Almost Self-Reliant
I agree whole heartedly. I wasn't a "single mom" but just about. My hubby was in the Air Force, and gone ALOT. So I mostly raised 4 kids, and we all survived the teens. 3 out of 4 are outstanding citizens...not sure what happened to the 4th. :/ NOTHING GOOD comes from " just getting through it" It IS hard work...continuos leading. You quoted some greatness from the Bible...words we all lived by here. Being in the military..we were "expected" to have.. "Military brats" Well, not mine! I wouldn't have it...I wirked hard to make sure of it. I always kept the lines of communication open to my kids, we talked about thier good, bad and fears. Talking DOES work...but...so does a good whoop on the behind when needed. I too get tired of hearing....." Boys will be boys" or " its a teen thing" What a cop out! Kids will be...what they are raised and taught to be. Its a shame that our society has become afraid of our teenagers. I wont be intimidated by a mouthy teen. Let me tell you a little story....
My son had a friend..who was let to "be a teen" He came to our house one day and was in a particular bad mood...being mouthy to me! So, I finally told him, either you change your attitude, or I will change it for ya. He smirked at me and said..." you can't touch me, I will call the law" HA! I told him, you go right ahead...because after I beat the snot out of you, and BEFORE the law gets here...I will be sitting on my front porch crying...and when the law gets here, and I run up to them playing the " I have been attacked by yet another "bad teen" and I was defending myself" to them...who do YOU think they are going to believe?? A woman in her mid 30's or a teen with a record? He just sat there...and finally said... You are not right! Thats mean! I said...look here sweetie...these days, its survival of the fittest...and I plan to survive. NOW, change your attitude. He did..and was polite from then on out whenever he came to our home.

My son had a friend..who was let to "be a teen" He came to our house one day and was in a particular bad mood...being mouthy to me! So, I finally told him, either you change your attitude, or I will change it for ya. He smirked at me and said..." you can't touch me, I will call the law" HA! I told him, you go right ahead...because after I beat the snot out of you, and BEFORE the law gets here...I will be sitting on my front porch crying...and when the law gets here, and I run up to them playing the " I have been attacked by yet another "bad teen" and I was defending myself" to them...who do YOU think they are going to believe?? A woman in her mid 30's or a teen with a record? He just sat there...and finally said... You are not right! Thats mean! I said...look here sweetie...these days, its survival of the fittest...and I plan to survive. NOW, change your attitude. He did..and was polite from then on out whenever he came to our home.