Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Maybe I'm tired, or maybe it's the weather, or maybe it's hormonal, but I'm miserable.

First off, I'm not sleeping the greatest, so I'm tired. But even if I'm tired, I can't just sit around and do nothing. There's too much that needs to be done. And, right now, the weather is kind of miserable. We had a couple of inches of much needed rain over the weekend, but the system isn't completely gone. It's cool, windy and there's still a bit of drizzle. Then again, I am a woman, so it could just be hormones, but whatever, I'm just plain miserable. So, if you read the following, be forewarned, I will be doing a bit of ranting.

I was able to get up at almost the time I wanted to this morning. Which meant, I was almost on schedule for getting out the door. Hubby left for work, and shortly thereafter, I read my Bible. Then, I put my coffee on, and went to get changed. My phone rings. It's in the living room. That meant I had to get my clothes back on and go grab my phone. (If we didn't have a window in the door, and if I had known exactly where my phone was, I may not have bothered.) It was KN. She was off today, but because of the weather, decided not to go to the farm. So instead, she talked to me for 1/2 an hour or so! Did learn a couple of things. Justice did not chase Timmy thru a fence. He just chased him. They found Timmy in the field and Justice in the barn. The horses did not break any part of the fence. It's a board fence w/the slip rails. They just took it apart. It was an easy fix.

Finally sat down w/my coffee and breakfast. While I was eating, I worked on my Spanish. This course I'm using takes a different approach than how I learned in school. I only took 2 years of Spanish because quite truthfully, the teacher lost me when we did more advanced work on verbs. I couldn't remember what all the tenses were called, or how to use them. This approach is much different, and I find I'm understanding it better now. I still had a bit of time left when I finished the lesson I was working on, but rather than moving on, I decided to stop.

I left, went to TSC for cat food, pasture seed and a tarp, then head to the farm. I see no sign of anyone else. I get my horses fed, get CL's fed and the phone rings. It's CL. She wanted to know if I could put a blanket on her 1 horse. Of course I did it, but at the same time I'm thinking to myself, "You were here on Saturday. You knew what the weather was going to be, why didn't you do it then?"

The 2 horses that were moved into the barn because of the weather are still in there. There's no sign of PT. Great, that means I have to move both horses over by myself. And I knew the one is a PITB to lead. So, I decide to bring them over 1 at a time. Get them moved over and notice that someone had pushed a board enough so that it was almost falling off. I got my hammer, and hammer it back in. Later I decided I was going to make sure none of the horses did that again, so I strung a short piece of wire up. Since this is in the field where CL's horses are, it makes it less likely the fence buster will bust anything there.

I get RU's horses fed. Once they're eating, I start checking on chickens and letting the rest of the horses loose. By then, they others are normally done eating. I get everybody untied, open gates to let horses out, or give them access to hay or water, and am finally able to do my stuff. By this time, it's 10:48. I got all the manure cleaned up out of the section I have marked off. Go to dump it, and get the mower stuck! :barnie I was finally able to get it out, so I put it away and got a small muck bucket and a shovel and started on getting weds out. I wasn't able to finish. Hopefully, I'll get that done and get my grass seed down.

And, there's no sign of Rerun. So, I think I'm just going to have to accept that she's gone.

Get home, hadn't been in the door 5 minutes and KN calls. I got rid of her quickly. I'm getting tired of people constantly calling me and wanting something from me. I have the phone from when we were doing the pony rides. I think I'm going to get a different number for that phone, and carry that one w/me all the time. Only people who will have that number will be hubby, my parents and my kids. The other one I'll leave off-unless I don't mind talking to people.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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OK, I'm not there, so this is JMHO, but man Deb, everybody seems to be taking advantage of your kindness!! They can't fix a rail fence (is that what it is?) without pestering you? They 'don't feel like going to take care of their animals', so leave it all to you?? They call and give you extra things to do, with their animals??? :barnie I know you are in a tough spot, since your horses are there, but it seems to me they are really becoming selfish jerks at your expense!! I can see why you desperately want out of there and to a place of your own - except they will probably fall apart once you're gone :lol: If staying on good terms wasn't such an issue, I'd say you should tell them to take care of their own d*$n animals!!! I am sorry to hear rerun hasn't come back. My DH HATES cats - but I have one anyway :p She knows to avoid him, and he ignores her. When he tried to put his foot down and say no to getting her, I pointed out that this was MY house too, and he gets his dog-of-choice so I get Miss Kitty :cool:

