Back at work this morning maybe I'll get some rest.
Finished up the meaties yesterday - much warmer got up to 58 so we didn't freeze while we did them I was injured in the line of duty yesterday I had an escapee (while squating down in the pen to catch them) during the hand off to my oldest ds. I was reaching behind me to grab it fell and sliced a chunk out of my finger caught the escapee and 3 more took them to the block and then went and doctored the finger. Finished with a latex glove on that hand to keep the bandaid dry and the yuck out of it. It still hurts like crap and of course it was my right hand!
ya'll cross your fingers that this is a little buck . . . my Mom has Boer goats and this one was born last night. Mom hasn't been up to the barn to check - my brother's girlfriend (not really bright) took the picture . . . if it is a buck, I will be buying him from Mom. "He" sure is a pretty little thing
Deb unfortunately it is Sunday and I have to go to work tomorrow
Yep he's a boy, but I think Mom has decided she wants to keep him and replace the buck she has On the upside she does have another little buck who is brown so I guess I'll get him.
FF - I want him for my little herd, Cowboy needs a partner so he won't be lonely when he is separated from the girls.