Wow - can't believe I haven't posted since February I have lurked some but haven't caught up completely yet. Thought it was about time to check in.
Seems I never have enough time to get done what needs doing so I just take it one day at a time - haven't planted anything except some tomatoes (had 4 now only 2) plants and some peppers - none of the peppers made it. Strawberry plants look good, but haven't gotten any berries :/ My itty bitty apple tree has put on 1 little apple
I tend to do better with critters than vegetation :/
This is Big Jake (the puppy I got for Valentines day) - taken a month ago - man has he grown
And the goats
I got my next bunch of dinner chicks last week. This is the day I got them:
and this was taken tonight:
and I think we have skipped spring and jumped straight to summer this was the thermometer in my truck on the way home this afternoon
WOW your pup grew fast! LOL, LOVE the GP's! I too am in love with that little spotted goat. Cute cute cute!!!!! How are the meaties doing? Looking good!! Glad you found time to stop in for a short few.