Bee's Guest House


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Bee, all I can say is....growing up sucks! Remember when you were little, and dreamed of being a "grown up"?? All of the.." I can't waite to get a job" or " I can't waite to have my OWN house and RULES" :lol: Now we have them...and wish for the "easy days" of OUR childhood. No...we didnt have cable, satelite, cell phones, computers, gameboys, or even video games.....unless you was fortunate enough to have "pong" ( we didnt) and we didnt have AC. We, like you played outside, when we wasn't working the garden, fields, animals.....and we played outside after dark, under the barn light....unless it was dureing school...then we had to come in when the light came on. We didnt complain about haveing to go to bed...we were tired..and most nights welcomed bedtime. When it was too hot in the house to sleep in the summer..we all slept out on the front porch, or lawn. We were healthy....and slept good.
For me at least....I am fairly healthy..and I sleep like a rock every night. I am so worn out from the days work and now being an adult, the days stress. Some days I would like to throw in the towel...move to town, get a small worries....then..I sit on the porch at night with my coffee...looking up at the vastness in the sky...actually seeing the stars...with a barn cat at my feet....and think..."How can people actually live in the city?" It would be "easy" to sell out, and run...but you know what?? My life has never been "easy" and I am not looking to take that easy road now. I am a farmer...a pioneer of the land...a hard worker who can relish in the products of my labor. I am proud....and I am happy.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Girl, we all outta take a rafting trip! Sounds like we all need some excitement to perk us up!

I know the feeling....hubby and I talk about it all the time, how when the kids are grown and on their own we will give them the farm and pick up and move to the middle of nowhere and do whatever we want.

I don't think I could do the rv thing....might be nice for a few weeks but then my butt would get sore from sitting too much and I'd probably end up like that I LOve Lucy movie where she collected rocks from everywhere they went and then it crashed the rv cause of all the weight :lol:

Sometimes we just need to do something different to recharge our batteries. Maybe do some volunteer a Habitat for Humanity project anywhere near? :hugs


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I think the HEAT and MUD of this summer has us all worn out. ... and I haven't even started canning yet!!

Justus I am SO glad that you had a childhood like that! How wonderful indeed. :) Some parts of my childhood had that wonder as well.

We lived on a small acreage and the people that owned it (we rented because the owner had to go to a nursing home) had been SS like we are. They had raised a calf for beef each year and milked their cow. They raised chickens and I think ducks as well. They had peaches, pears, cherries, plums, and berries and a huge garden and totally fed their large family on the acre of land. Of course I had no ideas about that stuff back then. All I knew is that I could go outside my door in the summer and simply graze for breakfast and snacks. That part of my childhood obviously had a HUGE impact on who I am today. :p

OTHER parts of my childhood also had a huge impact on me, but the major one there was I only started to actually be happy and really LIVE when I got all "grown up" and had a job and lived where I "have my OWN house and RULES". Childhood was nice, but my big girl life has ALWAYS been happier. ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I don't know what to say. I agree with so many things that have been said. I think having this forum and you gals keeps me sane. After listening to you all talk about how hard farm life is but how well you sleep at night it only makes me want it more. I'm not afraid of hard work. I think I'm more afraid of never feeling satisfied.

That may be a void caused by lack of faith. I am working on that too. :idunno

Vacations are good. We try and go to the national parks with my kids. But at the same time it's the very reason I can't get goats. That sucks.

How about a house swap? Somebody come here and watch my hens and hang out at the beach. I'll head your way and feed the goats/sheep scary pigs etc..



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
The only bummer would be we could not hang out and chat over coffee. We would still be communicating via computer, :D Just different locations. :barnie

Ok forget it. Just come visit me. :D



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Lori, my whole life is sort of volunteer work....hospice doesn't pay much and it tends to take more of your time than a normal job. I don't just visit patients...sometimes I trim cockatoo wings, help train puppies, let them use my truck to haul brush piles while I see their loved one, carry in heavy things, climb onto ladders, run errands....not to mention give them my eggs, veggies and fruit.

I think I'm rather burnt out on giving my time and life to folks who, for the most part, are pretty self involved and not very thankful.

I know, I is not supposed to expect something for the good things you do, but it would be nice once in awhile for someone to say, "I know you have a family and a life and several other patients, so it was pretty nice of you to listen to me, help me, give to me, etc."

Like I said...I'm on a major pity party and I've learned from past experience that it just has to run its course!!! :rolleyes: :lol:

Pathetic...I know! :D

And the rafting trip sounds like a great idea....I loved the one I did last summer! Wouldn't that be the berries to all meet up and do something that fun? Sun, water, laughter, adventure....and then a rest in a great hotel, good food, good talk.

What a dream! :love I really miss having girlfriends to hang out with....we used to have so much fun back in the day.

Gina, I vote we all come visit you and hang out at the beach! :D We'll be drinking margueritas by the sea, mamasita! :cool:

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Hi Bee!

Stop off here for a while too. :) It is like living in "faux Ireland". ;) Cool off your jets and take in the emerald scenery by the ice blue sound. Don't tell anyone, but it doesn't rain that much here.

You are a great caretaker!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
I know I need a vacation...but then who would care fo the animals!?? Jeesh! I can't even afford to get sick let alone to have a vacation! LOL
Yes Bee, we all have times when we need to throw ourselves a pity party, since no one around us will. LOL. Let me be the ont to tell are a GREAT caregiver...and all that giving will come to day. Just dont look for it. ;)
This mean old summer has taken its toll on us all I think. Rain, heat, humidity, mud, then drought. UGH! Its "feast or famine" around here, I want that "even keel"


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I've been thinking..... :/

Did you all hear the wheels grinding and moaning?? :lol:

I think these extreme weather conditions are just another sign of the end times (I can just see the heads shaking as folks think, "Poor thing will be waving a sign on the street corners next!"). :p

During the tribulation there will be major, world affecting weather trends in which a third of all the green things burn up, a third of the oceans turn to blood, a third of all the fresh water is poisoned. There will be world wide earth quakes....just a general earth upheaval.

I've been reading about the general warming up of the global temps and what will result if this trend sort of sounds just like the prophecy.

This heat has been depressing me and it has a different feel to it....just a more penetrating feel to it. Hotter somehow than mere summer weather....more like being in an oven. All day today the sky was just LOW....low and gray and sort of threatening. But not like with an oncoming just loomed. The mountains were wreathed in mist all day long. And it was HOT, breathless, no wind except an occasional hot breeze now and again.

I know you all will think I have a very active imagination...but when I watched the skies today I kept remembering the verse where it says that there is a supernatural battle going on in the air around the earth, especially in the end times.

I don't know...the skies just look and feel...threatening. Could it be we can pick up the vibes of the world anticipating its end? It says in the Bible that the Earth and the creatures upon it will cry out and moan for His coming.

I know...I'll be getting a package in the mail soon with a perscription of Prozac, Lithium, and Haldol..... :p

I'm just sayin'.....