Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Wannabefree, I can kind of understand the point of not being too curious of other religious views. For me, it's best to not to delve into other religions because there tends to be a bit of temptation, and/or questioning of the Word, and/or questioning if the Truth is Truth.



Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'm pretty firmly founded in my beliefs. I'm interested in how others come to the conclusions that they do. Islam, is another that interests me greatly. I have studied Islam pretty heavily over the last several years, and have found no temptation to change any of my beliefs as of yet. I have studied paganism, Islam, Mormonism, the Amish, Mennonites, studying Judaism, have studied Hinduism, and Buddhism to a degree as well. Also, have studied a bit of native American religious beliefs, which strongly coincide with Aztecs and Incan beliefs. I just think it's interesting, and have found common threads with all of them, but have found the truth in Christianity. My studies just firm up my beliefs in Christ. :hu


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I didn't say I'm not understanding of other people's right to believe what they wish...I just find no merit in debate. Witness, educate~ if one is actually wanting to know instead of just challenging someone's belief because it differs from theirs, or otherwise answer sincere questions about my faith...but even the Bible instructs us not to argue about unimportant things like laws, foods to eat, religious holy days, etc.

Healthy discussion for increasing wisdom and gaining understanding is quite different than wrangling and challenging.

WBF, when people are taught to learn how to identify counterfeit money, they are not shown all the various counterfeits so that they can identify the true, real money. They are taught, in detail, what the real thing looks like and feels like. They are made to learn it so well that they can instantly identify the false money because they know what the real thing is. They find it is a more accurate method to train people in this manner instead of trying to educate them on all the myriad and constantly new counterfeits...they change with every new technology. You may learn about the technology to be aware of it, but you don't have to study each new counterfeit...not if you know what real money is.

Does it make sense, once knowing the truth, to continue to explore all the other untruths so that I can determine that the truth is really true? Not to me. Truth is truth and no almost true, nearly true, looks like true or even could be true is the same as truth. I know this truth down to my very bones, into my soul and past my life...I know it to be true.

My faith is built on a rock and not on sinking sand...I don't feel the need to explore other grounds because I am on the firmest foundation known. Why would I even stray from that foundation out of curiosity? I'm no longer curious....I found the rock and I love standing on solid ground. End of story...and blissful peace in the knowing of it.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I don't study to strengthen my own faith, it just comes as a direct result of my studies. Could you go to India and witness for the Lord? Could you go to Mexico? Iraq? UTAH? and witness to people for Jesus Christ? If you don't know where others stand, there is no way to find them. If you can't comfortably defend your own beliefs in opposition to someone else's, first having to be familiar with theirs in order to form a rebuttal against theirs, you can't witness to others for Christ. This is where God leads me. This is where God is strengthening me, personally.

How is He strengthening you? Should I then tell you that you shouldn't allow the Lord to guide you where He will? I think not.

Who is wrangling and challenging? :hu Nobody that I see.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Zoldani said:
Can I join this or is it strictly for Christians?
Speaking for myself here, but I'd say you can jump in if you wish. However this is a BIBLE study thread, so we pretty much stick to biblical studies either for or against is fair game as far as I know.


Enjoys Recycling
Aug 8, 2012
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Thank you. Coming from a non-Christian perspective. If someone knocks on my door to share their faith and I allow it, they better be darn willing to hear my faith. But then that is just me.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Zoldani said:
Thank you. Coming from a non-Christian perspective. If someone knocks on my door to share their faith and I allow it, they better be darn willing to hear my faith. But then that is just me.
I totally agree with you on that one. We no longer get them here though. They give up on me after one visit. I dunno why :hu


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Wannabefree said:
I don't study to strengthen my own faith, it just comes as a direct result of my studies. Could you go to India and witness for the Lord? Could you go to Mexico? Iraq? UTAH? and witness to people for Jesus Christ? If you don't know where others stand, there is no way to find them. If you can't comfortably defend your own beliefs in opposition to someone else's, first having to be familiar with theirs in order to form a rebuttal against theirs, you can't witness to others for Christ. This is where God leads me. This is where God is strengthening me, personally.

How is He strengthening you? Should I then tell you that you shouldn't allow the Lord to guide you where He will? I think not.

Who is wrangling and challenging? :hu Nobody that I see.
Do you imagine that, down through the ages, all the missionaries that traveled to those lands were well versed in all those different religions to the degree that they could not lead people to the Lord by the use of the knowledge they learned from their study of the Bible? I don't recall Jesus instructing his disciples in all the various pagan religions in the lands in which they were sent to preach....He merely instructed them in the truth and sent them out in pairs.

They led thousands to the Lord without any mention of them reading or studying those many other paganistic beliefs. Their whole instruction time was around 3 years with Christ...these disciples were not learned men in religious instruction...they were fishermen, tax collectors, tent makers, etc.

Not once do I read how Jesus prepared these men for their ministry by giving them instruction in other religions so they can "find" those of pagan believers or where they was clear to them exactly where these other people stood. They stood against the teachings or knowledge of Christ and the job was to inform them of the truth. Merely that. They didn't need to defend their beliefs, merely tell others about them and show God's glory in the works they performed. Jesus gave them only intense instruction on His words and the will of the Father....nothing more.

No one even questioned your need or curiosity or what strengthens you, WBF...I was making a statement of why I am not curious. It had nothing to do with why YOU are curious....I could care less why or how curious you are. That's your business.

That would be the same as you saying you plant X type of corn and me replying that I don't plant X type of corn and why. It doesn't mean that I feel you don't have the right to plant any corn you please, merely adding to the discussion as to why I do not use that kind. It also doesn't mean that you should NOT plant whatever corn you darn well please, just means that I don't feel the need to plant that particular kind of corn.

How is He strengthening me? Every day and every moment He is strengthening me from His word and as I follow His commands and words. I don't feel the need to explore outside those things for strength....I'm very sure of the source of my strength, so I don't feel the need to look outside of it for further strength or proof.

Everyone else is free to look all they wish! ;)