Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Crap...I gotta go put all that produce away :/ I FORGOT about it! :he Then I'm going to bed. Goodnight all :) :frow


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I squished a buncha squash bugs this morning :D I do mean a BUNCH too! Those things were everywhere!!! I could conservatively guesstimate around 500 of them are dead now, 1000 if ya count the eggs I found and squished. I had to break off a few leaves, because they were moving :th I caught some just hatching out...they're pink?! Who knew? I left the carcasses laying as warning to the other marauders :somad I did see several lady bugs out there as well :love Do they kill squash bugs? I sure as heck hope I can get a little army of helpers!!! The bumble bees and honey bees were out in full force working the blooms :love The whole garden was buzzing :D

No word from the children....I'm getting anxious already :hu I figure I'll have to be a bit more patient though ;)

DH isn't working today :/ The boss has other things to do about 2-3 days a week...so can we REALLY say he has a job or no?! *sigh*

I need a TILLER :barnie because I'm bored and need something to DO here. Laundry is caught up, kitchen is clean, laundry soap is made, I need to make butter again, and put some eggs in the freezer, but what i REALLY NEED to do is plant more corn :/ We got some tiny lil nubbins out there :lol: Not much of a corn "crop" though. I need to plant the corn and start some more cabbages, and and and....lots of garden "stuff." But, alas, no tiller. I wanted to try the no till method, but I have nowhere near enough stuff to pile up to make a decent bed, especially not enough for the ammount of corn i want to plant. I'm going to beg for a tiller... :hu It's the only thing I haven't tried yet..begging. The tiller we have is beyond repair :( The pull cord is broken, the carb is uh...a rust heap really, and the welds to the frame are broken. I think this thing was originally used by cavemen :p So I am reduced to begging as far as I can see.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
35 NW of Green Bay, WI
If you're bored, I have to get a guest room and a bath room emptied and put somewhere else by oh, Friday, so my BIL and brother can tear apart the walls and redo both rooms from the studs out. Yeah, hasn't happened, yet. Maybe I'll make some audit appts for tonight and tomorrow night, so my hubby will have to clean them out! :lol: He's better at cleaning than I am, I just need to know where he puts stuff.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Bimpnottin said:
If you're bored, I have to get a guest room and a bath room emptied and put somewhere else by oh, Friday, so my BIL and brother can tear apart the walls and redo both rooms from the studs out. Yeah, hasn't happened, yet. Maybe I'll make some audit appts for tonight and tomorrow night, so my hubby will have to clean them out! :lol: He's better at cleaning than I am, I just need to know where he puts stuff.
HEHE lucky for me I just landed a tiller for several hours. Gotta go load it up and bring it home, till, then take it back :cool: I have my work cut out for me, believe that! I have a good bit of ground to till! With DH being home today though...I'll have help :D Later :frow Hope the bathroom gets did!! I'm picking up my peaches too, so I defiantely won't be bored this afternoon!!! :weee :weee :weee :weee


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
35 NW of Green Bay, WI
Wannabefree said:
Bimpnottin said:
If you're bored, I have to get a guest room and a bath room emptied and put somewhere else by oh, Friday, so my BIL and brother can tear apart the walls and redo both rooms from the studs out. Yeah, hasn't happened, yet. Maybe I'll make some audit appts for tonight and tomorrow night, so my hubby will have to clean them out! :lol: He's better at cleaning than I am, I just need to know where he puts stuff.
HEHE lucky for me I just landed a tiller for several hours. Gotta go load it up and bring it home, till, then take it back :cool: I have my work cut out for me, believe that! I have a good bit of ground to till! With DH being home today though...I'll have help :D Later :frow Hope the bathroom gets did!! I'm picking up my peaches too, so I defiantely won't be bored this afternoon!!! :weee :weee :weee :weee
Well, gee, guess you have better things to do. :D Have fun with the tiller. That was the best investment we could have made this year - buying a pull behind tiller. It hooks up to the garden tractor and runs on it's own engine. Sells new for $1400 and we got it used (but you could hardly tell) for $400. Yippee - no more sore back and numb arms from tilling.

ETA - only problem is we can't get it between the rows now that the garden is in, but that's why we mulched the rows like crazy.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Wishin I had a tractor :lol:

Just got back a little bit ago from picking the tiller up. DD is giving me a bunch of crap :rolleyes: I have the most hateful 14 year old :rant She's tired, she's sleepy, she's hurting...you'd think she would have died by now with all her complaints and then she tells me I don't make any sense when I told her she's going to start getting to bed and getting up at a decent time :smack Now she's mad and pouting, nothing new, she has been pouting since yesterday. Suddenly she has issues with the kids coming, now that she's thought about it, because she wants to go back to public school, and they will have to go to public, so she thinks she has leverage and can manipulate this to her advantage :barnie She's suddenly incapable of helping, incapable of eating even...can't hardly take a bite of food her life is so horrible and she looks so down trodden and pitiful it takes so much effort just to walk to the table and back, by the time she gets there she's too exhausted to eat. I. want. to. choke. her. :hide

I had to make room for the peaches tomorrow, so I had to put in a load of tomatoes into the drier. I have gotten that done and fixed lunch and ate. I went out to start tilling and there's a big honkin buzzard sized hornet out there on the handle :/ I aint getting stung!! I'm inside for a few to see if the dumb thing will get it's curiosity out of it's system and GO AWAY! I'm allergic or I would have just killed it, but my luck I would miss and wind up at the hospital not getting anything done today. *sigh*

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