Are we living our dreams?


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
I was outside and saw the stalk of lupine from last year laying out in the weeds. The seed pods on them are like that and fuzzy. They are small as well.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Maybe lupine. I googled it. I saw some yellow and brown, but what I have here is much darker, but who is to say. Daddy also thinks its from France, but now the secretary from our church claims she took some seeds from the church grounds last spring. I went to see the bush she was referring to and its a flowering one, which I don't recognize. Can't say that the one either though and its not in seed now.
My Daddy has been discharged from home healthcare services. He wants to take a bath, so we are talking about ways to get him in the tub. I think he is doing very good, considering. I'm trying to keep his paperwork in order and pay his bills. I began sending thankyou cards today, but I need new kids apparently got into mine.
Forgot Momma's checkbook yesterday at the house and had to return for it, leaving Daddy at the bank. When I walked in the house it smelled of roses. I got the checkbook and sent DH in the house to see if he smelled anything and what it was....he said flowers, so I asked what kind and he said roses. Just wanted a witness. I told Daddy and he started crying, but he is mostly alright. Bringing him to the doctor Tuesday for a checkup on his fractures.
So glad for the sun today. Hoping I can go outside to play in the garden. Want to get some places ready for my herbs. Thinking I will use an old concrete sink I have for something. 2 standard 15 inch tires were flipped and cut into planters years ago and I'm thinking I will use both of them for something. Other than that, I'm figuring on cutting all my and Daddy's 50 gallon plastic drums to clear things up and save me money. If I get it nice enough, maybe I can think of an excuse for Daddy to visit me.


Power Conserver
Feb 6, 2013
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Southeast Texas
rhoda_bruce said:
When I walked in the house it smelled of roses. I got the checkbook and sent DH in the house to see if he smelled anything and what it was....he said flowers, so I asked what kind and he said roses. Just wanted a witness. I told Daddy and he started crying, but he is mostly alright.
My sympathies and thoughts are with you on the loss of your mother. Smelling the roses is such a nice thing. I lost my Daddy a year ago. It was his time to go, but I miss him so much. The day after Daddy's funeral, I took my mother to the cemetery to retrieve some items from a wreath. This cemetery is located near the banks of the Neches River, but is in the middle of the city and urban sprawl. All of a sudden, a 6 pt buck came up the bluff that leads to the river and entered the cemetery through a break in the fence. Less than 75 feet from where we stood, he paused and calmly stared at us before calmly continuing along the fence line. At another break in the fence, he turned his head, looked directly at us for a long moment, then quietly turned and made his way back down toward the river. Stunned, I began crying, but I had this lovely warm feeling that everything was going to be okay. I was also laughing because I could just hear Daddy exclaiming, "a 6 pt buck and I let him get away!" If you are very lucky, you will continue to get those little reminders of who she was, and what she meant to you.



Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
That is a beautiful sentiment on both accounts :) :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
DD and DH planted our tomatoes into the garden today and I believe a lot of other started plants. It was payday, so everything got paid and I went over to Daddy's house to deal with a few things for him. He was asleep and I left him alone while I pretended to be my mother, dealing with stuff. Met the maillady and got both of our mail there. Daddy woke up and told me he had been awoke since 5:00am, was starving and fixed himself a fish fillet sandwich and by 6:30 the priest was in the driveway, ready for a visit. I told him I was wondering what was keeping him more than he was eating, so he told me that his daughter (me) had fixed a shrimp fricassee Wednesday and he's been starving ever since. He had also finished all his peanutbutter and opened a jar of figs, which he complained he didn't know who had fixed it but he knows its not Momma. Guess I'll have to make sure he has some figs. At least his appetite is improving. He says it feels so good to go to sleep and not having to be worried about anything because everything is alright. I didn't make him elaborate on his exact meaning.
I need to fix him some orange juice....he ran out yesterday and the trees will say thankyou for losing the fruit.
I started going thru Momma's clothes last night. Some will go into quilts, some to the community center and some are the perfect color to become American Indian and African American Ragedy Ann dolls. I've only made white ones for my girls. I think Momma would get a kick out of some of her clothes becoming toys. I make the 8 inch Raggedy because it takes less material and less space. I wanna make an old lady Raggedy too and DD 9 asked for a Chinese Raggedy. My older girls have become seamstresses, but I wish I could impart on them that it doesn't have to cost a fortune to can rumage thru used clothes to make what you want.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
I think using some of your Momma's clothes to make toys & quilts is a fantastic idea! I made pillows and tote bags out of some of my DS#1's clothes, for family members/myself. It was a nice remembrance gift, I think, and helped me part with some of the clothing.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
That would be super hard SSD. I've heard my grandparents say so often enough. My mother lost her little sister, who died after being run over by a truck, while waiting for the school bus and my father's little brother was stabbed in a fight, so I grew up with grands who had lost. But they somehow went on and I think became the worlds greatest grandparents.
I'm thinking of excuses to eat at my father's house. We ate the rest of the fricassee tonight, with some asparagus and mixed vegs to make it stretch. I just made sure I had bought some disposable plates and soft drinks to keep back there. After we ate, DD 9 was looking at The Cajun Night Before Christmas book Momma would read to the children on Christmas Eve and she asked me to read it. DD 16 asked if we'd have Granny reading it to us on DVD and I said, only if everyone wants to cry for Christmas....I think I can manage to read it and I did. DD 9 was laughing and DD 5 had her head on my arm, looking at the pics and smiling and when I'd turn the pages, I caught glimples of Daddy, in his wheelchair, smiling. I am glad we have Momma on video though, but I really don't want the whole house in tears, right before we give the kids presents. Long time before we have to worry about that though.
DH worried about the tomatoes because its supposed to get down to 37F tonight, but I don't think it would kill them and they don't have flowers yet, so shouldn't be any harm. I really want to get out there and play tomorrow.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe by Christmas it will be more easy for everyone to talk about and share that video. Very sweet that you have the option.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
DH's big upset yesterday morning was a cutworm got one of his tomatoes and I googled for suggestions. He has matches around each plant now and there is wood ash all over the bed and plant sites.
We also decided to cut down our mulberry tree. It was diseased anyway and it was not feasible to harvest any significant amount of the fruit. So we have another section of yard that now has enough sunshine to warrent a bed or 2. Fire was going all night long and is still burning from the damaged branches we piled.
We went to Mass at 5pm and I began missing phone calls, but I heard my phone humming, so I missed 2 from godchild and one from sister. Texted them both "Mass." Began to worry that something had happened to Daddy, so when we left DS called him and found out the problem was that my grandnephew had gone to sleep in my sister's bed, unnoticed and they went on a big search, until they found him asleep. He is just like my sister. When we were little she would hide in closets and under beds, but then fall asleep and no one would know where she was.....except Jude, at least was in a bed.
Well, today I think it will rain, so maybe we are just homeschooling, unless we can run out and accomplish a few quickies.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
:lol: I remember my sister bugging me one day to play hide and seek till I finally gave in and told her to hide. I forgot about it, and mom started missing her, and we all looked and looked....she was asleep under her bed the whole time.