Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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And who is your precious kitty Bubbling brooks? What a picture! You caught such a loving pose on the cat!

Rhettsgreygal, you crack me up, greyhound trying to fatten up and be a lab! Labs do generally like their food!

We have one that is real fat all the time and always acts starved. We have another that is thin and we FEED her constantly and she is still thin.

If only it would happen to me like that...feed me and feed me and stay thin. Sigh


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Isle of Wight, VA
That IS a cute pic from Bubblingbrooks with the cat and the two chicks! Love it! Yes Bassett mix and an albino Beagle :lol:

Sure! would love to try and make my own Laundry Detergent with your recipe! Sounds great and I bet you do save a ton of money.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Rhettsgreygal said:
glenolam said:
Morgan is the Sharpei mix - prolly mixed with greyhound since all she does is run and refuses to gain weight!
glenolam, believe it or not, there are fat greyhounds out there. Scarlett, our greyhound dressed up as Scarlett O'Hara in my other post, was a 55 - 57 lb greyhound normally. When she was an only hound child she got up to 65 lbs. I always joked that she was trying to be a black lab (I know not all black labs are over weight, but I have known an awful lot of chubby ones.). When we lived near Madison, WI, we did a meet 'n greet at a bookstore and Scarlett did her best to prove that greyhounds weren't hyper by sleeping through most of the event. Some of us were talking about food (the human kind) and pizza was mentioned. Guess who woke up??? Scarlett was such a food hound. She got down to her ideal weight once we adopted Rhett and she no longer could have a full piece of pizza whenever we had pizza for supper.

:gig Thanks - that just shot our idea down! jk - it is a very cute story! Mogran is only 45 lbs - I can't imagine a 65 lb greyhound!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 15, 2010
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Marshfield, Wisconsin
We currently have one 15 year old kitty. Doesn't she look innocent?

Lefty was found on the side of the road by someone my husband was working with. He got back to the office and told him about her. When Roy asked him what he did with the cat, he said that he left her there. The coworker didn't want to catch any diseases. Well, Roy went flying out of the parking lot on two wheels. When he found her, he thought she was dead so he turned to leave. He heard a pathetic squeak and turned around to see her trying to lift her head. Roy wrapped her up in his coat and rushed to the vet to put her out of her misery because he didn't think something so bloody could survive. There was a new vet at the office that did not recognize Roy and was giving him the "evil eye", luckily the owner, our vet, came in so the new vet relaxed. Roy told them that he wanted to put Lefty out of her misery, but the new vet thought she could be saved. She stayed a few days and recovered enough to come home, but we were told that she would never regain the use of her front left arm. I was the one who picked her up, and I knew at that point we probably would be keeping her because the vet tech came out with Lefty in her arms not squirming. 10 days after being in our house, Lefty started having seizures. We rushed her to the vet school about 80 miles away (University of IL - Urbana). She seized a couple times on the way out there and we stopped a couple times to make sure she was still alive. At that point I told Roy that if she survived, we would be keeping her. It was like an emergency medical show when we got to the hospital. The called a code blue (or red?) and there were vets and students coming out of the woodwork. They saved her and as they say, the rest is history. Lefty is a kitty that does not necessarily like dogs or cats even though at one time we had two greyhounds and three cats. She is the true test of a newly retired greyhound who tests out as cat safe. When Eddie was here, she just slapped the snot out of him. You heard that right paw crack against his nose. Eddie was finally able to sneak a little kiss on Lefty's head. He was so proud of himself that he was smiling. Lefty was so shocked that she couldn't react.


We also had kitty littermates for a while. A family had left the "hood" back in 1987 and left behind a pregnant cat that gave birth under my parents porch. There were three kittens (momma cat was hit by a car) born. My mom found a home for one, kept one (Garfield) and Roy and I took the last one (Taffy).

Taffy lived to be 17 1/2 years old. She was a terrible spook and we could not medicate her. She had Pancreatitus and ended up having a stroke. We only have one digital picture of her:


We adopted Garfield (don't let the name fool ya, she's a girl who was misdiagnosed as a baby) after my mom died in 1998. She lived to be 19 1/2 years old. When we brought her home, it was as though Taffy and Garfield never forgot each other. They truly did seem to recognize each other and they were the best of buds.



We also had a tomkitty by the name of Spooky. He was the sweetest little black kitty with Sylvester the cat chubby cheeks. He was about 13 when he died of cancer. We don't have any digital pictures of him.



Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
savingdogs said:
Wonderful pictures, Hen!

I love those orange kitties. We have one with a crooked tail, so we named him "Mr. Stubby."
Aw! Believe it or not I never liked orange cats. My first cat was a cranky orange tabby that we named Oscar for a reason. Then I worked for a vet's office and for a while every orange cat seemed to be mean. Then I met Mr. Yellow. He would board with us once in a while when his owners went on vacation. He had a chronic disease, can't remember what, but they felt more comfortable having him where we could help. He may have been diabetic now that I think about it so we could give him his insulin. He was a hugger. If you took him out of his crate he'd lay on your chest and put his paws around your neck and just snuggle in. He cured me of my dislike for orange cats! Our Nemo is a peach. Rescued him from a nearby pound. He's wonderful.
What fun it is to see everyone's cats and dogs!!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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All this orangeness! My favorite color cats are orange males. I have known quite a few very nice and friendly orange males.

Rhettsgreygal, your cats have all made it to such a ripe old age! What do you think your secret is? We have one that is 14 and another that was 12 when a coyote got her when she escaped the house, but most of my cats have not gotten up into their teens. What food do you like? Are they indoor only. Unfortunately two of mine insist on going outside.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 15, 2010
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Marshfield, Wisconsin
Our kitties have always been indoor kitties. I don't know if we have any secret to their longevity otherwise.

Spooky, Garfield and Taffy just ate Purina Cat Chow and a variety of canned. I remember having Taffy on a special diet for pancreatitus for a while, but she did not like it and we weren't going to let her starve to death, so she ate whatever she liked until it was time to have her pts. She actually got a lot of ham in the end. Garfield developed diabetes and we put her on a kidney diet that she liked. She was a little piglet when it came to food. Spooky never was on a special diet. The cancer snuck up on us and took him from us.

Lefty isn't on a prescription diet, but she is borderline pancreatitus. She can't eat beef, venison or salmon based foods because that irritates her pancreas. We are feeding her a chicken and rice dry catfood and chicken and tuna based canned foods.
