Mountain Sage
J, the Bat is allergic to bees also...but we just get her an epi pen and let 'er rip! She is allergic to all bees but honey bees affect her very little....go figure! Maybe its the same for your hubby?
The Bat's main enemy is yellow jackets....she was severly stung several times in her life by yellow jackets and this is the venom she is most likely to react to.
My bees were supposed to come today but they did not....
All in good time, I'm sure.
That is just one of the things I want to cross off my enormous list of things to accomplish this spring/summer.
Among those remaining:
Hive of bees
Plant the garden
Paint the porch, fences, mailbox, lightpost, etc.
Get logging truck load of firewood dropped, cut and placed in woodshed.
Build ramp onto porch.
Revamp porch to make wide steps down front of porch.
Re-do barn walls to provide more protection from the weather.
Organize storage/work shed and install windows, better lighting and shelving there.
Clean out and organize cellar/canning supplies.
Change back gate configuration for more efficient entry.
Cull laying flock.
Patch old nail holes in barn roof of recycled tin.
Wrap apple trees in chicken wire to prevent sheep nibbles.
Barn wall scraped of lead based paint and repainted before lambs installed there this fall.
Those accomplished:
Hive built, bees bought.
Buy meat chicks.
Buy more sheep
Buy laying chicks
Rotational grazing paddocks established.
Winter pen widened, plowed(will be planted to corn and pumpkins tomorrow.)
Old hay cleaned out of barns.
Chicken coop reconfigured for more efficient use of space.
Shelves built in building and most of Bat's stuff sorted and placed.
Insulation placed between rafters in cellar house and left over insulation placed hanging down the front wall. Already feels cooler there!
Garden fence built and garden gates installed.
Garden tiller purchased.
Garden plowed and all seeds/plants purchased and awaiting planting.
Rock flower beds rebuilt and filled with new flowers.
Gravel installed in front lawn to create large parking area.
I'm hoping that, by this winter, all things will be accomplished~ food canned, frozen, dried, etc. All wood sheds full to busting. All animal pens and coops efficiently situated for ease of feeding/watering. All winter feed prepurchased and stored well. Cellar stocked with root crops, winter garden planted under tunnels, winter graze established in the old garden plots. All hay under shed and ready to be fed. All lambs born in Sept. and thriving. Apple crop preserved and stored well, vinegar making in the jugs. Freezer full of good chicken, lamb?, deer(hopefully) and frozen, homemade chicken pot pies, hot pockets, pre-cooked stir fry meat and frozen veggies bagged together for quick meals.
One can dream, can't she???

The Bat's main enemy is yellow jackets....she was severly stung several times in her life by yellow jackets and this is the venom she is most likely to react to.
My bees were supposed to come today but they did not....
Among those remaining:
Hive of bees
Plant the garden
Paint the porch, fences, mailbox, lightpost, etc.
Get logging truck load of firewood dropped, cut and placed in woodshed.
Build ramp onto porch.
Revamp porch to make wide steps down front of porch.
Re-do barn walls to provide more protection from the weather.
Organize storage/work shed and install windows, better lighting and shelving there.
Clean out and organize cellar/canning supplies.
Change back gate configuration for more efficient entry.
Cull laying flock.
Patch old nail holes in barn roof of recycled tin.
Wrap apple trees in chicken wire to prevent sheep nibbles.
Barn wall scraped of lead based paint and repainted before lambs installed there this fall.
Those accomplished:
Hive built, bees bought.
Buy meat chicks.
Buy more sheep
Buy laying chicks
Rotational grazing paddocks established.
Winter pen widened, plowed(will be planted to corn and pumpkins tomorrow.)
Old hay cleaned out of barns.
Chicken coop reconfigured for more efficient use of space.
Shelves built in building and most of Bat's stuff sorted and placed.
Insulation placed between rafters in cellar house and left over insulation placed hanging down the front wall. Already feels cooler there!
Garden fence built and garden gates installed.
Garden tiller purchased.
Garden plowed and all seeds/plants purchased and awaiting planting.
Rock flower beds rebuilt and filled with new flowers.
Gravel installed in front lawn to create large parking area.
I'm hoping that, by this winter, all things will be accomplished~ food canned, frozen, dried, etc. All wood sheds full to busting. All animal pens and coops efficiently situated for ease of feeding/watering. All winter feed prepurchased and stored well. Cellar stocked with root crops, winter garden planted under tunnels, winter graze established in the old garden plots. All hay under shed and ready to be fed. All lambs born in Sept. and thriving. Apple crop preserved and stored well, vinegar making in the jugs. Freezer full of good chicken, lamb?, deer(hopefully) and frozen, homemade chicken pot pies, hot pockets, pre-cooked stir fry meat and frozen veggies bagged together for quick meals.
One can dream, can't she???