Are we living our dreams?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
A few not so quickies were accomplished. DH has already taken up some of the new, opened space for some verticle gardening frames. 2 have been put up with the idea of melons and he wants another. He is going a bit wild with verticle gardening this year. I was running out of ideas for the cattle panels he is erecting and I finally said,"Limas." That seemed to please him....his favorite of all beans. But the unbelievable thing is the planting instructions. Momma always said, you just need one bean, every 4 feet. That would mean only 4 or 5 beans will cover a whole panel. IDK. But yet I listened once and had limas coming out the you know what...Well, the drizzling is getting to be more like rain, so here I am. DH and DS are out there, unearthing bricks, I forgot I had to make some tiny raised beds for the verticle gardens. If it puts food in the house.....good.
We just finished pulling an old chicken tractor apart. It served its purpose. It was pretty much free and sure did put some meat in the freezer, but less junk in the yard now and more available space for gardening. Time consuming though.
DD 9 is complaining she has the sick pee, so I fixed her cornsilk tea and having trouble convincing her that it does her pee no good in the mug.....better to do the herbals and get her well fast, than pay out the co-pay to the doc and have 10 days of meds and all kinds of labratory fees. Gotta get after her. Don't know what her problem is, cuz it don't taste bad.
Well, I spent a little while teaching Kindergarten, so its time for 3rd grade attention. She has just been doing what she is able to do without me there teaching her, but sometimes you really need a grownup reading what needs to be done.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
So ready to be off. Not only do I really want to relocate....slightly, all my hives to allow room for more gardening, but tons to do otherwise. Daddy pulled a stunt on me and hasn't made good on it yet and the results are that he has to go to the doctor Tuesday, which should have taken place last Tuesday.....before he tries something like that again, he should pull it on my brother, who has no medical/nursing training. Also my bestfriend's momma went to Heaven yesterday afternoon, so I will need to be available to her ASAP, but I think when its all over, I want her to come visit my garden. It would make her happy and then we could have a decent supper.
Next big project on my agenda.....cut some 55 gallon drums into 2 or 3 equal sections....bottom and top off, to make mini raised beds for my medicinal herb garden. Really looking forward to it. Hope the bees forgive me the relocation. I need to get myself into a beekeeping mode. Its been a while and now that herbology is big in the pic, I need that honey and wax more than ever. I don't even care if I don't sell any honey this year.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sorry about your friends mom :hugs Hope you get the bees moved and don't get stung too many times :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Is it possible to more the hives at night to lessen the chance of getting stung?

