Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Thanks Cindi!

Im back from the metro, I would read what you guys have posted today but Im killed I fell asleep on the way home. I did read Galatians 6 and it was very very good. This whole book has been wonderful!

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself
Wonderful verse! This stuck out in my head!

For we are each responsible for our own conduct.
Im not real sure why I liked this one, I just did.

Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone--especially to those in the family of faith
This is basically treat others as you would be treated.

I would post but Im clinically dead. Im anxious for Ecclesiastes tommorow!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Some people feel a need to be miserable and bring that misery to others around them. :( The fact is when we follow the rules that God set down (out of love of course ;) ) and really allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives we have the blessings of peace and true happiness! God truly wants us to be happy because he loves us. :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
FarmerJamie said:
I've been thinking about this all afternoon while I have been in and out of things in the house, the "Serenity Prayer" keeps popping into my head.

Yes, we all have our problems, but there seems to be so many that go out of their way to be unhappy and to do nothing to change it. Some suffer from phsyical issues that cause depression and other issues - I get that, but others are just willing to sit around, blaming others - the "shoulda-woulda-coulda" crowd.

I firmly believe part of my life is due to trying to walk the right Path. I don't begrudge the people I know who have more, nor do I look down on those that have less. Our existence here is only temporary.

A "friend" of my DW is envious and always crabbing about the fact that we always have more than her because "she can't catch a break" (long story for another day on THAT relationship) - so how do I respond without coming across as boasting or preachy (I've tried to always do the right thing)?

I do good with a positive, uplifting approach for about a week or so and then I cycle through the "why bother" phase. So how to stay positive?
I used to be your DW's friend, theoretically speaking. Not that I complained about others having more money but other women having good husbands, getting to stay home with their kids, etc. and not appreciating it enough. I would quietly gripe to my family or close friends about what I would do with "that kind of life".

It seemed I could never get there from where I was. It made me angry at God for many years because I worked hard, tried hard to walk a good path, didn't ever really want riches...just enough to get by a little easier and it never transpired.

Until one day! One day I prayed the right kind of prayer(God's will and not mine to be done!) and my life changed. I no longer complain about what I don't have compared to what others do have because I realized that what I do have is just what God wanted me to have and it is good. It is so very good! I never realized just how good until I looked at it with fresh eyes that had been opened by a closer walk with God.

Maybe all your wife's friend needs is that one little thing that can change her life...not her circumstances, just her life. Your example is very important for that.

You could start by explaining that our life is not our own and this life is not about us. The first time I read that in "The Purpose Driven Life", I was struck by that single statement near the beginning of the book. It's not about me.

What a weight off my shoulders to realize that my life isn't really about ME. I could finally let go of my petty self-involved view of my life and realize that I am part of a much bigger picture. It was a relief to let that all go, I can tell you!

Lead by example, have patience...not everyone learns at the same pace, and pray for her. Best solution I can think of right now. ;)


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2010
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Yes i think so too i love reading everybodys comments :)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Farmfresh said:
Some people feel a need to be miserable and bring that misery to others around them. :( The fact is when we follow the rules that God set down (out of love of course ;) ) and really allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives we have the blessings of peace and true happiness! God truly wants us to be happy because he loves us. :D
That describes the situation exactly. She's made a lifetime of manipulating people to get what she wants, finds someone who has a good heart, but is pre-disposed to negativity and having issues, and :smack Welcome to my world.

Sorry, I'm dragging this discussion off into the weeds....[/rant off] :hide

I'll stop now.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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I've been wanting to participate in the Bible study, and never able to catch up. At least I've read today's. Still have the interim to try to catch up. :) A lot of good stuff here. :)

Bee, I just want to say, that what you said, really resonates with me. There is something I've been trying SO HARD to do that with, and I know I need to. It's just too important to me, in a way. I keep laying it down, but I guess somewhere along the way I keep picking it up again. Besides, I think the thing IS in God's will.

But all along the way, I can't complain. I have been SO blessed in other ways, beyond imagining. I never would have dared hope God to answer other prayers in the ways He has. Sometimes I am overwhelmed with how blessed I am in so many ways.

