Mountain Sage
I bought two loads of great firewood on Friday for $75 a load, stacked, seasoned oak. Excellent buy around here, and they unloaded it and stacked it in my woodshed.
I had planned on buying more until I had enough in the shed for the winter. I was planning on buying a load as money allowed, which is narrow right now.
I'd also been paying my boys to glean some firewood from my sister's farm and they had brought 3 small pickup loads of very dry locust and pine. The boys are out of work right now and I had planned on buying wood, so why not kill two birds with one stone, right? church has a firewood ministry every year and I usually donate money and my work and time to it...I find it to be a worthy ministry. This year I didn't really remember it and my truck is in the shop, not to mention my back is a ticking time bomb and I bunged up my shoulder~icing it down as I type and even typing is painful.
They brought me this huge trailer load of oak wood today!!!! It completed my woodpile and will take me through the winter. They usually let me haul a few truckloads home from the ministry each year but they've never provided this much!!!
I am thanking God right now, as my finances are very low at this time. My truck is in the shop for a repair of over $500 and, when you live on my income, those lump sum expenses can hit you hard.
What a blessing! God knows, takes care of me and provides.
It has been a beautiful, blessed day all around~sunshine, perfect temp, fall colors glowing, love flowing.
I had planned on buying more until I had enough in the shed for the winter. I was planning on buying a load as money allowed, which is narrow right now.
I'd also been paying my boys to glean some firewood from my sister's farm and they had brought 3 small pickup loads of very dry locust and pine. The boys are out of work right now and I had planned on buying wood, so why not kill two birds with one stone, right? church has a firewood ministry every year and I usually donate money and my work and time to it...I find it to be a worthy ministry. This year I didn't really remember it and my truck is in the shop, not to mention my back is a ticking time bomb and I bunged up my shoulder~icing it down as I type and even typing is painful.
They brought me this huge trailer load of oak wood today!!!! It completed my woodpile and will take me through the winter. They usually let me haul a few truckloads home from the ministry each year but they've never provided this much!!!
I am thanking God right now, as my finances are very low at this time. My truck is in the shop for a repair of over $500 and, when you live on my income, those lump sum expenses can hit you hard.
What a blessing! God knows, takes care of me and provides.

It has been a beautiful, blessed day all around~sunshine, perfect temp, fall colors glowing, love flowing.