TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I repeatedly complain at my Good Will about them charging .99 cents per jar. They say that is their lowest price. They use disable folks in the back to price the items, with a bit of supervision. So everything is .99, 1.99, 2.99 etc...

I only buy from there if it's a case. Then they usually run 2.99. Lame I know.

Lori that's a great idea re planting the flowers.


chicken stalker

Power Conserver
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Binghamton, NY
I have about 40 cases in my basement and a full pallet in my brothers basement that I still need to pick up....I think I have a problem, though I don't have any 1/2 gallons....hmmmmmm


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Na....I am really just a bargain hunter. I love to find a good deal. Sometimes I find adds on CL and forward them to friends. My sil has a horse ranch in a neighboring city She has needed lots of things big and small. I like the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of helping.

As for today. I found a bunch of 1 lb honey bears at the grocery for 1.50 each. :hide I bought 6.

Now you know why I stay home when I am trying to save money. I just shouldn't leave the house. :barnie

The bargains just find me and I can't resist but over all I end up saving. So I guess it's ok.



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
chicken stalker said:
I have about 40 cases in my basement and a full pallet in my brothers basement that I still need to pick up....I think I have a problem, though I don't have any 1/2 gallons....hmmmmmm
Ok now I don't feel so bad. By the way,how many cases fit on a pallet? :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
December 6, 2010

Wow this year has just flown by. When my 7yo said the other day It felt like we just had a Christmas. I stopped and told her she needs to slow down and enjoy it.

Well lets see whats going on around here on the SS front

Turkeys are doing well. They like being in the orchard.. BUT I have to track them down and carry them to their hut every night. PITA!! They gave me a heart attack today. I came up the driveway today and the tom was on his back with his feet in the air just laying there. All I could think was coyote attack? The hens were about 10 ft away laying in the dirt. Well it's actually the remnants of my manure pile. I ran over to check them out. Seems that turkeys like dust baths as well. :idunno

Chickens are not laying well. :he I have 6 Buff Orps laying and 16 old girls who dont. I just dont know what to do. Well I know but I have not mustered up the courage yet. :hide

Made a big old batch of kefir cheese the other day and I have finally found the little steamer basket for pressing. Maybe I will try to age some.

After seeing Skr8pns hard cider I really want to try and make some. So a couple days ago I ordered the yeast and a few accessories on line. I am just waiting for it to arrive. :drool

I have that big batch of home made granola in the oven. I saw the recipe posted on another thread. So I just need to dry it out and mix in my nuts and fruits. I cant wait to try it.

I have been organizing my pantry and bucket storage. I bought some corn. We dont really eat GMO corn but I thought if push came to shove it would be good to have in the storage.

I am still trying to figure out where the heck I am going to store those 300 jars I bought. :barnie I brought 6 of the gal jars up for dry pantry items. Uhh whats that leave 23 dozen to store?

Dh is doing well at work. Having the Thanksgiving break and some down time did him good. :love He built me a wonderful gate for the orchard. Living on a hill always has its challenges. He still has not received his pay increase. Im over it. With my refinance going through its not as time sensitive. If that makes sense. When it finally comes it will go to mostly savings.

We decorated for Christmas this past weekend. Dh wanted a real tree. Ugg, more money than I wanted to spend. But I caved and he got his wish. So out all the stuff came. I love to see the kids Ooo and awe over all the decorations. I have LED lights on both the tree and house now. I am hoping that will help with the electric bill.

I still have a bunch of crafty stuff to do. Not really in the mood.

We still have no TV. I kinda miss it. But living without is fine as well.

On the family front I am still trying to omit gluten from dd diet. Actually I just cook different things for the whole family. Working out ok. DS is having issues with his meds. He is having headaches and hypersensitivity issues before bed. I bought some Melatonin for him as the doc suggested. I think I need a new doc. I would rather find the cause then treat the symptom. I think he needs different prescription.

I have the kids back on raw milk. I hope to eventually get dh to drink only raw as well. But he is a milk fish and it would cost me dearly to keep him in milk. Unless I got a goat.. Speaking of goat I had a glass of raw goat milk for Thanksgiving with my pie. It was wonderful, rich, creamy and most important.. Didnt give me gas. Yes I know TMI.

Well not sure what else is going on around here. I was in a bit of a funk. But I am just trudging forward. Kid Rock has a song called Roll On. I like it, that and his new Born Free.


My 5yo is sitting next to me singing to her mp3 player as I type this Sounds something like boom by ahh my lord, boom by ahhh Gotta love them kids. :hugs

Well I need to take my trash to the curb. Well its a bit more involved than that, Lawn tractor, 600 ft drive and two trips.

Sorry for rambling..



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Gina, send us some WARM!!!! :barnie :( My chickies would have to take a snow bath if they dared to venture out of the coop...which they are not. This icy wind would cut their little legs off!

You certainly ARE busy!!!! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Bee I will send you all the warm air and sunshine in a bottle that I can. I hope you guys are all staying bundled up. I spoke with my cousin in Mo today. It's been in the mid 30's all day and down to the teens tonight. I looked at the Nation wide map. I can't believe how cold it is.

I really have not been all that busy. I just have not posted to my journal in a while. Well I did brag about my canning jars but as for SS stuff.... :hu

Really I have been in a bit of a funk. Just chugging along trying to keep busy.

I need to get moving on Christmas shopping. Not something I enjoy. :tongue

I'll be around if anyone wants to stop by.

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