Bee~ Journal of then...

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
punkin said:
I hope everything goes as well as it can.

May your mom come live happily in your home;
The end of the abuse be no longer postponed;
May the sheep snofle your hair so sweetly;
May your place of peace take you completely;
I'll be thinking of you; prayers and all that,
Long live Beekissed, and her mom, the "old bat". :hugs
:lol: AWESOME Punkin!!!

Bee, for you a great big :hugs


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Oh, Punkin! That was great! :D :lol:

Thank you all for the prayers, for they are definitely working! Everything went way more smoothly than we ever expected and Dad is in a place that will evaluate his condition with the proper tests and see that he gets the medicine he needs.

Mom is having a tough time with all the emotions that one would expect, compounded by getting nasty calls from her crazy children over this decision. The same children who have been absent from the scene for many years and never helped her with Dad. Funny how its always those people who suddenly come out of the woodwork to proclaim their love for their Daddys and easy for them to say they would "never do that to a dog"! :rolleyes:

All the people who deal with this every day were very kind and supportive to Mom and worked until 12:30 am that night to help her get this in motion. All the judges, lawyers, social workers and psychologists were super nice and the police officers treated Dad kindly and with compassion, so there wasn't any big scenes or drama that would distress Mom even more. We were very impressed with how nice everyone was.

All events that happened this weekend were of divine design and we just stood back in awe and amazement as everything unfolded. We couldn't help but realize that everything that happened was definitely meant to happen in order for this to all go this smoothly.

It started on Thursday when Dad, out of the blue, packed his bag and said he was leaving. He drove all the way across the state looking for Mom......the same woman he had left standing on the porch earlier that day. He came back very confused and disoriented, trembling and anxious....and very surprised to find Mom right where he left her. On his trip he happened to walk into a gas station where my niece worked but didn't recognize her. She called my Mom and mother called the police to see if they could detain him so that he wouldn't be out there in the middle of the night driving around confused and scared.

Mom spoke with several police officers and a few 911 operators to see if they could help him, but they couldn't find him. They did put out a "Silver Alert", which is sort of like an Amber Alert, but for older folks. All those people advised her to go and see about getting him involuntarily committed for care. I called her the next morning and convinced her to go that very morning to do this, before she came up to the mountains on this trip.

As it turns out, in order for this to get accomplished, there had to have been an "event" in the last 72 hours. We didn't know that at the time but found it out when she went to apply for the petition. So Dad's little jaunt and the subsequent phone calls to the police all qualified as an event. If she had waited until later, as originally planned, we would have missed this opportunity. See how it all came together?

Turns out it took them all day and moving the issue to another county to get it accomplished but with every turn it was like divine providence. Every step that was taken made it better, faster, easier and every single person they dealt with was helpful, kind and eager to accomplish this goal.

Now, folks, you and I both know that, when you are dealing with the state and all the offices thereof, it is never easy, never helpful and never done fast. :/

It was this time! :) We couldn't help believe that God was helping every step of the way, because things happened that just couldn't have happened without some higher power in play. It was amazing and we spent the rest of the weekend in shock and awe over how good it felt to be that loved. :love

Dad was not overly upset or crying, pleading or fighting.....he was just bewildered and confused and mildly angry. This is entirely out of character, so we know that God was holding him in His arms as well.

We know it will all work out now because we got to see, first hand, what happens when the Lord intervenes. I gotta tell you folks...its great! :)

Of course, when she got home my mother had to deal with selfish, ignorant brats~her children. I told her that this is why God made caller ID.....don't even answer the phone when they call! If they visit in person, only let them in the door if they are visiting with support and solutions. If not, you have the power to close the door and lock it. Its as simple as that!

She is doing the best she can....but this is the first night that she has spent alone in her own home, without my Dad, in the past 57 years. Imagine that, if you will.....that boggles my mind! :th

Please continue to pray for my little, sweet ol' mom, if you will, because she is going to go through some very tough times getting all the guardianship set up, dealing with her emotions of guilt and pain, and just learning to be alone. The woman has been with my dad since she was 17 years old. Imagine never having slept alone in a house for 57 years.....weird! :/

Pretty soon she won't have to be alone.....she will be living with ME! :celebrate :ya :weee :love

Can't wait until the Bat flies home to me and the boys where we can love her and help her to learn to live a different, new kind of life. A life of freedom. It will all be so new to her that it will take awhile for it all to sink in.

Thank you all for your understanding and prayers.....and for letting me cry on your shoulders. It means so very much to me that you all are here and that you are the people that you are.....good, kind-hearted folks! :hugs :love


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
big brown horse said:

There is a reason for everything...

That is sooooooo uncanny that you would say that, BBH!!! :th That has been our mantra all weekend long! Every time we discussed how this or that thing just "fell into place" we would both agree that there is a reason for everything.

It has never been more apparent to me that this is indeed true. We were tracing events clear back to last year that, if they hadn't happened, this whole thing wouldn't have happened the way it did.

Makes one feel so integral to the whole, doesn't it? :) We are a part of a much bigger plan and that is comforting when things go wrong.....we can put it in perspective and realize that they didn't exactly go wrong...they were meant to happen and therefore, out of our control. Not our fault, no need to worry and obsess over what one could have done to makes things was just meant to happen. Not our design, but His. Not our will but His.

That all makes it much easier to let go of worry and have faith that it will all end okay. :)


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
I am so glad Bee! That is awesome. Free at last!

Sounds like it was perfect timing for her liberation.

But.. if he seems to improve on the medicine, they won't release him, will they?

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