Almost Self-Reliant
What stands out this morning to me in Chapter three, is V 19-25
The law is for "lawbreakers" or as my translation says "transgressors."
Without the Torah, we would not know how the Holy One expects us to live.
Knowing what is expected of us, the"guidelines for life" gives us a sense of security. It is not where we find our salvation, but it keeps us on the path, and gives us the remedy for when we stray off the path, and the knowledge of how to remain on that path.
Just a sidebar here..
T'orah or Torah, translated most places as "law", can be translated as "That which brings light"
And I like that concept better. Because it is written.
Psalm 119:105
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
How wonderful are the Scriptures! They have survived all these thousands of years to bring each generation, (to those that will diligently search through them), life and liberty no matter what type of politica/social system that is in power over them at the time.
The law is for "lawbreakers" or as my translation says "transgressors."
Without the Torah, we would not know how the Holy One expects us to live.
Knowing what is expected of us, the"guidelines for life" gives us a sense of security. It is not where we find our salvation, but it keeps us on the path, and gives us the remedy for when we stray off the path, and the knowledge of how to remain on that path.
Just a sidebar here..
T'orah or Torah, translated most places as "law", can be translated as "That which brings light"
And I like that concept better. Because it is written.
Psalm 119:105
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
How wonderful are the Scriptures! They have survived all these thousands of years to bring each generation, (to those that will diligently search through them), life and liberty no matter what type of politica/social system that is in power over them at the time.