So sorry to hear about your friend's mom. This has not been a good month for you. :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I only move bees at night, if I just caught them. The hives weigh too much for me to be able to move them. Too many supers each. I have one that is about 5ft high. All of them have 2 brood chambers and most have at least 2 honey supers. It would be too bulky and too heavy, but it works good when its a fresh swarm in a new box. I don't have far to move them and the spots are pretty much cleared. I just have to put some new stepping stones to make some mini patios for each colony. I'm curious what I'll find when I open each hive anyway. Need to be serious with bee keeping this year. I could use a few stings anyway, but thanx.
It has been a rough month. I"m sorry for my friend. She is very devoted to me, so I have to offer whatever help I we are both outta mothers now....I lost mine by surprise and she had to watch her momma suffer til the bitter end, hoping she would finally find rest and peace. I just mainly need to live up to my best friend status right now. Its her walk and she is doing her best. Today she took her younger sister's 5 kids to buy them each a new outfit for the funeral. Thats just plain and simply good.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Ya'll just won't believe this one, but I'll tell ya'll anyway. Well, yesterday, I got off at noon for my week off. By 1:00pm, I was at Dad's house and loaded him up for a trip to New Orleans to see the Orthopedic Surgeons, following all his fractures and we got the order for outpatient rehab services. Then I was a few hours late for my best friend's mom's wake, but I brought 100 egg rolls and a tray with 40 sweet treats. Stayed with my friend almost 3 hours.
Over the night the 5 year old started vomiting. Then I got up and tried to put our day off to a good start and left for the funeral, which was at 11am. While I was at the cemetary, shortly after 12pm, I got a text from DH that my Dad had wrecked his car into a 4X4 and brought down part of an extended overhang he has in front of his front door. So I go home and eat lunch with the family, then go to his house and he wants to go to the bank and a few other institutions because my mother's death certificate came in yesterday. So I brought him to the bank and discovered he needed a copy of the will, so left him there and while I was going to his house for the will, I called my brother to advise him of the damages to the house. He met me in the back and started bracing the injured 4X4. I told him I think I have to take the keys away from him. He agreed, but didn't think Dad would handle it well, and if he gave me a problem to call him and our sister so we can all talk to him, if we have to. Agreed, but for a while I kept my mouth shut with Daddy.
So I couldn't find the will where he said it was and he told me to bring my copy, so went home and got it. Went into the office at the bank and opened the envelope in front of him and the bank president. He asks me,"You hadn't opened it?" to which I said, "You are still alive." to which the bank president said,"I guess she told you."
Well, we made 2 other stops and then I brought him home, at which time I told him I needed all his vehicle keys, until he was stronger and seemed more able to control himself. I told him he wasn't punished, but I needed those keys. He said that after what he did today, he deserved to be punished. I told him if he was going to punish himself, he'd probably do it more severely than I was feeling I would.
In the meantime, I had to houseplants that were given as condolance presents to my best friend, in my car and I was planning on going to her house with DH, but I advised my sister of all that has happened with Daddy, and she came over. Then DS looked outside and there was a large amount of smoke coming from the back. My brother's old house, which he used as a shed was burning. It was dangerously close to his trailer, which caught on fire. His bedroom, master bath, and part of his kitchen are gone.
Daddy wants to help him get started again, but he has his shorts tied up in a knot and is all upset and when he is like that, you can't talk to him. Daddy wanted him to spend the night, which I would have thought that would have been the best thing, considering it would give an excuse for one of us to stay with Daddy. But he is spending the night at his ex-wife's house with their kids. do ya'll believe me?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like you had a rough day. Hope today is better. :hugs


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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:th What a day Rhoda! Lots of loose ends to tie up now, hope you can get it done reasonably quickly, and everyone can get back on their feet. That really stinks, but we know it's all in God's hands, and there are reasons for it. I'd have a hard time finding the reasons for all that too, but they must be there somewhere *smh* You are a strong lady, and got a strong foundation underneath you, so I hope that helps you cope with this mess. I'm sure it will. Meanwhile, your in my prayers hun :hugs Wish I was closer to help you!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Offered little brother to live in the camper for the time being, until he figures out what he wants to do. Also asked him to think about staying with Daddy to help watch him at night-time. He is very sad.
Had a good visit with my BF last night....and her DH. Laughed until it hurt, which she needed that. Asked them to come over during the daytime, so she could see the coup and garden. She would love it. She claims she is coming here when TSHTF.....she keeps saying she will help me with my chores, so she can at least eat. She is funny.
Daddy having it rough. He needs to get back his strength, and show me I don't have to be afraid to let him drive, so he can feel like an adult again. I feel weird, being his parent.
Well, we got some sunshine, so hoping the yard dries up. A lotta things I wanna play with. We got water line issues right now that will need to be addressed as soon as we can more neatly dig into the ground.
Cindi....I do wish we did live a little closer. I'm sure our path's will cross eventually. And thanx for the prayers.
Glad February is over!!!! Amen and amen.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand drumroll..What do WE have for the very first day of March?!?! White stuff is pouing out of the sky. Could it be? Nah....I think a cotton trailer blew up somewhere close by :p :lol:

I really do want to meet you sometime SOON(hopefully)! I think we'd have a lotta fun :D

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