Due to my illness, I haven't been up to the Maine home for well over a month. As a result I've missed the main wild blueberry season - which really makes me mad because this year they were absolutely loaded! We have about an acre, maybe an acre and a half, of wild blueberries. We bought a DR brushcutter to take care of them, and hubby had worked his butt off two seasons ago mowing them all down, they regrew last year, this was the year they would really produce.
We live on a private lane, there were two houses on our side of the road, and two across the lane; hubby's home has been there for years, about four years ago the people who own the lane (they live at the end) sold off land, two house lots. The people who bought on our side are lovely people, Dave checks on our house for us all the time. Then directly across the lane from us is another nice couple. Everyone keeps to themselves, but watches what goes on, it's wonderful to have thoughtful people keeping an eye on our home. As a matter of fact, Dave called us to see what was wrong, why hadn't we been up, while I was sick. They're sweet, caring people.
The new people across the lane, though, in the other new house - they got off to a really bad start, renting the home to a sister, who was running drugs out of it The traffic on the lane was unbelievable. Thankfully they're gone. We met the owners, they stopped by the house one day when we were there and they were moving in. The woman seemed nice enough, but....she saw the garden I've got up there and wanted to plant stuff in it (the soil is nice, hubby has nurtured it for years). I nicely said no, we have plans for it. I also told her how we tended the blueberries and that I harvested them each year. My impression of them was they were users, they use people to get what they want.
Well, you guessed it. I hadn't been up there, they went onto our property with a blueberry rake and harvested MY BERRIES. I am beyond angry about it. We're going up tomorrow with No Trespassing signs. These berries are in a long field along the lane, but the property is ours. The gall of some people. I don't care that they weren't getting harvested, I'd rather the deer eat them than have someone steal them
I'm letting hubby handle it. I haven't heard the whole story yet, he and Dave are on the phone right now, when he gets off I'll know more. I think Dave may have already told them off, but I'm not sure.
That's too bad. Our neighbors always grant our request to pick their blackberries, and I'm so glad they do rather than letting all that food go to waste!
If they'd of asked, I would have let them. But they didn't. And as I said, nothing is wasted, there are plenty of critters up there who eat their share.
Yes, that's really too bad. It's so easy to just ask permission, and doing it without permission surely leaves a bad taste in neighbor's mouths for a long time!!
How true that the critters enjoy it, too, as evidenced by all the purple coon and bird poo to be found during berry season
LOL-LOL---I was going to say check with Dave, maybe he said it was OK
you never know
but yes, get the whole true story first before you leap.
If they truly just took and used your property....then lay down the law in both the hubby and wifes face so there is no misunderstanding. Yours is yours.
funny thing is if they just asked Dave he might have called you and asked and you would have said yes, I can't use them, everyone help themselves.
ALL IT TAKES is a request yet so many NEVER ask...they just take and use.
Did they go into your shed and take your rake? I guess it wasn't just laying out there for them? WOW--that would mean they were up to the house and on the property --that is not cool at all.
Yea, I would be steaming..LOL
I let so much slide on my farm. Dog walkers just use the area cause they "feel they can let their dog loose"---well, duh, it ain't a state forest or anything, it is mine...LOL-----ATVs all the time, no asking, just squishing crops..LOL