Bee's Guest House


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
J, the Bat is allergic to bees also...but we just get her an epi pen and let 'er rip! She is allergic to all bees but honey bees affect her very little....go figure! Maybe its the same for your hubby?

The Bat's main enemy is yellow jackets....she was severly stung several times in her life by yellow jackets and this is the venom she is most likely to react to.

My bees were supposed to come today but they did not.... :( All in good time, I'm sure. :rolleyes: That is just one of the things I want to cross off my enormous list of things to accomplish this spring/summer.

Among those remaining:

Hive of bees
Plant the garden
Paint the porch, fences, mailbox, lightpost, etc.
Get logging truck load of firewood dropped, cut and placed in woodshed.
Build ramp onto porch.
Revamp porch to make wide steps down front of porch.
Re-do barn walls to provide more protection from the weather.
Organize storage/work shed and install windows, better lighting and shelving there.
Clean out and organize cellar/canning supplies.
Change back gate configuration for more efficient entry.
Cull laying flock.
Patch old nail holes in barn roof of recycled tin.
Wrap apple trees in chicken wire to prevent sheep nibbles.
Barn wall scraped of lead based paint and repainted before lambs installed there this fall.

Those accomplished:

Hive built, bees bought.
Buy meat chicks.
Buy more sheep
Buy laying chicks
Rotational grazing paddocks established.
Winter pen widened, plowed(will be planted to corn and pumpkins tomorrow.)
Old hay cleaned out of barns.
Chicken coop reconfigured for more efficient use of space.
Shelves built in building and most of Bat's stuff sorted and placed.
Insulation placed between rafters in cellar house and left over insulation placed hanging down the front wall. Already feels cooler there!
Garden fence built and garden gates installed.
Garden tiller purchased.
Garden plowed and all seeds/plants purchased and awaiting planting.
Rock flower beds rebuilt and filled with new flowers.
Gravel installed in front lawn to create large parking area.

I'm hoping that, by this winter, all things will be accomplished~ food canned, frozen, dried, etc. All wood sheds full to busting. All animal pens and coops efficiently situated for ease of feeding/watering. All winter feed prepurchased and stored well. Cellar stocked with root crops, winter garden planted under tunnels, winter graze established in the old garden plots. All hay under shed and ready to be fed. All lambs born in Sept. and thriving. Apple crop preserved and stored well, vinegar making in the jugs. Freezer full of good chicken, lamb?, deer(hopefully) and frozen, homemade chicken pot pies, hot pockets, pre-cooked stir fry meat and frozen veggies bagged together for quick meals.

One can dream, can't she??? :D :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Bee, I admire your lists. You have already been able to get a lot accomplished! We have a, a BOOK of things we need to get done here as well. Similar to yours..painting, building, chopping, planting,growing,canning,freezing,drying, filling.....raiseing, butchering..Jeesh...I need to stop, before I overwhelm myself! LOL
NO RAIN this week..woohoo!! Now were talkin. Maybe I can FINALLY get my garden planted?? :fl


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Your rain is still here at my place... :rolleyes: I was out planting in it anyway but started to realize that my seed packets were becoming totally saturated.

Time to sit back and realize that the garden can wait a few more days...its waited this long!

Supposed to get some really hot weather this next week, so am really wanting all seeds and plants to be in the ground by then....then, by gum, watch everything GROW! :D

Just finished planting wildflower seeds, perennial flowers and some calendula.

We have had a very dry spring, so the rains are welcome here. Everyone who got their garden in early was either having to water heavily or their stuff got frosted, so I don't feel to badly getting it in a little later. All in God's time! :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
I know several people that had thier gerdens in before the rains....and they lost most if not all of it. They either rotted, or washed away. I was thinking...maybe the tomatos would be better off waiting to help ward off blight? I dunno...but like you said Bee...All in Gods time!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Bee, isn't this weather something? Every time I start thinking that I won't have a garden we get a crazy dip in the temps and then I'm glad I haven't gotten it in yet.

Seems like we all have monster lists going right now.... :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
Southren Indiana
going to get my garden in today sorry the rains went your waty Bee but I'm finally glad they are gone here we even had a tornado come thru here the day before yesterday not bad but enought to bother me DH said not to worry it isn't strong enough to blow the roof off HAHAHA this is a east cost girl he's talking to I know hurricanes not twisters :rolleyes:I sent my kids to the celler well time to get to the garden


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
mlynd, welcome to the forum! :)

Today I gave away about 50 square bales of old, mulch quality hay and an ancient refrigerator. Also an old, broken Fatso wood stove. I advertised these things for free in the locals and someone came and took all of them faster than three shakes from a lamb's tail!!

Love it when someone scavenges on MY property...its just as satisfying to get rid of something you don't want as it is to get something you need for free! :D

I needed to get rid of that huge stack of hay that had no nutritive value and was taking up space where I want to place my equipment. It also was a haven for rebel free ranging hens who like to lay anywhere but in the comfy nest boxes. :rolleyes:

The fridge had a bad seal and the plastic inside was so brittle it would crumble if you breathed on it. I had been keeping my eggs for sale in it, out in the garage, but I felt it was not energy efficient and not convenient to customers when they had to take a bungee cord off the handle to get the eggs out! :lol:

I'm so glad someone wanted and needed these things...truly, one woman's junk is another woman's treasure.

The sun will shine tomorrow and I can finally get some real planting done in the garden... :celebrate Tonight we had a campfire and burned some unsightly wood scraps, tons of dog food/chook feed sacks and some old tarps. It is a beautiful night, chilly and clearing up for the first time in days...perfect for chatting around a warm fire. The sheep liked it! :p

The new sheep is working out just fine and I feel good about the choice I made...she is bomb-proof, docile and easy to handle. She also looks big enough to be carrying twins or a huge additions to my tiny herd! :weee

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