Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Power Conserver
Nov 17, 2010
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If we love God and our fellow man, we're going to try and live a life that is both pleasing to God, and helpful to our fellow man. Any works that are done will not be done to try and garner favor w/God, but to glorify God.
Exactly! Inspired by God. God, working through us, quietly listening for His direction, His next move.

Others stayed. They kept listening without rebuking that man for his wrong teachings. There were many that should have been stopping that legalism - people that knew what he was teaching was wrong - but they did nothing. Most had attended that church for a long time and what would others think. Because of the peer pressure they decided to live by the Law.
And that brings us directly to verse 1 of chapter 6. I cannot count on both hands and feet the number of times I have ignored this verse. Knowing when someone is sinning, and walking away muttering something about it being their choice.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Scripture Reading for 12/28/10
Galatians Chapter 6


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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In chapter 6 we have specific directions on the "how" to love your neighbor. I absolutely love this whole chapter, it is the essence of everything a Christian should be to the lost world, and fellow man.

I have seen firsthand in my own church the way to restore a fellow Christian to where they should be, and the entire congregation learned from his mistake. It is never easy to call someone on something they have done, but I feel it is necessary. It allows everyone the security of knowing that folks will stand by you no matter what. The most important word in the first verse however, is gentleness. Without gently calling a brother or sister out, you will drive them away rather than show them how to correct their path.

In verses 2&3 Bear one anothers burdens...I take that in context to mean, that we should feel their pain, and suffer with them, rather than sit and think..."oh I'd never do that," or "How could they come to church and do _____." Which brings us to verse 3 as well...For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he decieves himself. As an example, Peter did not believe he would deny Christ 3 times, but indeed he did. We can't say honestly that we would not have done the same. I'd love to think that I wouldn't. I'd love to think that i wouldn't do a lot of things that I have done in the past even, but the fact of the matter is, we simply do not know that.

Being judgemental of self and others, is not productive to the works of Christ in our lives. How can we love our brother if we are constantly looking for what they are doing wrong, ready to pounce on them at the slightest hint of sin in their lives. People constantly analyze and compare each other, it is how our minds seem to work, some are more analytical than others, but all that tells me is some have more work to do than others. If we take the analytical part of our minds and use it to do good, like when we see a brother or sister stumbling, we go to them and ask how we can be supportive to help them get through, instead of going to them and saying OH!! I see what you're doing Mr. Goodytwoshoes churchgoer....then we can help each other, we can bear each others burdens the way God intends for us to do rather than letting Satan have a heyday when a Christian falls to temptations. We are one body, and one arm is not supposed to chop off the other arm. We need to recognize our own weaknesses, and gossip and being judgemental are HUGE ones that have entered the church that need kicked to the curb.

In verses 6-10 verse 9 is the one that speaks to me the most. I sometimes get discouraged and grow weary of trying to do good. To some my intentions to do good is perceived as bad intentions. But, the bible teaches here to not grow weary of doing good things, to not get discouraged and decide it's not worth it anymore. I need this verse tattooed on the inside of my eyelids so when I get tired of it and roll my eyes at the situation I see the word of God on the subject first! :lol:

And finally, in the last portion glory only in the cross. We should strive to be our best every day to the glory of God, not to glorify ourselves. Humility in service.

I hope every else has enjoyed Galatians as much as I have. I never get tired of studying, I always find something new and encouraging :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pray for travelling graces for our little brother James today as he and his family are going into the city and will be making a day of it. We'll miss ya BarredBuff! Have FUN!!

I believe tomorrow starts us in Ecclesiastes, just a reminder in case he doesn't get back in time to post that ;)

God Bless!


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
In chapter 6 we have specific directions on the "how" to love your neighbor. I absolutely love this whole chapter, it is the essence of everything a Christian should be to the lost world, and fellow man.

Being judgemental of self and others, is not productive to the works of Christ in our lives. How can we love our brother if we are constantly looking for what they are doing wrong, ready to pounce on them at the slightest hint of sin in their lives. People constantly analyze and compare each other, it is how our minds seem to work, some are more analytical than others,
Here is the heart of my personal struggle. I have really tried to temper my judgement of others, particularly family members, and I find myself falling into two camps - in my professional life, it is more of "who are you to judge me", and in my personal life, "just trying a little doesn't cut it". :he Nothing irrates me more than hearing, "I can't" or "wow, that was harder than I thought, so I gave up".

I find myself annoyed with those who are provided the tools to help themselves, but don't avail themselves of it. Kinda like the joke about the pious Christian in a flood who rebuffs a canoe, a zodiac boat, and a helicopter, says don't worry about me, God will save me. The floodwaters overwhelms the person who then drowns and in the hereafter asks God why he didn't save him. God's reply is "I sent you a canoe, a zodiac, and a helicopter :barnie ". It's like some of the people I deal with have already decided what God "will provide them" and nothing else will do. How can one *lovingly* get their attention that their expectations are out of line?

I'm re-reading this chapter to help form a basis for some New Year Resolutions.

Thanks for letting me babble....


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
Pray for travelling graces for our little brother James today as he and his family are going into the city and will be making a day of it. We'll miss ya BarredBuff! Have FUN!!

