Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Another soy incident :p I had a single little bite of a homemade pork rind without a label....and guess what it had in it :barnie

I miss pork rinds :( stupid soy :smack

I'm better now, feels like I have a hangover from the benadryl, but headache, chest pain, and panic attack is gone at least. It was a rough night.

I have so much to do today, several errands, and more cleaning, and I need to get momma and baby piggies seperated this morning. Still haven't fed animals at this point, so I have that to do too. Well, R will help at least so I'm not doing it all by myself. I also have some greenhouse work on the agenda.

I really need to write myself out a schedule and stick to it. When you work from home sometimes it's hard to balance what's work for the business, and what's just chores. So I think I'm going to take a bit of time today(like probably now while I feel too crappy to move, and let R feed the animals :p ) and assign time frames to each individual area so I can keep it more balanced out around here. I need to work a couple hours in the house every day, and a couple hours in the greenhouse, and yet still another couple for errands and for outside gardening and at least a small ammount for building on one of the many projects I have in my head. Most days I end up concentrating on one area and then get behind in another :/ I think a schedule would help alleviate some of that off balance issue I have going on. Days when everything else is completely caught up I can take more time on projects. That has been the problem, I get one thing caught up and look up and I am way behind on another :hu Maybe if I plan ahead, things will come together better. I hope :fl It's worth a shot at least :p


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
So sorry about the soy problem... Hope you're feeling mucho better!

I hear you on the scheduling issue. I always have so many things in my head that I need to do and I end up running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I start one project and then think of something else that needs to be done. Sometimes its like a three ring circus at my place, lol.

Have a good one!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well, I got a rough schedule written down. Not following it YET, going to begin next week, to give myself time to take care of the scrambled mess of a chore list THIS week :lol: I have 9 Delaware babies hatched out :D They're all sold as of this afternoon, and part of the next hatch is as well. The third hatch....NOBODY is even gonna know about...well 'cept ya'll :lol: I plan on keeping some to bring in some new hens in the Fall. Seems like everybody is wanting them right now though :/ Some of the neighbors are waiting on chicks, but they'll be waiting until after I get mine ;)

Today is errand day woohoo....NOT! :p I have to go get feed and groceries, and make deposit, and pay bills, and take the neighbor his money, and....just a buncha stuff I don't really wanna do. I hope I can get all that done by shortly after lunch and get back here so i can get the pigglies situated for their ride Saturday morning. The other animals won't be a big deal, but i gotta steal that sows babies and she's pretty darn adamant about keeping them at this point...should be fun ;)

Gotta go get it done and i hope everyone has a lovely day!!!! :frow


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Whew! DONE with errands :woot I didn't even stop and get any groceries though. I'm trying to unload my freezer at the moment, since it's time to defrost it anyway....may as well make my job easier :p We're having left over leftovers tonight, cept I'm gonna scramble em up a bit. Instead of spaghetti, it'll be macaroni noodles and sauce with a layer of cheese over the top and baked, and I'm going to steam some broccoli(in my new cheapo steamer I snagged at a yard sale for $10 just a bit ago :D )and probably bake some garlic bread, or potatoes, or something else full of freakin luscious carbohydrates :lol: I'm starvin.... :lol:

Got a good deal at the yard sale...almost asked if they'd lower the price, but didn't feel like haggling today. I got a 6 quart heavy stainless steel steamer with a lid, brand new, retail for $45, for $10. And I got a couple nice large stainless steel strainers, also brand new, no idea of retail, probably about $20-30, for $6. :D I have been needing a larger steamer and some stainless strainers for a while now, and from the looks of things, i saved at a minimum $50, so I'm calling it good even though I spent a bit out of the budget I hadn't planned on spending ;) I kinda made up for it, because I saved about that much with some of the other bills I paid today, so $16 down but I'm still within an appropriate margin on the budget that it won't screw everything up. I spend EVERY dollar, on paper, at the beginning of the month so I know where everything is, and where it's going. I'll just cut the excess few dollars out of the grocery budget next week and call it good :p

Now I need to get dinner started, and then eat and catch them piggie butts! They are SO gonna hate me :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Stick a fork in me...I am SO very beyond done! TWO loads today, plus farm sales, and loading the truck for the flea market tomorrow morning. I'm extremely tired...could go to bed NOW if people weren't coming for birds. I just got rid of the guy that got chicks from me, sold him 10 delaware chicks, and he walked around the farmlette and saw everything and may be coming back for the bull calf and pot belly sow :lol: We'll see. He wanted my turkeys on the spot, but I aint getting rid of my turks!!! He wants Legbars ASAP. So...looks like I have a new long time customer ;)

The trucks about killed me today. I must have talked 10 hours of the 14 I have been away from the house. EVERYBODY missed me apparently :p I had to talk to all the Amish kiddos and their parents, all the neighbors. I bet I talked to no less than 300 people today, and ALL of them were in a talky mood. It feels so good to be able to just type to ya'll :lol: I love you people!!! :lol: Loading and unloading everything by hand, was just exhausting. I got chased and money thrown at me...which was really funny actually...we cut up with a lot of the customers, that was before I run out of steam about 2:30, then i just wanted to get home. I saw a lot of people I haven't seen in years today. It was really cool. I hit one of my old neighborhoods and was suprised to see a lot of the same folks still lived around close by. Seems they played musical houses a bit but pretty much stayed in the same vicinity :hu It was cool though, lotsa hugs, and reunions with old friends :) That seems like it was last week...thats how long this day has been though :lol: I can't wait till Sunday when I can just go sit, listen, and get a bunch of hugs :D

Anyway. That was my day. Hope everyone else had a great one! :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Took DS to Jack the Giant Slayer in 3D last night..... good time!

good movie


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Glad you had a good time jamie :)

Today I sold out of everything i took to the flea market and get to start fresh this week with a LOT less animals! I sold 50 something chicks, 5 guineas, 7 piglets, and a turkey, and got a really good price on everything :D I'd love to do that every weekend, but I know that's not feasible...yet anyway ;)

I also got to go to Pinky's and man those piglets are so adorable!! Dozer was a bit overly excited as usual :lol: He's so funny :gig We had a good visit though, and I got some black runner duck eggies to go in the bator from her. I'm looking forward to those, thanks sis :hugs

Bacon cheeseburgers and homefries for dinner was WONDERFUL! Since I only had a half a biscuit and a bag of chips before that meal...it was the best burger i've ever eaten :lol: I was famished! I've been all over creation today. The flea market is 20 miles from me, and Pinky's s 30 miles, and i had several stops in between putting over a hundred miles on the truck today. I've gotta start taking something better with me to eat. I'm usually starved to death by the time I get home.

Speaking of getting home, before I got here i got pulled over.....by the neighbor. Guess what he wanted? Yep, the guineas I just sold this morning, so I'm on the lookout for guineas and pekin ducks now...BEEN looking for Pekins for over a week, it usually doesn't take me THIS long to find some, but there is apparently a meat duck shortage going on right now in these parts :p I'm going to search Craigslist for some ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I love reading about your life WBF! Always on the go, always an adventure and, best of all, I get to sit here on my backside and enjoy hearing about it :lol:

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