trees and berries I just planted this spring along with our garden which will be ready to start producing soon. I am also kinda scared of hurricanes and I just heard this is supposed to be a bad year for them...


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
:hugs This is a big step and I know you're scared, but keep your chin up and look on it as a big adventure. I know about living with the in-laws - it ain't fun. Hopefully you'll be out and on your own soon even in the close confines of a camper. I'll keep you in my prayers. And keep in touch as much as possible. :hugs


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
rebecca100 said:
Here I am typing on here for what may be the last time in a while. Dh decided that we are going to leave early and possibly this weekend. We are going to stay with his parents(that alone will never work!) while he starts work. We have a truck being worked on and it won't be ready for a couple of weeks so we will have to come back for it and the camper. Once we get the camper down we will live in it until we find a place. I am SOOOO nervous!! I have lived in the house I am in right now since I was 8 years old,minus about 10 years when dh and I got married and bought our 10 acres, but now I have no family left and no reason to stay.... We are going to bring our chickens, 1 pair ducks and 1 pair geese and our 1 old goat in a little trailer we can pull with the car. Did I mention I was nervous? Or scared to death? We really don't have much of a plan and he keeps changing his mind about selling this place. I think it is going to be just about impossible for us to get a loan and once we do it will just add to our bills, while if we sell this place we can pay off some of our bills and then have a really good down payment and then maybe qualify for a morgage. I do understand him wanting to keep this place to go back to, but he is just about guaranteeing that we will have to come back by not selling it. So far our timeline keeps changing and I will be leaving behind the fruit trees with fruit not yet ripe and the fruit trees and berries I just planted this spring along with our garden which will be ready to start producing soon. I am also kinda scared of hurricanes and I just heard this is supposed to be a bad year for them...


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Wow that was quick. Is your FIL doing ok? I hope you find some place to settle. Stop by soon and tell us how things are. :hugs


framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
:hugs Moving is scary and especially on the timeline it sounds like you may be on. Whenever I'm scared, I try to pretend that I'm a pioneer getting ready to go west. I know I could do it but it sure makes whatever I'm facing currently seem smaller somehow. Kinda goofy maybe but whatever works!

And just think, with hurricanes, you'll have plenty of warning to get things buttoned up and get moved to safety. They're destructive but they're not random like tornados. Just keep your chin up girl! Like my dad would always tell me, just put on your brave tennis shoes...


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
We tried to relocate once and couldn't sell the house we had. Turned out it was a good thing because work did not work out well where we went and we had that house to return to.

you never know what is in the cards... if you don't sell it maybe there is a reason. Your husband may want to feel more secure in his work before letting go of it?

Either way you are onto a new adventure. All I can say is let go and let God. Worry and fear will not help you. Something just perfect may be around the corner for you both.

So be cool. :cool:


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
You need money to get a place soon that is not their house. You said somebody offered to buy the 10 acre property. It would be a good idea financially, to go ahead. Then, rent the other one.
You would have $ when you really need it and not have to stay in their house long. Plus, you would still own the place that already has a usable home on it.
Good luck whatever you do.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
I'm back!!! We have been down here for over a week now. I was able to keep my chickens, ducks and geese. The kids have been enjoying playing with their cousins everyday. It has been really humid and hot(which of course it gets like that in AR, but not so exteme this early!) The kids have also discovered some kind of lizard that changes color from green to brown and some huge grasshoppers that they are now obsessed with catching! They have adjusted well and don't even miss being home at all.
I found an english lop breeder not far from us and I plan on getting one! I love english lops. I raised french lops in the past and absolutely loved them and am excited about getting an english. The lady I helped mil clean house for gave me a cage that is big enough for a couple of rabbits and is on legs with a tin roof. I was pleased with that.
Our house finding is now just driving around looking for anything for sale or looking abandoned. We are looking for something we can get together since they are planning on moving where ever we go.