Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well that is awesome you are consistently getting so many years.

When we do adoption applications for the fosters, that is one of the factors that really will tip the scale if I'm trying to decide between two adopters. People whose other pets live to be really old are good owners.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Since you are savingdogs I thought I would post some pics of some of our family pups that were rescues.

(I don't have a pic of Brian currently handy, but she is my first story child.) Edited to say: Here is a little one that I found.

Brian is a Bird Dog/Pit Bull mix. She was brought to the vet clinic where my D1 worked as a palm sized puppy. A good Samaritan stopped and saved her. People were dropping tiny puppies ... a whole litter of them out of the car on the yellow line of a very busy 4 lane road! She was the only survivor. :( Of course D1 adopted her. She is about 10 years old now and has been "Living the life of Riley" with my daughter.

Pup story #2 is Judy. She is a Rat Terrier mix about 14ish years old.

She was rescued by my sis when she moved into her present acreage home. The people that lived there were pretty horrible to their animals and simply lived like pigs. Not even human. When sis went to look at the property there were cats and dogs everywhere. None of them looked healthy. When the people moved away Judy was left behind. She was W.I.L.D. and terrified of people. Her tail had been broken at one time and she was a mess.

When Sis moved in SHE moved out. She lived totally feral for a year, living on her own hunting abilities. Finally she decided to come in out of the cold. It took another year before she was "part of the family" coming to meals every night and to this day she still has a terrible time with human contact. Sis and her James can pet her, but she really trusts no one else. She had one litter of pups before she could be captured and spayed without trauma. Norman Harley is her son that my sis kept.

Pup story #3 is Gracie. She is a Boxer mix, now 3, that my D1 found as a big pup lying in the highway with her leg totally shattered.

D1 footed the bill for her amputation and recovery and now she is the quite gifted and happy therapy dog where I work and lives with a very devoted teacher that is part of our program.

Doogle will be Pup story #4 on our tour. She is an approx 4 year old Beagle.

She was found as a starved stray walking the mean city streets. She still tends to raid the trash and sometimes hordes food, but she is now happy! :)

Sirius is Pup #5, but he has had to go on to another home as well now.

He was thrown out of a moving van with a "needs a new home" notes stuck in his collar as a 8 month old pup. He was a mess. Very ill, starved and full of worms. We had him 4 years before his protective side became a problem and we had to re home him with good country family in need of his services.

Kooshie and Cassiopeia are pup stories # 6 and # 7.

They are siblings and came from a friend of my D1 that does puppy rescues. They are about 6 years old now. D1 has Kooshie and Cassie is my big girl dog.

Then of course there is Sagittarius or Sage he is our new family member. He is 3 months old now and 1/2 German Shepherd and 1/2 Siberian Husky just like Kooshie and Cassie. No rescue here. Just darned cute!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Farmfresh, I love your rescue dog photos. They remind me of my own beloved rescues.

I've had one that was thrown from a car, too....twice...Judy's story is especially touching because that kind of dog cannot find a home and she got one with your family. In a rescue group per se, she would be what they call unadoptable. What a blessing for her that your family took so much time taming her.
Obviously your family is part of my "rescue" group....I loved your photos!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
The thing that still brings a tear to my eye with Judy is how THANKFUL she is.

She is thankful every time you simply notice her.
Thankful for a warm place to sleep. (she won't come in the house or use a dog house so sis makes her a personal hay stack with a blanket door. )
When my sis talks to her, her whole body shivers with happiness.
She lays flat on the ground under your touch and still trembles with fear, but after you pet her she bounds around with joy.
When you pour feed into a dish it is like a little miracle to her every single time. She is SO pleased and happy with it.

When my D1 was young she took her walking in the woods. D1 showed an interest in a squirrel. Moments later Judy brought it to her dead. A reminder of how she had to live. Another reminder is the sound of a gunshot... she runs an evasive pattern and literally runs for her life every time she hears one.

Now she is old and crippled with arthritis, but sis keeps her medicated a possible. We will miss her when she finally goes.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
That is too funny! Whose dogs are those? I wonder how they learned that. I have seen lots of dogs enjoy the snow but that is hysterical!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Laughed till I cried! :lol: :lol: Thanks I needed that today!

Sirius used to run to the sofa, jump up and slide on his back down the whole sofa length. He was a goofy dog. Not as funny as the sledding and not great for the furniture either. Wish he had them to teach him how it is supposed to be done. :lol:

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