Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I did it!

I had my day all planned out. I was going to work until 12:00, run over to TSC and get some cat food and some chicken food, stop at another store for a couple of things, then go to the farm. I was going to get everyone fed, work on cleaning the field, then grab the boys and leave by around 2:00. Can we say that didn't happen? Around 10:30, I noticed that it was really getting cloudy. I knew there was the chance of some thunderstorms, and thought about calling someone to have the check a radar map for me. I never got the chance. I felt about 2 drops of rain, then the skies opened up! I was out in a field, weeding the fence line. Needless to say, I booked it for the barn. I had weeds in the bucket-they're still there.

I noticed when I was going up that the horses had some manure under the run in, so I took a few minutes to clean that out, hoping that the rain would blow over. And, at first, it seemed like it was going to. It stopped raining. I headed for the house, thinking maybe my boss would have the weather on, and I could see what it looked like. By the time I got to the house, it was raining again. So, I sat by her kitchen door and watched the rain. Around 11:00, it started to slack off, but it was just too wet to do anything else, so I left and went to TSC. I didn't get the chicken food. I had no place in the truck to put it, and the bed was just too wet. So, I figured I'll just be able to get extra done at the farm.

I got to the farm. I had gotten a can of can Spaghettios to heat up for lunch. Won't be doing that again. I no longer like them. :sick I had no sooner gotten in my tack shed, when it started to pour again! And, it didn't stop for quite some time. Not only was I able to eat my lunch, but I also sorted thru all the first aid supplies. We had it in 2 containers. There's now some in both, and I put one container down for KN and PT.

It finally stopped raining enough so I could go and feed horses. I got all of them fed, then started cleaning the field. I'm so far behind that as much as I would have loved to just gone home, I need to get this caught back up. And, it took me longer than I was expecting. (It's still not all cleaned, but I had the section done that I wanted to get done today.) By then, it's after 3:00. I collected trash, fed the chickens, fed the cats, put hay out for my horses, put Misty and Stormy back in the field, then went and got the boys.

I think they knew something was up. Normally, when I opened the door, they were right there, looking for food. Not today. I tried to fool them, but they wouldn't come close. I finally ended up using a fish net to catch them. I stuck them in feed bags, tied baling twine around the tops, put them in my truck and went home. It was almost 4:00 by the time I got home.

If I had gotten home earlier, I would have started my chocolate chip banana bread. But, it was almost time for my hubby to get home, so instead, I put the boys in the old chicken pen (it's 6 ft high, and enclosed. I figured that was probably the safest place to do them.) Then, I started to collect everything I thought I'd need. I only forgot the scissors. I put my hot plate on the fender to my horse trailer, put a pot of water on it, stuck a thermometer in it, then got my cone, went in the pen, and hung it. I got one of the boys out, put him in it, and was able to cut his throat! He bled out, but the water wasn't hot enough, so I moved him, and did his brother.

By the time I had him done, the water was hot. So, I took both of them, and 1 at a time, dipped them. Once they were both dipped, I started plucking. That took me longer than I expected. By the time I had both of them done, I was beat. Hubby was in the kitchen, and all I wanted to do was relax! So, both of the boys were put in a bag, and they're in my fridge, chilling. I had been going to make jam tonight, ain't happening! I'm just too tired!

But, I did it! I know you can chill them B4 gutting them, and that it's supposed to make it easier. But, how soon do I need to finish them?


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Woo hoo! :woot Go Deb!!!!

Im not real sure on your question though because we either avoid it or do after plucking. But congrats!!!



Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
That sounds like an exhausting day! Where do you get your energy?

And I was all proud of myself for painting the bathroom.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
savingdogs said:
That sounds like an exhausting day! Where do you get your energy?

And I was all proud of myself for painting the bathroom.
I'm not sure where I got it, but I lost it at some point in time today. I plain and simply ran out of steam. :( I'll be so glad when I'm done working. It will make my life so much easier.

And, congrats on getting the bathroom painted!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Great job! You will never again have to clean a chicken for the first time. :lol:

As for how long to chill them ... I usually gut my birds and soak them in some icy salt water right after butchering for about 10 - 15 minutes. Then I drain them and chill them in the fridge for two or three days before I freeze them. In the UK most people chill them guts intact.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And, I'm one step closer to being self sufficient! I can now grow a garden, as well as freeze and can. I can catch a fish, clean it and cook it. And, I can kill a chicken! I had hoped to grow some grain this year, but it just didn't happen. Hopefully, next year.

Of course I know, I'll never be 100% self sufficient, I can't grow my own chocolate for instance, but y'all know what I mean.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
And, I'm one step closer to being self sufficient! I can now grow a garden, as well as freeze and can. I can catch a fish, clean it and cook it. And, I can kill a chicken! I had hoped to grow some grain this year, but it just didn't happen. Hopefully, next year.

Of course I know, I'll never be 100% self sufficient, I can't grow my own chocolate for instance, but y'all know what I mean.
Thats really good. Im gonna try with grain (maybe) next year or alfalfa for the buns.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Oh do try the grain BB!

I did a small plot of wheat one year and it was a blast! It was winter wheat and I grew a small 8 x 10 foot plot. I did all of the cutting and threshing by hand. The best part was visiting the plot in the winter when the snow was gone and seeing the little green blades trying to grow in my garden.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Farmfresh said:
Oh do try the grain BB!

I did a small plot of wheat one year and it was a blast! It was winter wheat and I grew a small 8 x 10 foot plot. I did all of the cutting and threshing by hand. The best part was visiting the plot in the winter when the snow was gone and seeing the little green blades trying to grow in my garden.
I have a plot behaind the house which would be good for it, Id have to fence the birds out. Did you have a lot for flour?

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