Tank and i weed whacked and watered the grape vines. So far so good with the CD's keeping deer from eating the vines. I can't say it's an orginal idea. I recall reading about hanging CD's in fruit trees to scare birds away. I thought would try for deer.
I picked our okra. I didn't plant a lot this year and it is just starting to come in. I got enough for a big pot of okra, tomatoes, & onion with some bacon in it.
Sadly the heat and drought won this year for my corn. I'm still getting cherry tomatoes and crookneck squash so I'm grateful for that. I did get a 17 lbs cushaw pumpkin which I am currently cooking in order to make some pumpkin bread. I'm still waiting to see if I get any green beans, peppers and cucumbers. Also I have gotten some strawberries but they don't make it in the house.
Did some weeding in the garden but it's too hot to do anymore. I might go back out around 6 or so. Picked some cherry tomatoes, a yellow squash and 2 strawberries.
I finished watering the fall garden area and and still watering the okra. The okra needs another hour of water and I'm done watering until I start watering the sweet potatoes, peppers and eggplant in the morning. It's hot dusty dry here now. Full drought conditions.