Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
That's a trust your breeder thing. The references I offered were simply facts about the breed. Saanen are very calm compared to the many breeds I've encountered. Friendly & excellent producers, too.
Thank you for the information. It gives me a starting point.That's a trust your breeder thing. The references I offered were simply facts about the breed. Saanen are very calm compared to the many breeds I've encountered. Friendly & excellent producers, too.
4 seedlings have survived, had zero issues with diseases or pests, that is really encouraging. However like my other peach trees they need frequent watering. The seedlings aren't no more than 2 foot tall. Which is pretty tiny even for a newly sprouted peach. I'm pretty sure they have reverted back to a bonanza peach which is what I was hoping for. Bonanza is a natural dwarf also known as a patio peach. I think I can find some places to tuck these little dwarfs in and see what becomes of them.I have 4 or 5 peach seedlings that have sprouted. I sowed them late last fall in a kiddie pool. The pits came from O’Henry peaches. Which is bonanza peach, possibly crossed with an unknown nectarine. O'Henry was released to commercial growers in 1968. I really liked the unique mild flavor of O'Henry peaches. But I don't expect an O'Henry peach to be produced from the pits. I am however interesting to see what peach the new trees will produce, after several years.
Jesus is Lord and Christ![]()
Is there anyway to safely 'mail' some of those peach seeds?4 seedlings have survived, had zero issues with diseases or pests, that is really encouraging. However like my other peach trees they need frequent watering. The seedlings aren't no more than 2 foot tall. Which is pretty tiny even for a newly sprouted peach. I'm pretty sure they have reverted back to a bonanza peach which is what I was hoping for. Bonanza is a natural dwarf also known as a patio peach. I think I can find some places to tuck these little dwarfs in and see what becomes of them.
Jesus is Lord and Christ![]()
Thinking about visiting local fruit stands and experimenting with various fruits.Is there anyway to safely 'mail' some of those peach seeds?
Thank you. Learning ang trying to duplicate your way of planting!My seedling peaches have survived 2 summers with minimal watering--I think I watered once in August. Yes they are small, but I have no problem with that. I am actually trying to encourage a bush form. I think bushes will do better with our high winds.
I planted a bunch of different varieties, inside, shelled, and planted them out after the last frost. Five survived. Three are thriving. Two struggle with the heat and drought, but have survived this long. If they survive this winter I may consider moving those two to another area, or once I evaluate the fruit I may give them away as bare root trees.
Anything that was grown in your local area has a better chance of thriving if planted from a seed.Thinking about visiting local fruit stands and experimenting with various fruits.
Is there anyway to safely 'mail' some of those peach seeds?