Well they found me "physically" disabled as opposed to "mentally" so I don't know if that is a more permanent status? I learned yesterday that after two years I will qualify for medicare too, which would make my medical bills considerably less. I don't know if medicare covers coclear implants, but I need an ear surgery and could benefit from the removal of my BAHA device and placement of a coclear implant. So help with medical bills would be awesome. Hubby was going to make the whining phone call to SSI for me so I'll see what happens.
I have an ad running for the Buff Orpingtons, cheap, and a lady is coming to look at them tomorrow. She is free ranging her birds I believe so being slow layers isn't the end of the world. I can't think of a better arrangement for them! Because they aren't bad chickens, they are just laying one every three or four days (either that or one or two of them are not laying and one or two is laying every day). But at this point my egg sales are funding my livestock projects and I need heavy layers not slackers. Slackers are kicked to the curb at Dizzy Dog Ranch currently (don't I sound tough?). But I'm sure you are not fooled, these are the same chickens I could not eat earlier. They were my first baby chicks, what can I say?
We have new neighbors, they bought the ramshackle place across the way that had been empty and have really fixed it up. Today they traded me a bale of (good) hay for an 18-pk of eggs....yay!
physical or mental youll come up for revew every couple of years (how often will depend on your area) but assuming your dr deems nothing has changed/improved you shouldnt have to worry about it.
i think youd have to do part B when your qualify for medicare for the implants, but as long as youve got the part b and your dr is a go for it they should cover most if not all the cost.
E has a hearing scheduled (FINALLY) in September. We've been waiting for the hearing to be scheduled for over a year, we have legal representation, and he first filed in 2005 - so yes, HOORAY for you getting it on the first try!!
E has had back surgery since first applying, so we don't know if that makes a difference in his case now or not. This is our second time for a hearing.
We've actually reached the point where E would rather give up and try to work. He's put out applications, but hasn't had any luck. So, just doing what we can around the farm and (ugh) driving Amish.
Gosh, QA, that must be really tough. This five months has felt like forever. I can tell why I made it through on the first try after reading through my medical file. I had everything except the records from my specialist (who finds me to be his ultimate challenge) so I knew his records would be supportive, but gosh you should see some of the quotes of what those doctors wrote. They were not only worried about my ability (mentally and physically) to work, but I saw my records included what is usually NEVER in a Meniere's patient's records.....physical proof of a vertigo attack (eyes showing "nystagmus"). Twice doctors who were examining me had that written down, and I have heard this is almost never part of anyone's record with my disease. Lucky me, I'm always the "extreme" case when it comes to this. And I suspect that the evaluation doctor they sent me to wrote something like "this is the worst case of Meniere's disease I've seen" because that is pretty much what he told me. Fun Fun Fun, I just love being a freak. The records could even detect I was spinning sideways, which is always the case for me. I was floored when I read all this and was prepared to do battle should they deny me. I had plenty of ammo. I'm really pretty ill for a person who does the things I do that I describe on this forum. I'm a person with more than the average share of mental fortitude and determination to not let this disease ruin my life. But unfortunately it has done a pretty fair job.
Actually I would do almost anything just to not have one of those attacks again. Or really hear the songs I filk.
But I need to not dwell on this, and I have that lady coming to look at the Buff Orpingtons in a few hours. I need to go "cut and brine" my feta and it looks like a bright sunshiny day here on Dizzy Dog Ranch. Only 71 days until I start getting paid now.......
But it feels like I'm getting paid to feel awful and not hear, so as much as I'm celebrating, it is a defeat too. I would never have chosen disability as the way to retire, it runs counter to my nature. I'm more of a worker bee and a talker and love to be in the center of a group of people....or did.
I think that is why you all help me so much. Here, where I can communicate and understand, I can be a normal communicator and a part of the group in the same way I used to be the part of groups of people when I could hear, use the phone and have normal conversations in groups. I cannot tell you all what a lifeline it has been for me to have you to communicate with especially when you are all so interested in what I am, and in my lifestyle. Since I can no longer drive I cannot just pick up and go visit a friend or call someone to chat.......
But you all fill in nicely for that. There is always at least one of you out there, listening. I just wish sometimes I could hug you all.