Almost Self-Reliant
Shear her down before you treat. You will get the lice better if that fiber is off of her. You don't have to go to skin, just cut it very short.
Good point. My little cuties have the nasty habit of knocking their heads back into my face. It hurts and mine don't have horns. I have learned to not put my face over their heads, on the side yes, over the top where they can bonk me, NO. They are little stinkers.freemotion said:Aw, they are so cute! After pics???
(Oh, and teach your kids to keep their faces away from those horns....that pic of the ADORABLE girl holding the doeling...eek. I see horns vs face happening.....we've all learned it the hard way. I got jabbed by a doeling last week by accident when she threw her head up to avoid another goat. Ouch.)
I checked out last week from the library a book on spinning yarn.rebecca100 said:I just looked them up and I honestly didn't know such a breed existed. Now I have a woolie goat and a woolie rabbit. I read somewhere that you can mix the hair for spinning-if I knew how to spin!I honestly think the lice are causing her to itch and scratch and make her hair fall out and once I get rid of them her coat will come back in better. That is what I hope at least. Her two babies are both curly like little lambs like the pics i looked at. Fil told me today that he was still going to get a milk goat.