That is depressing. Is the owner of the property able to carry the loan or are they in a distress situation and needing to get the cash out of it? Man, I wish I had more ideas for you...
Just like FF said see if the owner would entertain the idea of owner financing. Really hope this works out for you and always remember, God doesn't close a door without opening a window.
I am going to try not to give up yet, but to be honest I'm beginning to think that it is not for us-even thought I REALLY liked it and it is what I have been looking for exactly. Now that I have a little time I will explain why I am beginning to wonder. Before we left, mil and fil both warned us about going through the town where the place was. The have told us on more than one occasion to avoid it if we can and that it was nothing but a speed trap. Well, we had to pass through there to get to where we were going to see the house. The speed limit is 45 and then goes to 35. Dh as he was PASSING the sign that said 35 began to slow down instead of slowing down before it. Of course the cop was sitting way back in the bushes directly behind the sign. She pulled us over and immediately wrote a ticket for 42 in a 35 LITERALLY 15 feet from the speed change sign!! She also took his drivers license since he had an out-of-state license! Soooo, $180 later he finally got his driver's license back and the ticket paid. Maybe that was meant to be a sign.
We decided to pack it all up and go home. In the list of reasons to be here his family was the only entry. In the list of reasons to go back home there were several including job, land, friends, and peace and quiet and the new knowledge that we couldn't get a mortgage and finding a place to rent that will allow a farm is unlikely and neither of us honestly want to live with his parents for the rest of our lives.
Then came yesterday. I got an excited call from dh's cousins wife telling me that the place we had been trying to rent that would allow farm animals had come empty that day. I thanked her and explained that we were going home. Then ds got sick and we took him to the doctor. While we were gone dh's uncle came over to tell dh that there were finally openings and to show up at the place he works and he would get a job. A state job. Where people normally wait months to get on. Now if it all comes together-maybe the Lord meant for us to stay after all?
Sorry you guys are so on the fence. How is your FIL doing? Has your DH had time to visit and reconnect with his dad? Oh, sorry about the ticket as well, that's a big bummer!
I wish I could understand but we seem to go through so many rollercoaster rides...up and down....down and up....great ideas that don't work out....sudden wonderful blessings out of no where!
Perhaps God does want you to stay! I am sending up a prayer that your Hubby gets the job!