Bee's Guest House


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Been awhile since I visited the guest house and I miss you all! Things have been pretty hectic here but are starting to settle down a little.

Big changes...for the first time in my whole life, I am living alone. Did you hear that? Entirely alone...well, I will be once my youngest goes away to military training at the end of the month.

The Bat is still ensconced in her own home for now and is readying it for sale....then will probably move in here~but until then, I am alone in the house. :th

The two oldest boys are out on their own but together and sharing the rent on a place. Joel was accepted into the nursing program and Eli is contemplating finding work in the oil fields.

I have always lived with someone else in my home.....weird to think of it that way but I have.

My mind is whirling with the possibilities.... :D Thinking about saving up for flying lessons....can you say "mid-life crisis", boys and girls? :p

Oh, I miss the laughter and noise a little but the house was feeling so cramped this past year, the boys were getting restless...and I was losing patience. :rolleyes:

The garden was a bust and the drought and heat has been the worst around grass is pretty hard used.

I got a new ram lamb that I just am not too fond of just yet...maybe things will change. He was pretty as a newborn but is quite scruffy and ugly right now...flighty and wild also.

I am selling Ugly Betty....she is my first herd cull.

Mo's baby is now referred to as Fats...he is sweet, soft and so big at 1-1/2 mo. that he has to get down on his knees to nurse! His fave thing to do is chase chickens.

The bees are extremely gentle and productive...they have almost pulled comb completely to the back of the hive. They are quiet and cause no harm, though the comb is not built where I planned.

The newest chicks~now 2 mo. old~ to the flock are amazingly hardy and tough, move like a well-organized army across the land, forage non-stop and are already perching on the top rung in the hen house...bold little brats!

Looks like the apple crop will be good this year....tons of apples.

I am getting back into making soaps, lotions, salt and sugar scrubs and will try to have some made before the Treasure Mountain Festival in mid-Sept.

Dad will be going to his new home on Wed. and Mom will be staying nearby to get him settled long last. It has been one year since he was committed for treatment.

Its a shame that my siblings had to obstruct his getting out of that place....but now he will be able to settle into a place that will be more friendly and home like.

Mom has had her property restored to her and will soon have her full income as sister has withheld giving her any of Dad's income for her spousal support but now she will have no choice.

Weird people! :/ Who in the world treats their parents this way? :hu

Fall is approaching swiftly and I do not have a stick of firewood in the shed, nor jars in the cellar, and only a little hay in the barn. I'm trying not to get frantic over these facts. :p

Hope all is well with your families and critters! :)


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I am so glad your boys are moving in together. It REALLY helps when you know they are helping each other out. Today my D1 and GEEK son have mutual travels planned. They are going to the DMV and then the grocery store together. Little stuff it seems, but it is nice to have someone along for those mundane types of journeys. I am glad that they feel like they can keep each other company for that kind of daily stuff. The Geek is still living a bachelor life and D1's hubby is shipped out in the military.

Glad things are working out for the Bat and your dad as well. We are beginning that journey with my dad, but we DO have unity in the sibling quarters. It makes tough jobs easier.

Our Malcolm is fascinated with the chickens and turkeys as well. Yesterday when I showed up to take a couple more turkeys away, he seemed MOST upset. He is turning out to be a little fatty as well. I have GOT to get some more pictures of him.

Don't feel too bad about the "no jars in the cellar" thing. ME neither! To think of all the different things that I had canned and was COMPETING with last year and this year - not a jar!! Oh well we will have to make hay later. It is hard to even THINK about canning when it is 89 degrees in the kitchen BEFORE you turn on the stove. :lol:


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
:frow Hi Bee! :frow It's been awhile since I have visited your house. Glad to hear everything is finally coming together for you and your family.

Now, git your butt in gear! Get some hay laid in, some wood chopped and some canning done! Quit your slackin' girlfriend! :gig


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Hi Bee, sounds like things are going well for you. Flying lessons huh??? Wow, exciting!!!!

Sounds like you will have plenty of apple product in the cellar this year.

Keep up the great work and post some pics of your great place when you have time.