I believe tomorrow starts us in Ecclesiastes, just a reminder in case he doesn't get back in time to post that ;)

God Bless!
Safe journeys, BB!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
In chapter 6 we have specific directions on the "how" to love your neighbor. I absolutely love this whole chapter, it is the essence of everything a Christian should be to the lost world, and fellow man.

Being judgemental of self and others, is not productive to the works of Christ in our lives. How can we love our brother if we are constantly looking for what they are doing wrong, ready to pounce on them at the slightest hint of sin in their lives. People constantly analyze and compare each other, it is how our minds seem to work, some are more analytical than others,
Here is the heart of my personal struggle. I have really tried to temper my judgement of others, particularly family members, and I find myself falling into two camps - in my professional life, it is more of "who are you to judge me", and in my personal life, "just trying a little doesn't cut it". :he Nothing irrates me more than hearing, "I can't" or "wow, that was harder than I thought, so I gave up".

I find myself annoyed with those who are provided the tools to help themselves, but don't avail themselves of it. Kinda like the joke about the pious Christian in a flood who rebuffs a canoe, a zodiac boat, and a helicopter, says don't worry about me, God will save me. The floodwaters overwhelms the person who then drowns and in the hereafter asks God why he didn't save him. God's reply is "I sent you a canoe, a zodiac, and a helicopter :barnie ". It's like some of the people I deal with have already decided what God "will provide them" and nothing else will do. How can one *lovingly* get their attention that their expectations are out of line?

I'm re-reading this chapter to help form a basis for some New Year Resolutions.

Thanks for letting me babble....
I too struggle with this stuff in much the same ways as you. I think it is pretty normal to feel this way. I am a very judgemental person by nature, but I try to keep myself in check. That is my humanness, I can't erase it, but I can deal with it with the tools God provides which are these instructions. He teaches us how to handle it. We aren't supposed to not see things that need fixing, we are supposed to see things that need fixing, and either correct them ourselves, or GENTLY point others in the direction of solutions. Otherwise, I think we're supposed to pray for folks and keep our 2 cents out of it if the above doesn't work. If you point to someones faults, which will get a response, yelling it out for the world to hear and expecting immediate results, or speaking to them and showing them a different way and waiting patiently for them to get it right?

Chapter 5: 22-23 The fruit of the spirit is love(for everyone), joy(even in hard times), peace(when everything is in an uproar), longsuffering(when setting example for others), kindness(to everyone, everyday regardless of what our OPINION of them may be), goodness(in service to others), faithfulness(to the ways of Christ in all things), gentleness(to everyone), self control...against such there is no law.

These are all spiritual things, not physical things, the law was against things of the flesh as discussed previously. Every bit of this is spiritual growth.

5:24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Not such an easy task eh? Guess that might be why we have an average of 80 years to practice ;)


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2010
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I really liked galatians 6..and yes, it would be a good chapter to consider new years' resolutions by. i have a hard time with judging people or analyzing people on what they do and if they are people close to me, sometimes i even get angry about it. Lately I've really been trying hard to respect people more, step into their shoes, and realize they have many of the same problems as me and..of course, we are all human. This year im going to practice more kindness, gentleness, longsuffering...its so much better to just be happy and rejoice in the Lord than be gloom and doom :hugs


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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I've been thinking about this all afternoon while I have been in and out of things in the house, the "Serenity Prayer" keeps popping into my head.

Yes, we all have our problems, but there seems to be so many that go out of their way to be unhappy and to do nothing to change it. Some suffer from phsyical issues that cause depression and other issues - I get that, but others are just willing to sit around, blaming others - the "shoulda-woulda-coulda" crowd.

I firmly believe part of my life is due to trying to walk the right Path. I don't begrudge the people I know who have more, nor do I look down on those that have less. Our existence here is only temporary.

A "friend" of my DW is envious and always crabbing about the fact that we always have more than her because "she can't catch a break" (long story for another day on THAT relationship) - so how do I respond without coming across as boasting or preachy (I've tried to always do the right thing)?

I do good with a positive, uplifting approach for about a week or so and then I cycle through the "why bother" phase. So how to stay positive?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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FarmerJamie said:
I've been thinking about this all afternoon while I have been in and out of things in the house, the "Serenity Prayer" keeps popping into my head.

Yes, we all have our problems, but there seems to be so many that go out of their way to be unhappy and to do nothing to change it. Some suffer from phsyical issues that cause depression and other issues - I get that, but others are just willing to sit around, blaming others - the "shoulda-woulda-coulda" crowd.

I firmly believe part of my life is due to trying to walk the right Path. I don't begrudge the people I know who have more, nor do I look down on those that have less. Our existence here is only temporary.

A "friend" of my DW is envious and always crabbing about the fact that we always have more than her because "she can't catch a break" (long story for another day on THAT relationship) - so how do I respond without coming across as boasting or preachy (I've tried to always do the right thing)?

I do good with a positive, uplifting approach for about a week or so and then I cycle through the "why bother" phase. So how to stay positive?
There is nothing YOU can do. You can only have a few options and they are.........ignore her, call her on her attitude, and nothing. I'd do nothing, not your friend, not you she is jealous of, and well...maybe she is just the jealous type of person, and YOU can't change that, only she can CHOOSE to be less jealous and more grateful.

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