Covered in Compost
You are not to late, I was waiting till I got some replies and the kitchen empties out after we eat this after So would popping the skin dehydrate them better? Mmm, I never thought of sugar...
Would not adding sugar make a difference?Ldychef2k said:I am probably too late, but I was wondering if a quick dunk in boiling water (I would add sugar) would pop the skins? Is that what is done with grapes?
OK..A quick dunk in boiling, (sugar added)water till skins pop-then I let them cool and put in dehydrator? And for oranges,apples and bananas do ya'll use a lemon juice dip to prevent the frut from turning brown? and if you do is it mixed with anything?Ldychef2k said:I am probably too late, but I was wondering if a quick dunk in boiling water (I would add sugar) would pop the skins? Is that what is done with grapes?