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Hey Bee, So good to hear from ya again. Sounds like everything is finally settling down a bit for you. I remember when my kids first started leaving the nest, I was thrilled. It wasn't too long untill I was calling them all the time. LOL I missed the noise....whether it was bickering or laughing, I missed it. Thats when I turned to being Self Sufficient.Farming, gardening, and I have to say, I am most satisfied.
So glad your mom is getting her identity back. What a horrible thing to be taken from you, and from your own children!!! She is very blessed to have you there on her side.
Our garden was a bust here as well. Not much in the pantry to talk about this year. I think most of us had a year we would like to forget. I dont have the hay put in yet either. Hopeing to start working on getting that in soon. I really need somewhere to store it!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Hi Bee :frow

I always enjoy your updates :)

It sounds like your little homestead is moving right along, well, except for the garden.

Like you, I have never lived alone, and honestly it sounds way too quiet for my liking. I know that the kids have to fly the coop at some point but with a soon to be 8 yr old in the house, I have plenty of time. I suspect that you will find wonderfully productive and meaningful things to fill your time though ;)

Get on that wood girl, before you know it the temps are going to drop!



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Boy, it sure is great to hear from you all! I know, I know....get busy!!! :p

Problem is, I'm having trouble getting someone to deliver the load of logs....seems, after last winter, everyone has the same idea~GET IN FIREWOOD and lots of it! I just have to wait my turn.

Deb, you are right...the loneliness is setting in. Just missing the boys coming out on the porch to greet me when I come home of an evening. I miss the hugs and smiles. I guess this is when a husband would come in handy? :lol:

Farm, I'm glad to know that others are as unprepared as I for the winter months....and I had sooooo wanted to have everything stocked up this year. Hence the huge gardens and new canner.....well, the summer isn't over yet and I can still scrounge some veggies somewhere, I'm thinking.

I'll post pics of Fats and the new ram, Dooley, as soon as I can....too hot to even go outside in that baking oven and take pics. Too hot to breath..... :(


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Bee, Im sure all the "quiet time" will be bliss. Just sitting on the front porch, watching the animals lazeing in the pastures...then you get a twang of.."when are those boys coming home"? It does get better tho. PROMISE!
We was able to get most of our wood split...just not stacked yet. I might tackle some of that tomorrow..but the pasture fence comes FIRST! I know we dont have all the wood we will need...but I am feeling pretty good at haveing what we have, to get started with. Now if I can figure a good place to store hay....I will be good to go. ;)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Yeah...time rolls on and things change. One has to adapt and keep reinventing themselves to survive.

Who knows what will come next? :)

It would be nice if everyone on here could live close enough to have a "working" for big chores like getting in wood, harvesting, butchering, canning.

As it is, I'll be lucky if I can snag those boys on a day off to get them to help me cut firewood.

It doesn't look like there will be a second cut of hay this year and I depend on that kind of hay for good winter nutrition.

Deb, how's all your sheeples?

Mine have just about eaten all my grass down to a nub.... :(


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Sorry to hear about your garden being a bust. But happy to hear about the Bat and your father and yor boys going in their own directions.
I really enjoyed the time I lived by myself, after DD went to college and before I moved in with SO. It took a little adjusting, but I really liked having my freedom. I got my house in order, the way I liked it and no-one to mess it up either.
I ended up with quite a few animals and could let the chickens in the house without having to hear anyone say: Ewww! I stepped in chicken poop! I had enough sense to watch out for it and didn't mind cleaning it up.
I could do my art work anytime of day or night and leave the stuff out. I could eat what and when I wanted. I could come and go as I pleased. Well more or less, I still had to go to work and make sure the animals and garden were taken care of. But I did love having my house all to myself.
I ended up having to get roomates to help with the mortgage, and that put an end to some of my freedoms. Then DD and hubby moved into my place, with their dog and 2 cats.... :rolleyes:

Wish we all lived closer too. I have plenty of peaches to go round and need help processing them all. Soon we'll be inundated with tomatoes, sweet corn and summer squash. The assorted cucumbers are already beginning to scare me, I can only make so many jars of pickles :ep
And we planted lots and lots of assorted beans too. At least I can let them dry on the vine and they'll still be good. There is just too much work for just the 2 of us :th