Quilting Extraordinaire
Obediance to God gets even deeper one day he might put a little bug in your heart to do something for somebody...and you have free never HAVE to do anything, but are mighty blessed when you do.
He guides you... the closer you get to him, and he leads you to where he wants you to go. He gently nudges you and you have a choice to be obediant or not...but obediance brings with it many blessings...and disobediance brings with it at the very least, a troubled spirit, guilt, and sometimes not very good consequences.
He might put a feeling in your spirit NOT to do something that is part of YOUR plan, but not HIS plan...and he won't stop you, but the road to YOUR plan will prove to be alot more difficult than if you follow his plan.
He guides you... the closer you get to him, and he leads you to where he wants you to go. He gently nudges you and you have a choice to be obediant or not...but obediance brings with it many blessings...and disobediance brings with it at the very least, a troubled spirit, guilt, and sometimes not very good consequences.
He might put a feeling in your spirit NOT to do something that is part of YOUR plan, but not HIS plan...and he won't stop you, but the road to YOUR plan will prove to be alot more difficult than if you follow his plan.