Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Thing my minister really made me thing about, many of us on here do all kinds of prepping, for just in case. But, how many of us remember to keep God in our plans? How many of us prepare our hearts to follow God? I know since I've started the 30 day challenge, I'm spending more time in prayer, reading and studying, and I'm finding a change in me. I'm spending, on most days, over an hour, and I still feel like I'm not spending enough time w/God. And, I know I don't feel like I'm doing enough for Him.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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I know what you mean. I don't feel I'm doing enough either. I just don't know what to do though. Here lately He has felt so far away when not too long ago He felt so close.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I was just reading about this in the book The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. He says this is a normal part of the testing and maturing of your friendship with God. He says it is vital for the development of your that would be a good sign, I'm guessing?

He also states that God admits that He will hide His face(just His face, mind you) from us intentionally to test our faith in Him, as documented in several places in the Bible. It is to test your love, trust, obedience and worship...says that faith, not feelings, pleases God. That He never forsakes us or leaves us, though we may feel that He is distant, He is always right there...waiting to see how we respond when we can't actually feel His presence, though it still be there.

Makes sense, doesn't it? Sort of how many relationships are tested....are you still loving and faithful to your husband when he is gone for an extended period, or does the love grow dim and dusty? Same with friendships...if you don't see your best friend for years, is she still your best friend? What makes a relationship? Is it physical closeness or more of a spiritual connection, with the love and trust imbedded so deeply that it can't be lost with distance or time?

I've been where you are and, just like David in the Bible, I lamented, pleaded and even became angry over what I saw as God's distance from me, particularly when I needed Him most. Now I know that He never left me, never turned away when I was hurting or in need...I just thought He had because I couldn't feel Him or sense His help or love for me. I know now that it was my perception and not truth....He is always there.

I thank God on my knees that He is always there! That knowledge was the only thing that got Job through his testing time and I know now that my testing time proved it to me also....I may feel alone but I am never alone. I may feel abandoned by life but I am never abandoned by God.

Does any of that make sense or am I rambling again? :p I do that a lot now...forgive me my old age and meandering musings? :hide


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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Thanks, Bee. That's kinda where I think I may be.
DD- that's one of my favorite poems!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Had a very interesting and frightening movie at church tonight. It's called America the Beautiful. Everyone that cares about this country should see it!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Denim Deb said:
Thing my minister really made me thing about, many of us on here do all kinds of prepping, for just in case. But, how many of us remember to keep God in our plans? How many of us prepare our hearts to follow God? I know since I've started the 30 day challenge, I'm spending more time in prayer, reading and studying, and I'm finding a change in me. I'm spending, on most days, over an hour, and I still feel like I'm not spending enough time w/God. And, I know I don't feel like I'm doing enough for Him.
This is why I added the Ultimate Prepping page to My Page. Some time back I realized that all this SS living is fine, as it makes ones life easier and less stressful, but one can take it too far with preparation for hard times, end of the world scenarios, etc. Ultimately, if you aren't preparing your faith life, no amount of food stores, abilities to live off grid, grow your own foods, etc. will mean anything at all.

That's like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic when you should be in the life boat of God's salvation and be pulling others out of the water all around you!

It's nice to be prepared for temporary discomforts like high food prices and power disruptions, but we have a short time to spread the Word of God and to be going about our Father's business. How can we concentrate on that if we are busy lining our own little nests? When God told Noah to build an ark, do you think Noah said, "Wait a little, Lord, so I can store up some food and get my supplies gathered." ?

I so want to be out there working solely on missions and ministries and I tried to accomplish that on my own power but failed. I am just making my life available for anything~anything~that God would have me do. That waiting and keeping my life open to any sudden moves He would have me make has been the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm not good at waiting..I'm a mover, not a waiter. I can sit still for a little while but then I have to hatch a plan, do a project, be doing something, anything!

For now, I have to accept that where I am is where He means me to be, so while I'm here I am working on the book and trying to help my mother. Until He shows me anything else He would have me do, I'm just sitting here revving my engine...waiting, praying, building on my faith and worship and loving God, witnessing to my family and anyone else who will listen.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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I've been struggling with that too. I keep asking "is THIS where you want me to be?" I stay at home homeschooling 2 1/2 kids and trying to raise them trusting in God. I dont have a paying job and we are going on what support I get from their dad. It isn't much and this month wasn't enough to cover bills and groceries, much less all the other stuff. I wonder if I'm where Im supposed to be? That's one of the things thats going on right now. It seems like everytime I get over one hill a bigger one is looming. I'm not trying to sound whiney at all. Lol I'm waiting to see how He is going to provide for us this month.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I can't imagine a more godly purpose than raising your kids and homeschooling, Rebecca. Do you have anyone who you can trust to watch your kids? Maybe you could get a part-time job like on weekends or a few evenings a week to supplement your income? I know how you feel...I didn't have any child support and so I had to get a job, all the while feeling like the most important job was waiting at home for me~my kids.

I was angry at God a long time for that situation but God placed me in the situation where He could use me the most and He provided me with a reliable ~and free~baby-sitter, my mother. I think He felt I'd be better utilized as a nurse and serving others, showing them His love and care through me. Now I'm grateful to God for placing me there, otherwise I'd never had all those opportunities to show His love to strangers, to serve others, to help others and my kids wouldn't have had the chance to know their grandparents so closely and have all that extra love.

I don't know what God has in store for you, Rebecca, but I'm sure He will show you a path. He'll take care of you and maybe not in the way you would have wanted~like me~but it will all have a purpose for His plan for you and for the world...I'm sure of it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Years ago, we used to have a bird feeder hung from a high branch in an oak tree in our front yard. I had a baffle over the top of it-otherwise the squirrels would slide down the wire to get to the feeder. The wire was tied to a rope, and the other end of the rope was tied to the trunk of a tree. In order to fill it, I had to untie the rope and let the feeder down.

Of course, the squirrels were determined that they were going to get to that feeder. They KNEW it contained the food they wanted. It was just a matter of getting to it. This feeder provided hours of entertainment for us as we watched the squirrels leap at the feeder-only to miss it, land on the ground, run right back up the tree they had just jumped from, to the same spot they had leaped from and try again. There was one squirrel in particular that was funny. This squirrel had it's favorite spot to leap from. It was able to grab the rope from there. And, while it couldn't go up the rope, it seemed to get a certain amount of comfort or something from grabbing the rope. And, it would keep hold of this rope w/one paw every time it jump. Of course, this meant it fell short.

One day, when it jumped, it let go of the rope. And, sure enough it was able to reach the feeder! Only problem it had? It was only able to grab the feeder w/it's front paws. And, his (her?) momentum made his back paws keep going so that he lost his grip w/his front paws, did a complete somersault in the air and fall back to the ground. Nothing daunted, it ran right back up the tree and tried again.

I could not help but thing of the lesson in faith this squirrel presented-even though he fell. He didn't trust. He WANTED to get to that feeder, and was sure he could do it-but at the same time, he didn't have enough faith. He wanted to hold on to what he knew. Once he let go, he was able to reach his goal.

Often in life, we're faced w/tough decisions, challenges, etc. And, we're afraid to follow God. Faith is stepping out of our comfort zone w/out trying to hold on to something, but trusting in Almighty God to do what He says He's going to do. The 2nd time the Israelites went to enter the land, they had to cross the Jordan. And, it was in flood stage. But, they were told to move forward. They were to carry the Ark of the Covenant to the river, and step INTO the river. As soon as they did this, the Jordan stopped flowing. Faith is action, and doing what God tells us to do, even if it's to wait, or stand still.

Hope this makes some sense.

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