Lovin' The Homestead
You & me are just alike SD. I'm not in it for showing or getting the big $$ with kids - I'm just in it to provide families like ours good pet quality animals at prices we can afford.
BB - I'm sorry you feel that way about BYH. Not everyone there is like that.
You'd freeze the colostrum for future use. Comes in real handy if you loose a doe or have a kid that just won't nurse off mom.
When we had calves last summer I sure wish I had colostrum on hand. We ended up having to go to another farm at 1 am because the cow wouldn't let the calf nurse. Talk about owing her big time!
SD - don't worry about how much milk you get. Once/If you separate the kids you'll have the opportunity to have all the milk to yourself, not matter how much or how little she gives you!
BB - I'm sorry you feel that way about BYH. Not everyone there is like that.

You'd freeze the colostrum for future use. Comes in real handy if you loose a doe or have a kid that just won't nurse off mom.
When we had calves last summer I sure wish I had colostrum on hand. We ended up having to go to another farm at 1 am because the cow wouldn't let the calf nurse. Talk about owing her big time!
SD - don't worry about how much milk you get. Once/If you separate the kids you'll have the opportunity to have all the milk to yourself, not matter how much or how little she gives you!