Regarding Gal 6 ... wow, how is it that every time I read the Bible, even familiar chapters, there is always something new there for me? I love it. :)

This is minor perhaps, but I noticed in v. 6 it says that he who is taught should communicate to him who teaches him. That seemed a little backwards to me, so I looked it up, and it's a version of koinoneo, which has to do with sharing. Then v. 7 goes on to talk about a man reaping what he sows, and v. 8 says sowing to the Spirit will mean reaping life everlasting. Even on to v. 9 about reaping in due season, and v. 10 about doing good to all, especially those who are of the household of faith.

Now ... a question here, not a statement. Do you all suppose that means that it is good to share in a way that supports Bible teachers and preachers, and that we are sowing to the Spirit if we do so? Please forgive me if you think I'm way off base here, I *just* noticed that those verses seem to flow that way *if* you look up the meaning of "communicate" (I'm using the Strong's numbers in the KJV) and it just struck me that I'd never taken that meaning from it before.

Now, what I do see that I especially like is that it talks about how (v. 12-17 or so) some people were urging the converts to be circumcised so that they themselves could escape persecution, but yet we are not to try to justify ourselves under the law but rather to appeal to God's mercy through the cross ... and if we realize that we are born anew through Christ Jesus, God's mercy and peace is upon us. Deep sigh of relief there. I have Christian friends who I care deeply about who have been gently pressuring me to return to certain works of the law (and some of their friends even go so far as to question the salvation of any who are not in their particular camp) so this is like a breath of fresh air.

Oh ... and I was just talking the other day about the beginning of this chapter. I wonder why it is that it talks about taking special care when restoring others, lest ye also be tempted? It seems like a very particular warning that perhaps we are somehow made vulnerable in doing so. I wonder if the warning is against general kinds of temptations (such as being judgmental, etc. which would seem to flow naturally from the action of restoring someone) or if there is a reason to think we may somehow be open to being tempted of their particular sin in attempting to restore them?

I usually end up with as many questions as answers when I study the Bible. I hope y'all don't mind. I tend to think a lot, LOL.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wannabefree thinks a lot, bless her heart. I read the verses and get so much out of them but I just cant express it. :/


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
if there is a reason to think we may somehow be open to being tempted of their particular sin in attempting to restore them?
I think there is a danger when consorting with people who are actively sinning because it is easier to drag someone down than it is to pick someone up. For example....if everyone in your office cusses like a sailor, it is so easy to slide into it. Or, if they are constantly complain about the job or the boss, it is so easy to just go along to get along. Same with gossip.

When you get closer to sin, it has a way of pulling you in.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Shiloh Acres said:
Now ... a question here, not a statement. Do you all suppose that means that it is good to share in a way that supports Bible teachers and preachers, and that we are sowing to the Spirit if we do so? Please forgive me if you think I'm way off base here, I *just* noticed that those verses seem to flow that way *if* you look up the meaning of "communicate" (I'm using the Strong's numbers in the KJV) and it just struck me that I'd never taken that meaning from it before.

Now, what I do see that I especially like is that it talks about how (v. 12-17 or so) some people were urging the converts to be circumcised so that they themselves could escape persecution, but yet we are not to try to justify ourselves under the law but rather to appeal to God's mercy through the cross ... and if we realize that we are born anew through Christ Jesus, God's mercy and peace is upon us. Deep sigh of relief there. I have Christian friends who I care deeply about who have been gently pressuring me to return to certain works of the law (and some of their friends even go so far as to question the salvation of any who are not in their particular camp) so this is like a breath of fresh air.

Oh ... and I was just talking the other day about the beginning of this chapter. I wonder why it is that it talks about taking special care when restoring others, lest ye also be tempted? It seems like a very particular warning that perhaps we are somehow made vulnerable in doing so. I wonder if the warning is against general kinds of temptations (such as being judgmental, etc. which would seem to flow naturally from the action of restoring someone) or if there is a reason to think we may somehow be open to being tempted of their particular sin in attempting to restore them?

I usually end up with as many questions as answers when I study the Bible. I hope y'all don't mind. I tend to think a lot, LOL.
I think we are to sow to the spirit of others if that is what you mean. It is how we strengthen and uplift others, so seems natural to be structurally supportive.

The other question....I think the temptation of the restorer would be pride...which as we all know is Lucifer's biggest downfall.

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