I really wanted to get that computer program to continue learning Spanish or try learning Italian - Rosetta Stone - then I saw the price :ep $524 on sale!! I do keep looking for it at the thrift stores, but it hasn't shown up yet :/ Until I can find it for under ten bucks, I will have to pass!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
This isn't Rosetta Stone. I couldn't afford that either! This is called Power Glide. It has 8 discs and a 159 lesson workbook. I had started writing in the workbook, but stopped. (Glad I only wrote in pencil, I'm going to erase it.) When I'm done w/it, I'll sell it. I know they still sell it, but it's different now from when I got it. I'm up to lesson 25. Some lessons are easy since it's basically review of things I already know. And, I might do more than 1 lesson. Other lessons are harder, and I might not get done for a few days.

I'm probably doing it a bit different than most people. I read over the lesson. They'll have a column w/the English, then next to it will be the Spanish. So, I'll cover up the Spanish, and try to translate the English into Spanish. If I have trouble w/anything, I'll go over it and over it again until I get it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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I used powerglide with my girls when they were in high school. It is a good program.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've toyed w/the idea of getting the French and then German when I'm done w/the Spanish. We'll see.

And, I've made a decision. I will no longer answer my phone in the morning. Whoever is calling can just leave me a message. Then, if I need to, I'll call them back. It will save me time, so I'll get more done. If you want to talk to me, talk to me in the evening when I don't have anything to do.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
Hey Deb,

So sorry to hear about your troubles. I do agree, sounds like your friends might be taking advantage of you. I will be here for you when you want to learn German, and you won't need to spend money :) Everytime I feel run down I try and do something during the day that is just for me. Like I make myself something special to eat, or I sit down and watch something and this is my time. Nobody may interfere with it. Maybe that will helo you a bit?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I do that all the time... if I don't know the number, or I just don't feel like talking to you, eat voicemail. That is the lovely thing about cell phones - you can tell who is calling!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So of course, no one called this morning! :lol: That is, until later. Then it was PT. She wanted me to put out hay. Sorry, it's not in my schedule, and there was no one at the farm to open and close gates for me. If there had been, I would have made the time. Or, even if she had called sooner so I could have left the house sooner. But, it is still very difficult for me to get on and off the tractor. And, I would have had to get on and off 4x to open gates. Because of the rain, they do have some grass, so hopefully it's enough to hold them until tomorrow. Otherwise, I just might find myself fixing a fence again. And, by the time they'll need it again, RU will be back, so I won't have to worry about it.

In other news, RERUN SHOWED UP TODAY!!!!!!! :ya :ya :ya I was soooooo glad to see her and so relieved. I asked her where she had been, but all she told me was Meow. I don't speak cat, so I don't know what she was telling me. But, she was extremely hungry. So, wherever she was, I have a feeling she wasn't eating.

Because of working on the coop and then the rain, I wasn't able to keep up on cleaning the field. Plus, they did quite a bit in the stalls. So today, I got caught up in the field and got one stall cleaned out. Tomorrow, I'll get the rest of the stalls done.

I also spent quite a bit of time pulling and/or digging up buttercups and dock. It's taking me longer than I expected. But, hopefully it will be all done by tomorrow, or Thursday at the latest. Then I'll be able to put the seed down and get some grass in there!

While the coop is at the farm, it has no roof to it. So, we put a tarp over it to keep it dry. Well, it stayed dry-until today. I was able to get inside of it so I could push the tarp up. It didn't work quite as planned. The water all came over on the one side. It soaked me from the knees down! So, my jeans were wet. My boots were wet, my socks where wet. And, the only other jeans and boots I had w/me were my good ones. (I had my allergist and chiropractor's appointments today.) And, I had no dry socks. My jeans had pretty much dried out by the time I had to get changed, but my feed hadn't. The right was worse than the left. So, I put my soaking wet foot in it's soaking wet sock in my good boot. I think my foot may have dried out by now.

Went to the feed store today. And found out they will be getting chicks in. I have eggs in the incubator, some for me and some for KN. (I told her I'll hatch em out, but I won't raise them, that's her job!) So, if I don't get the chicks I want from this batch of eggs, at least I'll be able to get some chicks! They're getting different breeds in at different times. The ones I want will be here in about a month. So, that gives me time. And I'm also behaving myself. They're also getting some straight run heritage bronze turkey poults in. As much as I'd like to get some, I won't do it. I'm not telling anyone else. We don't need any more animals out at the farm!

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