TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Ok whatever. The one day I have people actually visiting my journal your all making fun and I am not even here to enjoy it. :plbb

So we survived the weekend.

Sat early morning I took both girls to the pediatrician and they both came back positive for Strep. Fun!!

I started to dig myself out from under all the house chores. But it was really hot and I failed miserably. I ended up laying in my room with my 8yodd and watching the Hallmark channel. They had some pioneer love stories on. :love DD was so cute she says, "hey mom their skirts look just like the one you made". :)

So yesterday I got much more done.

Garden, watered and somewhat weeded. I actually have some beets that are just coming on really strong. Should be ready soon. Lots of nice leafy lettuce as well.

DH helped me move my broody hen. I moved the broody turkey off of the hen and the eggs. :barnie Took all 17 eggs and the chicken down to small coop. Set her up nice in the pine shavings and closed the door. 5 min later I checked and she was sitting on her eggs happy as can bee. Let's just hope some hatch. There were some heavy ones. But I never candled them.

Today is Monday!! As if you didn't know. Wow!! I can't believe April is more than half over.

So dh was bugging me to feed he meaties more yesterday. He said fatten those things up. Nice!!! Patience grasshopper!!

Yesterday was an Easter egg hunt at Grandmas house. This hunt used to be quite the party but in the past couple years has been scaled back. The kids all have a good time. I usually try to just stay in the background.

So today I need to get the kids all down the hill to school. Happy, healthy, dressed and clean. Then I will try to attack my house chores again. Lots of laundry and picking up. As usual.

I never got my carpet cleaned. Maybe I will try to do that as well.

Well just another boring update.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Good morning Gina
popped in to wave hi-- :frow
hope it is a great day for you! ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Good morning!!!

Nothing to exciting around here.

I did probably 6 loads of wash yesterday and this morning dh got up and couldn't find any Carharts to where. I say Carharts because he had a stack of jeans, slacks and work pants but that was not what he wanted. :barnie

Meat birds are still eating. I left the light on all day yesterday because it was kinda chilly here. I am feeding twice a day and almost out of chick starter. I am moving on to grower. I did not think I would need this much food for them. It's eating in to my profit margin. Pun intended. :gig

Today I have a meeting at the junior high. :th OMG my son will be going to Jr high next year. Reality check. :barnie It's kind of a walk through meet and greet with the RSP teacher. Son is bent because he does not want to give up his elective to go to RSP. I hope we can work something out.

DH will be coming home early to go with.

I got an interesting phone call the other day. I had a friend who was part of our desert going families. Our children have been friends for years. We have grown apart we are civil just not buddies. Anyways her husband called me the other day. Wanted to know if I had any recommendations on magazines for being SS. Do I ever.

He is going to stop by for a visit. I am not sure if he wants to know how to provide more for his family or prepare more. I think the two kind of go hand in hand. We will see.

Anyways, this phone call prompted me to think about my pantry storage and where it's lacking. I reviewed my stuff and it seems I am doing ok. There are a few things I think I will try to pick up before the prices get any higher. Honey being one of them.

I made a list of things I will need for processing day. I am almost complete except for the thermometer for the water bath and the propane burner. I will borrow that. Dh was teasing and said I should build a wood fire for my pot. Yeah right.

I have a few questions about processing but will get to those later.

Time to get the kids moving.

I'll be back.



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Sounds like this is the perfect time to have your hubby build you a rocket stove! :D ;)

Perfect wood burning scalding pot holder.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
If you think a kid going into middle school makes you feel old, try having your second one graduating high school this year. :old

It is nice that your friends hubby called you for some advice, maybe you will be able to repair the relationship?

How are your sick kids doing? I have sickies here too :barnie


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Good morning!!

FF.. I have heard people refer to the Rocket Stove many times but have never taken the time to even read about it. Maybe I will look it up today.

Dace, High school. Uggg... Don't even go there. I did talk to the RSP teachers about him loosing his elective. The let him have band and pulled him from social studies. Not sure if it was a good idea or not. I hate making these decisions. :hu

The relationship with the other family is ok. I prefer it this way. :hide This is not the first time the Dad and I have discussed things. I think it is hard for them. Dad is a police officer and Mom works. Not much time for anyone to devote to gardening, and such.

Kids are all on the mend. All finishing their antibiotics. I have some kefir going so I can get their guts back on track when finished. I have been really lagging in the kefir department.

Wed. April 20th

Well we are getting a good drizzle here this morning. Perfect for the garden. My tomato plants are doing wonderful. I had planted them very early. Like at the point of seed leaves. I stuck the tiny peat post right into the garden beds. At the sunny end of the planter they are about 10 inches tall the other end about half that. I have been pinching those rotten middle branches and things seem to be good. I planted 12 plants, 6 different heirloom varieties. I know they are going to be a bit crowded but I am going to try and go vertical. Pinching lower branches and really shaping them. Bell peppers and green beans are both starting to flower. Carrot greens on first planting are about a foot tall. Oh, and I have lettuce to harvest today. :ya

I checked on broody hen last night. She is very happy and content in the maternity coop. My neighbor, old German man, seems to thing the eggs are not fertile. :tongue I am keeping my fingers crossed. :fl

I switched my meats to grow feed. I need to write down all my cost so far. Keep better track of whats what. I also noticed I had one bird not quite acting right. It was just standing under the light. When all the others ran to eat and were all jumping around. I wonder whats up with it?

Well time to get my kids moving. Have a great morning.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
you hit the beach with me
I hit the desert with you!

sounds like a great trade :p

can you easily hit the beach in CA where you are? just wondering


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Actually I do live pretty close but I grew up in a beach town north of where I live now. I lived and worked at the beach on the sand for years. I was born and raised in Huntington Beach, big surf city. So this beach here does not feel like home. It's weird. My life is very different now.

There is no way we could ever camp locally. Our rig is too big.

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